Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Correct. 3 working sets to failure, one top set followed by 2 backdown sets.
I take you do the same for legs, shows how different we as individuals are.... upper body I do bassically the same as you, but if I tried to do that with legs either my knee caps would explode or I would get no stimulation if I used less weight to keep it safe.
so I use more sets for legs around 5-6 working sets...
High day today. Fucking hate eating.

Meal 1
140g steak
2 whole eggs
300g rice
2tbsp ketchup
100g banana
Black coffee
8oz fruit juice

Meal 2-3
176g chicken
370g rice
10g macadamia nut oil or EVOO
8oz fruit juice

Meal 4/Pre
40g protein from whey
300g rice
2 chewy bar
10oz juice of choice

50g liquid carbs (25)

Meal 5/Post
40g protein from whey
300g rice
2 chewy bar
10oz juice of choice

Meal 6
140g steak
2 whole eggs
370g rice
100g banana
2tbsp ketchup
8oz fruit juice

Before bed:
200g low fat Greek yogurt
80g carbs from cereal
Unsweetened almond milk for cereal
8oz fruit juice
Holy molly, do you use any chicken or beef stock, swallowing dry ass meat with rice feels rough.
I take you do the same for legs, shows how different we as individuals are.... upper body I do bassically the same as you, but if I tried to do that with legs either my knee caps would explode or I would get no stimulation if I used less weight to keep it safe.
so I use more sets for legs around 5-6 working sets...
Quad compounds I keep a tad higher, never below 8 reps but yes, still 3 to failure.

Leg press work is 10/9/8 plates per side right now for those 3 sets, smith squats 5/4/3.5 plates per side.
I'm a big fan of cooking my rice in chicken stock (literally bone broth but 1/2 the price). I add a little bit to my rice/ground chicken mix before heating it up as well. Good source of collagen and adds flavor.

Same here, unless it’s fried rice, I would need soup on the side or else its a struggle getting the chicken breast in.
Im embarrassed to admit I went over a year gaining 70lb force feeding dry chicken without realizing i could’ve been putting some chicken broth in there. Bbq and mustard and other sauces made me gag peak off-season
218.8 for this weeks checkin.

No daily diet or drug changes. Still no fat burners. High days now have a cheat as well instead of the yogurt/cereal meal…
puke GIF
Post-training during yesterdays high day.

View attachment 280863

Also making a split change. Have been abusing my arms for a while and time to back off. Arm day is becoming a second pull day. Arm volume is being spread thruout all upper-training days. Focus is on just getting them a good pump 4x a week vs annihilating them. Order of the first 3 days may change.

Push A
Pull A
Push B
Pull B (+ hams)

Push A
  1. Low Incline Smith
  2. Flat HS Press
  3. Lying Double Cable Lateral
  4. Seated Face Pull
  5. Single OH Ext
  6. Superset - HS Curl/EZBar Pushdown
  1. Adductor
  2. Seated Curl
  3. Leg Press
  4. Smith Squat
  5. Lying Curl
  6. Leg Ext (or lunge)
Pull A
  1. Single Cable Pulldown
  2. Double D-Ring Pulldown
  3. Single Lat HS Row
  4. HS Row
  5. Single HS Curl
  6. Superset - OH Ext/Alt Hammer Curl
Push B
  1. Incline HS
  2. Pec Dec
  3. DB Lateral
  4. Seated Face Pull
  5. Smith JM Press
  6. Superset - Alt DB Curl/EZBar Pushdown
Pull B
  1. Single High Cable Row
  2. Barbell Row
  3. Single Cable Pullover
  4. Seated Curl
  5. Adductor
  6. Single Preacher Curl
  7. Superset: Strap Curl/Strap Ext

How long does, say a pull session take to complete? I've tried PPL and I ran into issues because I had to warm up the different muscle groups before hitting top sets. (I'm old) Maybe I've just been doing a " bro split " for so long that everything else feels odd.
How long does, say a pull session take to complete? I've tried PPL and I ran into issues because I had to warm up the different muscle groups before hitting top sets. (I'm old) Maybe I've just been doing a " bro split " for so long that everything else feels odd.
I take ~90-105m (occasionally longer) but I am also doing 3 sets per movement and the loads I’m using drive a bit more rest (2.5-3m per set). Simple math says ~18 sets x (3m rest +1m set) = 72m minimum.

For my first movmeent it’s about 3-4 warmup sets (ascending loads, descending reps) but shorter rests. By movement 3 on back for instance I’m doing 1 moderately heavy warmup then getting to work. When the switch to biceps or hams happens it’s usually 2-3 warmups then work.

IMO the issue is people not using and focusing on warmups like they would a real set. My warmup reps look EXACTLY like working reps and by set 3 in a warmup I’m starting to get a pump.
Hey mate how much protein where you taking in when you were building most of your muscle mass early on? Thinking of toying with 2g/lb maybe even a bit more
Hey mate how much protein where you taking in when you were building most of your muscle mass early on? Thinking of toying with 2g/lb maybe even a bit more
My offseasons turned a corner when I went higher protein. I regularly sit around 1.75-2g/lb and my clients are typically at 1.25ish for naturals and 1.5 minimum for enhanced, closer to my intake for the serious bodybuilders who can handle it.
My offseasons turned a corner when I went higher protein. I regularly sit around 1.75-2g/lb and my clients are typically at 1.25ish for naturals and 1.5 minimum for enhanced, closer to my intake for the serious bodybuilders who can handle it.
thats A Lot of protein... do you count just from meat and supplements (whey etc) or everithing?
Jesus. Can even see some striations in side glute. Nice work.

I have no idea what's happening with gut issues but one IFBB pro got really fucked up by bloating that he couldn't shake. Hopefully it will resolve after a good shit or two.
Just an illness; I have a son in kindergarten that brings me all these lovely gifts of germs from the class. I was solid today. Appreciate it.
Few days back on full eating and weight is still around 217-218 fasted.

I have a 6 day trip coming up this week to visit my coach (who’s also a competing pro) and some other high level bodybuilders. Looking forward to being around other pros for a change.

Some ab thigh variations being considered. Have time with a posing coach scheduled to fix all issues.