Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Yes and they said to that's all fine because bloods are near low limits but still inside the limits..... Bah go figure it out ....
But do they know you're blasting AAS? It's one thing to have this problem in the absence of steroids, but it's concerning, to me at least, that your levels are low even while running a fair amount of gear. Do you have any gastrointestinal issues that you're aware of?
But do they know you're blasting AAS? It's one thing to have this problem in the absence of steroids, but it's concerning, to me at least, that your levels are low even while running a fair amount of gear. Do you have any gastrointestinal issues that you're aware of?
I did bloods for Helicobacter pylori and did also a gastroscopy. Everything is in line for now.

I booked an appointment with a blood expert doctor, hope that he will do something more, maybe some bloods for my bone marrow.... Dunno....
Any back on topic... @Mac11wildcat you are improving year by year, bit this time I think that you have found the right coach.

I still don't understand how here in my gym two 212 guys are taking 3g of gear + HGH and don't look like you....
I still don't understand how here in my gym two 212 guys are taking 3g of gear + HGH and don't look like you....
Time and genetics

I agree. The formula with this coach is great, I’ve been following on here and on instagram for a while and seeing all the training methodologies used. I think sharing some more of the training on this site would help people understand what it takes to grow over time and what intensity looks like
Time and genetics

I agree. The formula with this coach is great, I’ve been following on here and on instagram for a while and seeing all the training methodologies used. I think sharing some more of the training on this site would help people understand what it takes to grow over time and what intensity looks like
It’s really hard to show training because of what it takes to upload a video that isn’t plastering my face on a steroid website. But I can try do more on that front.

Training right now is ~6 movements per day, 3 failure sets per exercise after appropriate warmups. And my progress I think is largely from logbooked training focusing on progressive overload. Never at the expense of form and execution. Thats resulted in me getting pretty fucking strong. This training isn’t for everyone however. The ability to go to failure is a skill and meticulous attention to form to stay healthy isn’t easy. Plenty of guys grow without training this way but I’m someone who does better with goals. The largest goals are easy. Everyone has em; win a show. It’s the day to day most people are missing and my training gives me a goal every single training day.
Update as promised; 223ish AM weight, 11lbs north of my limit and should make it there comfortably. Very “early” as far as conditioning this far out so the plan is get ready and then feed back up and hopefully grow well into the show. Gear is low. Food still relatively high. Cardio low. Good place to be.
You look great. I don't know what shows you're doing, but I've seen guys who are way less impressive take home the W. Do you think you have a good shot at taking home 1st this year?
I’ve learned not to think this way. It also just isn’t who I am. The IFBB is leaps and bounds different than the NPC. A top 6 Olympia competitor could show up to the show I’m doing and all of a sudden I’m fighting for 2nd at best. That being said do I compete for anything other than 1st? No.

There’s only 6 total 212 shows in the US all year and 4 of them are between late June and early August. Foreign guys also frequently come here to compete as well.

All I know if what I can control and anyone who’s going to match (or exceed) my conditioning on stage is going to have to bleed to do so.
I’ve learned not to think this way. It also just isn’t who I am. The IFBB is leaps and bounds different than the NPC. A top 6 Olympia competitor could show up to the show I’m doing and all of a sudden I’m fighting for 2nd at best. That being said do I compete for anything other than 1st? No.

There’s only 6 total 212 shows in the US all year and 4 of them are between late June and early August. Foreign guys also frequently come here to compete as well.

All I know if what I can control and anyone who’s going to match (or exceed) my conditioning on stage is going to have to bleed to do so.
I like how you think and as this is your first IFBB show (of hopefully many) you have a good mindset and approach. You should hopefully rock this one even if you don't get the top spot.
What bf% do you think you are at in the last pic?
And what is your target bf% & bodyweight for the first 2024 show?
Lot of hard work, dedication & pain in that physique.
Godspeed, stay healthy & kick ass!!! A lot of us are cheering for you