Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

What bf% do you think you are at in the last pic?
And what is your target bf% & bodyweight for the first 2024 show?
Lot of hard work, dedication & pain in that physique.
Godspeed, stay healthy & kick ass!!! A lot of us are cheering for you
I don’t know and never bother. Judges don’t do so from a stat sheet. Everything we do is from the mirror and eye. If you forced me to venture a guess I’d say ~7-8%? I dunno. That would mean I have ~4-5% to lose? Which is about 10-11lbs?
High day today. Fucking hate eating.

Meal 1
140g steak
2 whole eggs
300g rice
2tbsp ketchup
100g banana
Black coffee
8oz fruit juice

Meal 2-3
176g chicken
370g rice
10g macadamia nut oil or EVOO
8oz fruit juice

Meal 4/Pre
40g protein from whey
300g rice
2 chewy bar
10oz juice of choice

50g liquid carbs (25)

Meal 5/Post
40g protein from whey
300g rice
2 chewy bar
10oz juice of choice

Meal 6
140g steak
2 whole eggs
370g rice
100g banana
2tbsp ketchup
8oz fruit juice

Before bed:
200g low fat Greek yogurt
80g carbs from cereal
Unsweetened almond milk for cereal
8oz fruit juice
Which body part(s) are you eating your high day on? And is that the only insulin day or do you take insulin on medium days as well?
Do you prefer doing your high day in your lagging body part/hardest training or the day before to replace glycogen?
High day today. Fucking hate eating.

Meal 1
140g steak
2 whole eggs
300g rice
2tbsp ketchup
100g banana
Black coffee
8oz fruit juice

Meal 2-3
176g chicken
370g rice
10g macadamia nut oil or EVOO
8oz fruit juice

Meal 4/Pre
40g protein from whey
300g rice
2 chewy bar
10oz juice of choice

50g liquid carbs (25)

Meal 5/Post
40g protein from whey
300g rice
2 chewy bar
10oz juice of choice

Meal 6
140g steak
2 whole eggs
370g rice
100g banana
2tbsp ketchup
8oz fruit juice

Before bed:
200g low fat Greek yogurt
80g carbs from cereal
Unsweetened almond milk for cereal
8oz fruit juice
Just cut-and-paste post this up for every newbie running his first cycle from now on. :D (yes, I am joking)

I hope folks reading noticed that meals 2-3 are on the same entry. Chicken and rice. Eat. Repeat. LOL.

7 meals total.
Just cut-and-paste post this up for every newbie running his first cycle from now on. :D (yes, I am joking)

I hope folks reading noticed that meals 2-3 are on the same entry. Chicken and rice. Eat. Repeat. LOL.

7 meals total.

In that level i doubt you can cook gourmet foods and still goal your macros and have a good digestion. Honestly i kinda cringe when i see meals from influencers and competitive bbers like brandon harding for example or greg duchette, too much exotic stuff and weird food sources. I'm better by sticking in to a plan with plain foods and enjoy a cheat meal here and there instead of trying to make every meal taste amazing.
In that level i doubt you can cook gourmet foods and still goal your macros and have a good digestion. Honestly i kinda cringe when i see meals from influencers and competitive bbers like brandon harding for example or greg duchette, too much exotic stuff and weird food sources. I'm better by sticking in to a plan with plain foods and enjoy a cheat meal here and there instead of trying to make every meal taste amazing.
Even if it tasted amazing it wouldn’t overcome the misery from sheer volume. I don’t know anybody who’s competitively bodybuilding that has the time or energy to devote to actually “cooking.” All my whole food meals get mixed in a bowl with sauce and shoveled as quickly as possible before my body realizes I ate again.

I’m glad resources exist for people to eat better and have good tasting food for lifestyle means, but that isn’t a big piece of bodybuilding.
Even if it tasted amazing it wouldn’t overcome the misery from sheer volume. I don’t know anybody who’s competitively bodybuilding that has the time or energy to devote to actually “cooking.” All my whole food meals get mixed in a bowl with sauce and shoveled as quickly as possible before my body realizes I ate again.

I’m glad resources exist for people to eat better and have good tasting food for lifestyle means, but that isn’t a big piece of bodybuilding.
At a point nothing really tastes good, it’s just food and I just have to chew. Sushi for cheat meals goes down a little easier but still gotta eat as quickly as possible
Post-training during yesterdays high day.


Also making a split change. Have been abusing my arms for a while and time to back off. Arm day is becoming a second pull day. Arm volume is being spread thruout all upper-training days. Focus is on just getting them a good pump 4x a week vs annihilating them. Order of the first 3 days may change.

Push A
Pull A
Push B
Pull B (+ hams)

Push A
  1. Low Incline Smith
  2. Flat HS Press
  3. Lying Double Cable Lateral
  4. Seated Face Pull
  5. Single OH Ext
  6. Superset - HS Curl/EZBar Pushdown
  1. Adductor
  2. Seated Curl
  3. Leg Press
  4. Smith Squat
  5. Lying Curl
  6. Leg Ext (or lunge)
Pull A
  1. Single Cable Pulldown
  2. Double D-Ring Pulldown
  3. Single Lat HS Row
  4. HS Row
  5. Single HS Curl
  6. Superset - OH Ext/Alt Hammer Curl
Push B
  1. Incline HS
  2. Pec Dec
  3. DB Lateral
  4. Seated Face Pull
  5. Smith JM Press
  6. Superset - Alt DB Curl/EZBar Pushdown
Pull B
  1. Single High Cable Row
  2. Barbell Row
  3. Single Cable Pullover
  4. Seated Curl
  5. Adductor
  6. Single Preacher Curl
  7. Superset: Strap Curl/Strap Ext
Post-training during yesterdays high day.

View attachment 280863

Also making a split change. Have been abusing my arms for a while and time to back off. Arm day is becoming a second pull day. Arm volume is being spread thruout all upper-training days. Focus is on just getting them a good pump 4x a week vs annihilating them. Order of the first 3 days may change.

Push A
Pull A
Push B
Pull B (+ hams)

Push A
  1. Low Incline Smith
  2. Flat HS Press
  3. Lying Double Cable Lateral
  4. Seated Face Pull
  5. Single OH Ext
  6. Superset - HS Curl/EZBar Pushdown
  1. Adductor
  2. Seated Curl
  3. Leg Press
  4. Smith Squat
  5. Lying Curl
  6. Leg Ext (or lunge)
Pull A
  1. Single Cable Pulldown
  2. Double D-Ring Pulldown
  3. Single Lat HS Row
  4. HS Row
  5. Single HS Curl
  6. Superset - OH Ext/Alt Hammer Curl
Push B
  1. Incline HS
  2. Pec Dec
  3. DB Lateral
  4. Seated Face Pull
  5. Smith JM Press
  6. Superset - Alt DB Curl/EZBar Pushdown
Pull B
  1. Single High Cable Row
  2. Barbell Row
  3. Single Cable Pullover
  4. Seated Curl
  5. Adductor
  6. Single Preacher Curl
  7. Superset: Strap Curl/Strap Ext
What is HS? Hammer Strength?

How many sets do you do?
Correct. 3 working sets to failure, one top set followed by 2 backdown sets.

@Mac11wildcat on the backdowns…do you try to keep the rep range close or drop it to hit different ranges?

Like HS press…is it top set 7-8 reps, backoff 10%…7-8 reps…backoff 10% more…7-8 reps

Or topset 6-8 reps, backoff enough to hit 10-12 reps….backoff more to hit 12-15 reps

I’m splitting hairs here, but I love training talk instead of carbs and drug amounts lol
@Mac11wildcat on the backdowns…do you try to keep the rep range close or drop it to hit different ranges?

Like HS press…is it top set 7-8 reps, backoff 10%…7-8 reps…backoff 10% more…7-8 reps

Or topset 6-8 reps, backoff enough to hit 10-12 reps….backoff more to hit 12-15 reps

I’m splitting hairs here, but I love training talk instead of carbs and drug amounts lol
I don’t control for reps super hard. All sets are intended to be 8-12 with 6-15 being acceptable. Some movements are safer than others and as such I’ll let them dip to 6 and 7 before correcting weihht to get them back in the 8-12 range.

So long as I’m achieving failure I don’t sweat the specifics, but right now I’m trying hard to hold onto strength as I diet down for a show so I am definitely fighting against those ranges falling.