Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

Been a while. Time for an update.

We started prep this week. Sitting at ~223 fasted. Same weight I started my nationals prep at in 2021, but it’s a completely different 223. I’d estimate I’m 12-15lbs of fat more conditioned than in 2021.

Cals/macros are ~5500 at 400/700/120.

Cardio is 25m 5x a week.

Gear currently (newly up last week from 500/150 test/mast during a brief respite between offseason and prep):
- 750 T
- 300 Mast
- 150 NPP
- 8iu GH split 4/4 fasted and preworkout

Based on where food/gear/cardio are now, I’m hoping for a nice looking 205ish on stage. If I make that it’ll be 13lb+ of stage weight since 2021. Could’ve been better, but my brother passing and my mom in and out of the hospital took its toll.

Will upload photos from my next checkin Friday.
Been a while. Time for an update.

We started prep this week. Sitting at ~223 fasted. Same weight I started my nationals prep at in 2021, but it’s a completely different 223. I’d estimate I’m 12-15lbs of fat more conditioned than in 2021.

Cals/macros are ~5500 at 400/700/120.

Cardio is 25m 5x a week.

Gear currently (newly up last week from 500/150 test/mast during a brief respite between offseason and prep):
- 750 T
- 300 Mast
- 150 NPP
- 8iu GH split 4/4 fasted and preworkout

Based on where food/gear/cardio are now, I’m hoping for a nice looking 205ish on stage. If I make that it’ll be 13lb+ of stage weight since 2021. Could’ve been better, but my brother passing and my mom in and out of the hospital took its toll.

Will upload photos from my next checkin Friday.
Niceeeee. Can't wait to follow this.

I think you meant 12-15lbs of muscle more conditioned* xD

5500 calories is a really healthy starting metabolism too.
Been a while. Time for an update.

We started prep this week. Sitting at ~223 fasted. Same weight I started my nationals prep at in 2021, but it’s a completely different 223. I’d estimate I’m 12-15lbs of fat more conditioned than in 2021.

Cals/macros are ~5500 at 400/700/120.

Cardio is 25m 5x a week.

Gear currently (newly up last week from 500/150 test/mast during a brief respite between offseason and prep):
- 750 T
- 300 Mast
- 150 NPP
- 8iu GH split 4/4 fasted and preworkout

Based on where food/gear/cardio are now, I’m hoping for a nice looking 205ish on stage. If I make that it’ll be 13lb+ of stage weight since 2021. Could’ve been better, but my brother passing and my mom in and out of the hospital took its toll.

Will upload photos from my next checkin Friday.
Go get’’em Mac. A lot of folks watching and pulling for you(like me). I hope you can get the competitive fire rolling again
Niceeeee. Can't wait to follow this.

I think you meant 12-15lbs of muscle more conditioned* xD

5500 calories is a really healthy starting metabolism too.
Well, 15lbs more conditioned. So a 15lb of fat replaced with muscle lol. I’d gauge my conditioning as ~8-10 weeks out on a typical prep. WAY leaner than I’ve ever started a prep.

Not the highest cals I’ve started prep from but the combo of conditioning, cals, and cardio being only 25m 5x means this *should* be smooth sailing for a while.
I do not donate blood like I used to. Recent science is showing it isn’t as helpful as once thought. Grapefruit juice has been helping me and clients stay in range or close to it on hct/rbc markers.
After years of excessive phlebotomy, I'm giving this a go myself. I don't mind being at 54-55, but I do start to get anxious if I hit 58. Do you have a cut off that you use for yourself personally?
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Still over 20 weeks out. Macros still ~400/850/120 or so. Way leaner than we expected. Should be 226 or so for tomorrows checkin. Pretty happy with the look and think I’ve got a real shot at this.
Looking good bro. Always good to see your log consistently going. Nice perspective on what it takes to get on stage and compete at the highest level. Best of luck on the next show homie!
I do not donate blood like I used to. Recent science is showing it isn’t as helpful as once thought. Grapefruit juice has been helping me and clients stay in range or close to it on hct/rbc markers.
Just a reminder that Grapefruit interacts with several different drugs, especially certain Statins. What I learned recently is that this interaction, from a single glass of juice, can last 1-3 days. So spreading them out (gf in the morning, statin at night) wont work

I will also add though that I too am looking for other hct alternatives, as I had an idiot phlebo hit a nerve in my arm last time
Just a reminder that Grapefruit interacts with several different drugs, especially certain Statins. What I learned recently is that this interaction, from a single glass of juice, can last 1-3 days. So spreading them out (gf in the morning, statin at night) wont work

I will also add though that I too am looking for other hct alternatives, as I had an idiot phlebo hit a nerve in my arm last time
I always check with clients on their meds first. This is super important. But as far as I know the interaction is to make more of the drug available which means it can be delt with safely.
Been a while. Time for an update.

We started prep this week. Sitting at ~223 fasted. Same weight I started my nationals prep at in 2021, but it’s a completely different 223. I’d estimate I’m 12-15lbs of fat more conditioned than in 2021.

Cals/macros are ~5500 at 400/700/120.

Cardio is 25m 5x a week.

Gear currently (newly up last week from 500/150 test/mast during a brief respite between offseason and prep):
- 750 T
- 300 Mast
- 150 NPP
- 8iu GH split 4/4 fasted and preworkout

Based on where food/gear/cardio are now, I’m hoping for a nice looking 205ish on stage. If I make that it’ll be 13lb+ of stage weight since 2021. Could’ve been better, but my brother passing and my mom in and out of the hospital took its toll.

Will upload photos from my next checkin Friday.
Are you running any AI with that test dose?
I envy you guys that have issues with high hemoglobin/hematocrit, my problem is the opposite.
There's no steroid that raises my hemoglobin even if B vitamins and Iron in blood are perfectly all fine, and on 2g test + 2g eq + 100 Anadrol (doses completly reduced not because not needed AT ALL). My hemoglobin never goes over 11/12.
I envy you guys that have issues with high hemoglobin/hematocrit, my problem is the opposite.
There's no steroid that raises my hemoglobin even if B vitamins and Iron in blood are perfectly all fine, and on 2g test + 2g eq + 100 Anadrol (doses completly reduced not because not needed AT ALL). My hemoglobin never goes over 11/12.
Have you seen a hematologist?
Yes and they said to that's all fine because bloods are near low limits but still inside the limits..... Bah go figure it out ....
Sometimes you cant go by that.

They also said my testosterone was “in limits” at 210 at 22 years old.

They also said my tsh/t4 was “in limits” at being .3 higher then the low range.

Also different lab have different limits. The ranges are actually based on i believe averages of people.
Sometimes you cant go by that.

They also said my testosterone was “in limits” at 210 at 22 years old.

They also said my tsh/t4 was “in limits” at being .3 higher then the low range.

Also different lab have different limits. The ranges are actually based on i believe averages of people.
What’s your diet like?
Basic bodybuilding stuff:
6 meals a day

Oats, rice, pasta. cream of rice as carbs
horse, whey iso, chicken, turkey, lean beef as prots
olive oil, almond butter as fats

I recently did Vit B blood panel (B6 B12 etc) and Iron (Ferritin Transferrin Ironemia, hope the translation is correct) all these values where in the middle of the reference....