Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

I think he’s saying using that amount of gear would make him drop weight.

How’s it going dude? Good to see that name pop up.

Yeah, I am a bit surprised that you cam contest prep with that amount of gear.

Really shows that knowledge is superior to crazy gear use

Things are good Bud. Haven’t been as active as life takes it’s toll at times. Good to see you around.

Still a crazy statement to say he would drop 50 pounds

Hope all is well bro
Yeah I think hes just having fun with it.
Mpst guys wouldnt suspect that Mac or you would have the insane physiques you guys have with the gear you guys run

Puts shit it perspective for sure
An exaggeration - I find it very shocking to see his current physique on that level of gear. It reminds me of why I am thinking I am not cut out for body building even at the amateur level.

Gotcha. I figured as much but would be lying if I said I wasn’t kinda hoping you drop in here and slam me and go on a rant about how you run some crazy amount of gear and look like Big Ramy. Lol
Good day in the mirror today. Woke up heavy: 205 fasted and hit 213 in the gym which is only 11lbs off my heaviest last offseason. A little less than 5 weeks to go and it’s time to hit the next gear because I’m in a constant state of “am I ahead or behind?” mentally.

Starting to battle the bowel movement issues I always get at the end of preps; betaine HCL and cascara segrada are helping tho.
Another check-in (every 2 days now). Full as fuck for this one with no explanation. Conditioning a small bit better. Still 4 weeks to improve, and will use every bit of it I think. Probably gonna slow posts here, unless people have questions.

May be adding a bit of winny for a few weeks. Other than that don’t expect much to change except pulling more carbs and adding more cardio (40m 5x a week right now).
Watching some dudes I’ve competed next to take pro Ws at Indy and NY has me fired the fuck up. Just under 4 weeks.

It’s not often that these two shots aren’t the ones winning shows and I’m fucking stoked with how they’re shaping up. Tons of work to do still.

My coach wants to add winny at 50mg this week so it’s on the way. That’ll bring the full cycle to 600 test, 200 mast, 200 tren, 50 winny, 2iu gh fasted (now ED instead of EOD), 2iu preworkout EOD.
Watching some dudes I’ve competed next to take pro Ws at Indy and NY has me fired the fuck up. Just under 4 weeks.

It’s not often that these two shots aren’t the ones winning shows and I’m fucking stoked with how they’re shaping up. Tons of work to do still.

My coach wants to add winny at 50mg this week so it’s on the way. That’ll bring the full cycle to 600 test, 200 mast, 200 tren, 50 winny, 2iu gh fasted (now ED instead of EOD), 2iu preworkout EOD.
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Watching some dudes I’ve competed next to take pro Ws at Indy and NY has me fired the fuck up. Just under 4 weeks.

It’s not often that these two shots aren’t the ones winning shows and I’m fucking stoked with how they’re shaping up. Tons of work to do still.

My coach wants to add winny at 50mg this week so it’s on the way. That’ll bring the full cycle to 600 test, 200 mast, 200 tren, 50 winny, 2iu gh fasted (now ED instead of EOD), 2iu preworkout EOD.
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You look great! Keep grinding!
I’ll just take a decent test pin before leaving as most gear would’ve been pulled for the show anyways. But everything else dropped. I’ll be bringing a protein supp to keep my protein up and still training (sweet gym near the resort).

come back and fire up the rebound whenever I feel ready.

So far EOD seems fine and studies support it. save gH, dose it EOD. :)

Got a link to those studies brother?

Looking killer ;)
Got a link to those studies brother?

Looking killer ;)
Will grab them. But John Jewett did a video on them.

Today was a milestone. My first hard leg day after dealing with knee pain for the last year. Felt fucking incredible.
03A1248B-5290-4201-B224-6B5E1A53B075.jpegVery last set of the day was barbell squats for a strip set from 405: 405x6, 315x6, 225x9, 135x20.

will need some rehab tonight and tomorrow but god damn was that a spirit lifter.
Will grab them. But John Jewett did a video on them.

Today was a milestone. My first hard leg day after dealing with knee pain for the last year. Felt fucking incredible.
View attachment 147078Very last set of the day was barbell squats for a strip set from 405: 405x6, 315x6, 225x9, 135x20.

will need some rehab tonight and tomorrow but god damn was that a spirit lifter.
Lol did you take all the 45s in the gym to load that up to make that big push?

Nice job and very well done!

Hope your knee held up.