Does anybody know an online source for Vicodin?


New Member
O.k, so I know this sounds quite bad ,however before judgments are made and insults handed out I would like to take the chance to explain myself. So, to begin, the reason why I want to aquire Vicodin or hydrocodone is because I am currently and have been suffering from several herniated discs in my lumbar spine. They are L1-L5, and as such I haven't squatted in over a year, the thing is though that my cheap ass doctors won't prescribe them to me. All they give me is shit ibuprofen!

And at the same time, only gave me a small dose once, when I ruptured my L3 and was given Vicodin and morphin, at the hospital ER. Since then my stingy ass doctors won't let me near the stuff, and at this point I say screw doctors. They don't want to give me not a surgery or some damn pills. Does anybody know of online pharmacies similar to those who sell steroids? All I can find on the net is about Mexican pharmacies which makes me a bit nervous. PM if you know of somewhere, and please no bullshit, I'm not trying to get high, I just want to get back to lifting since the doctors have made it known to me that it only gets worse from here on:(

You wont find opiates from any reputable website. If you are good with technology, google silkroad online marketplace.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
You wont find opiates from any reputable website. If you are good with technology, google silkroad online marketplace.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

I would stay far away from Silkroad. My vendor was recently busted and he said Silkroad is full of Dea and Rcmp lately.

I would stay far away from Silkroad. My vendor was recently busted and he said Silkroad is full of Dea and Rcmp lately.


How was your vendor busted? Only way he's going to get caught is walking to the post office.

Silkroad is plenty safe, I wouldn't recommend it if ....
How was your vendor busted? Only way he's going to get caught is walking to the post office.

Silkroad is plenty safe, I wouldn't recommend it if ....

So was farmersmarket "safe" but the owners are in jail. It was similar to SilkRoad. No such thing as safe online.
Ladies and gents anabolics are one thing but F.... around with schedule III and especially schedule II opiates and the DEA would be VERY INTERESTED IN YOUR ONLINE ACTIVITY!
Dr JIM said:
Ladies and gents anabolics are one thing but F.... around with schedule III...opiates and the DEA would be VERY INTERESTED IN YOUR ONLINE ACTIVITY!

More so than AAS which are also schedule 3?
For those whom are interested in my earlier commentary. Although anabolics are a controlled substance and physiological dependency can occur, their a use rarely leads
to second or third party crime and certainly an not even begin to approximate the magnitude seen with opiate abuse. However, DEA will become much more interested in your "supplements" once you choose to SELL THEM. Let someone else do that, preferably from a country where they are LEGAL! Incidentally one means of losing your source, unless you know them VERY well , is an opiate inquiry, schedule II in particular, because their rigorous control and oversight is beginning to approximate 100% worldwide!
O.k, so I know this sounds quite bad ,however before judgments are made and insults handed out I would like to take the chance to explain myself. So, to begin, the reason why I want to aquire Vicodin or hydrocodone is because I am currently and have been suffering from several herniated discs in my lumbar spine. They are L1-L5, and as such I haven't squatted in over a year, the thing is though that my cheap ass doctors won't prescribe them to me. All they give me is shit ibuprofen!

And at the same time, only gave me a small dose once, when I ruptured my L3 and was given Vicodin and morphin, at the hospital ER. Since then my stingy ass doctors won't let me near the stuff, and at this point I say screw doctors. They don't want to give me not a surgery or some damn pills. Does anybody know of online pharmacies similar to those who sell steroids? All I can find on the net is about Mexican pharmacies which makes me a bit nervous. PM if you know of somewhere, and please no bullshit, I'm not trying to get high, I just want to get back to lifting since the doctors have made it known to me that it only gets worse from here on:(


deal with the pain. you really think Vicoden the rest of your life is a good idea?
Nope thats what will turn you into a junkie.
Docs LOVE junkies with a script!

Look into KRATOM and other things like that to help pain and even then take it easy on the stuff.
So was farmersmarket "safe" but the owners are in jail. It was similar to SilkRoad. No such thing as safe online.

Farmersmarket used traceable payments and communication. Try either on SilkRoad and see what happens.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question, is that because you made it up perhaps?

The genius about SilkRoad is that it doesn't matter if the DEA is all over it. Vendors can sell to agents with no concern.
Good luck with your very expensive pursuit because OLP will send and sell you junk. Get a DOC to refer to a a pain management clinic.
Incidentally, last thing I want in my office is a "junkie wanting a narcotics script".
The overwhelming number of folks who use AAS are healthy or at least wanting to become fit. Compare and contrast that with narcotic abusers (violent crme, "under age sales", physiological complications burdening an already overwhelmed health care system etc) one of the many reasons online AAS suppliers are not pursued with similar LE resolve.
deal with the pain. you really think Vicoden the rest of your life is a good idea?
Nope thats what will turn you into a junkie.
Docs LOVE junkies with a script!

Look into KRATOM and other things like that to help pain and even then take it easy on the stuff.

Well your a real dumbass aren't you? Deal with the pain? Sorry but those macho terms only apply to things that you can actually take and back problems aren't one of those. The fact is that besides pain, my legs often give out without warning and extreme discomfort in the hamstring area. These are not things you tough out, and beleive me, I've been toughing it out long enough, and that's what led to my bad condition. My stupid fuckin doctor kept telling me it's just a sprain, it's just a sprain, and months later when I finally got an MRI, she says 'oops', like the dumb bitch she was. You see, because I followed doctors instructions I ended up with a pretty fucked up condition. Therefore, I say fuck doctors who think they know best, because in reality we k now our bodies better than any dumbass with a phd does. And people forget this and wholeheartedly trust stupid and lazy doctors.

So unless you have this condition, you should shut the fuck up. No, you know what, maybe one day you'll have the same condition and other ignorant people will tell you " hey man just tough it out", and then you will know why I want Vicodin.
Good luck with your very expensive pursuit because OLP will send and sell you junk. Get a DOC to refer to a a pain management clinic.
Incidentally, last thing I want in my office is a "junkie wanting a narcotics script".
The overwhelming number of folks who use AAS are healthy or at least wanting to become fit. Compare and contrast that with narcotic abusers (violent crme, "under age sales", physiological complications burdening an already overwhelmed health care system etc) one of the many reasons online AAS suppliers are not pursued with similar LE resolve.

It's funny how doctors are so very arrogant and think they know everything about pain, health, and medicine. Well I'll tell you something you don't know, and that's how painful catastrophic injuries like ruptured discs feel. So you might wanna be a little lighter on words like junkie, since I've never taken marijuana or used any other drug for that matter to get high.

And i reiterate,in case you didnt understand the description.I don't want to get high, I just need to minimize the constant pain and discomfort. And after my bad experiences with docs, the last thing I want in a doctor is some judgmental douche with his head up his ass.
I believe you misunderstood my posted intentions.
First, I've had TWO "ruptured disks" and didn't require surgery. But what I did do helped considerably, which is have the "disks" and impinged nerve roots injected THREE times for symptomatic relief. Eventually, since disks are 99% water the symptoms WILL improve if they are the SOLE etiology of your pain.
My reference to the Internet is factual, should you pursue that venue for pain relief you will spend a considerable sum and still be SCAMMED!
I never said, or did I imply, you were a junkie. The prescription reference was simply a rebuttal to "Juced" post where he declared "Docs love a junkie with a script" I did infer an more accurate comment was "needing a script". I will repeat my original suggestion, have your condition evaluated and preferably managed by a pain management specialist rather than seeking Vicodin on a forum, the motive for the
later is suspicious at best in most reasonable folks minds.
I believe you misunderstood my posted intentions.
First, I've had TWO "ruptured disks" and didn't require surgery. But what I did do helped considerably, which is have the "disks" and impinged nerve roots injected THREE times for symptomatic relief. Eventually, since disks are 99% water the symptoms WILL improve if they are the SOLE etiology of your pain.
My reference to the Internet is factual, should you pursue that venue for pain relief you will spend a considerable sum and still be SCAMMED!
I never said, or did I imply, you were a junkie. The prescription reference was simply a rebuttal to "Juced" post where he declared "Docs love a junkie with a script" I did infer an more accurate comment was "needing a script". I will repeat my original suggestion, have your condition evaluated and preferably managed by a pain management specialist rather than seeking Vicodin on a forum, the motive for the
later is suspicious at best in most reasonable folks minds.

Well then I apologize, since I get heated on the subject. However, the thing is that my nearly non existent health care has even denied my request for an epidural steroid injection. They simply don't want to pay, and that's the bottom line. They don't care what I or the orthopedic specialist have to say. To them they figure, 'well if he can walk, he'll be ok'. They have totally ruled out my pleads for pain relief, as insignificant complaining. And at the current time I managed to get some Vicodin from a friend, and I guess that's the way it's going to have to be. I guess I'll just get it where I can, except from the web.
Farmersmarket used traceable payments and communication. Try either on SilkRoad and see what happens.

And I noticed you didn't answer my question, is that because you made it up perhaps?

The genius about SilkRoad is that it doesn't matter if the DEA is all over it. Vendors can sell to agents with no concern.
egold was untraceable. they traced it. there is no genius about silk road just lies.

but hey if you like to pay 100% over street prices then ko urself on that board. by the time you buy bitcoin and such you'll be paying 3-4x street prices. why bother?

if you cant connect onthe streets that means ur a weirdo.
Well your a real dumbass aren't you? Deal with the pain? Sorry but those macho terms only apply to things that you can actually take and back problems aren't one of those. The fact is that besides pain, my legs often give out without warning and extreme discomfort in the hamstring area. These are not things you tough out, and beleive me, I've been toughing it out long enough, and that's what led to my bad condition. My stupid fuckin doctor kept telling me it's just a sprain, it's just a sprain, and months later when I finally got an MRI, she says 'oops', like the dumb bitch she was. You see, because I followed doctors instructions I ended up with a pretty fucked up condition. Therefore, I say fuck doctors who think they know best, because in reality we k now our bodies better than any dumbass with a phd does. And people forget this and wholeheartedly trust stupid and lazy doctors.

So unless you have this condition, you should shut the fuck up. No, you know what, maybe one day you'll have the same condition and other ignorant people will tell you " hey man just tough it out", and then you will know why I want Vicodin.

damn so, looks like withdrawals.
snakep said:
damn so, looks like withdrawals.

Looks like hulk Hogan wasted no time in creating a new alias for himself. Any coincidence that this idiots join date coincides with my thread exposing the hulkster as a scammer known as The.Cludge?