First cycle, adding a compound


New Member
Hello guys, doing my first steroid cycle next week.
1.72cm tall
~12% bf

Bench 120kg x3
Deadlift 180x1
Squat 140x5

Diet on point, 200g protein a day, on a cut id eat 200g carbs, or i would adjust accordingly to how im feeling.

Ill be doing 100mg test p EOD. Got nolvadex just in case .5 mg twice a week IF needed. PCT will be chlomid.

My question today is: should I add maybe eq, or clen or winny into my cycle from weeks 3-6 (4 weeks)? My end goal is something like dat der aesthetics style mens physique type of look.
You probably won't see much benefit from a 4-week cycle of EQ. I'm into my 5th week of a 20-week test C/EQ cycle and am only just starting to see results.

You might consider adding in masteron.