MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

I like them too I have sent many people to them.. it did get my goat yesterday when they caught an attitude with dude after he apologized for misunderstanding something. They do have a pattern of being real nice and cool as long as reviews are good but seems that as soon as someone asked them hard questions or questions certain things they kinda get an attitude.. I am just pointing it out and hoping they will do better on this.

the incident about yesterday you talk about is because we were accused of things that wasn’t happened the order was not lost or seized at all and just in transit. i try my best to keep it cool and give you guys the best professional service as possible. my intentions isnt to be rude or arrogant at all. we take all kind of feedback, bad and good all is accepted.. but not false stuff, which he also said he was sorry for. so all is good mate there is no hard feelings

the incident about yesterday you talk about is because we were accused of things that wasn’t happened the order was not lost or seized at all and just in transit. i try my best to keep it cool and give you guys the best professional service as possible. my intentions isnt to be rude or arrogant at all. we take all kind of feedback, bad and good all is accepted.. but not false stuff, which he also said he was sorry for. so all is good mate there is no hard feelings
It's all good brother! Everybody here knows your not a scammer. Everybody likes you!!Everybody likes your drugs!! I just thought you was a little hard on dude after he admitted he was wrong and apologized.. I said my peace ... carry on!!! I hope everyone has a great day!
It's all good brother! Everybody here knows your not a scammer. Everybody likes you!!Everybody likes your drugs!! I just thought you was a little hard on dude after he admitted he was wrong and apologized.. I said my peace ... carry on!!! I hope everyone has a great day!
appreciate it mate!! have an great day!
The beauty of Mesa is keeping vendors on their toes, always pushing them to get better. That said, it's also important to recognize what they're doing right. The guy missing a few vials is obviously the result of a packing error, not some deliberate "scam" over a couple bucks worth of test, something that happens to every seller. I'm certain it'll be easily resolved.

esa also serves as a good "early warning system", since it seems all sources, eventually, start to decline.
Meso not Mesa , lol gotcha !
Long time member on meso, we got excellent communication and so far. First pack was lost in transit, re ship was issued no questions asked. Reship has been updating well. Seems like it’ll be here very soon. Thanks bro, happy to get the goodies soon