Isis/Muslim/terrorist rant

Isil, isis ,smisis, Hezbollah, smezbollah. These mother fuckers need irradacated. They walk in preschools and hammer crucifixes in children's mouthes. Lets call a spade a spade. Muslims should be more offended at these displays than anyone. It blows my mind that anyone would respond to these acts with pointing out that Christians did similar things in holy wars. This is what isis is after. Making innocents choose there side. In my opinion if you look at these acts and think badly of Christians then you are no better then they are. I wouldn't support my own daddy if he threw someone off a roof because he or she was in a porno.
Seven dog,
You said it. I was thinking it. I will openly admit I know only a fraction of these depths of religion. But I do know right from wrong.
Look, your BFF made Lookwatch!

Since you're uninterested or unable to engage in a meaningful discussion, and only seem interested in attempting to discredit every source with which you disagree, we can play a game of tit for tat if you wish.

Here's an article from a VERY left leaning publication on the credibility of your Loonwatch. You really know how to pick 'em!

Thu Jan 19, 2012 at 11:06 AM PST
How and Why is a Terrorist Spin Control Network
by EricAllenBellFollow


Since the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center we have seen a spike in both rational and irrational fears of Islam. When those fears are rooted in ignorance, arguably this is “Islamophobia”. And a person who is consumed with such irrational fears is appropriately branded as “Islamophobic”.

But what about the rational and legitimate concerns that people, such as myself, voice about the theology of Islam and some of the ways it is practiced, in certain parts of the world, which violate human rights? Is the expression of such concerns something that should be dismissed and branded as yet more "Islamophobia"?

According to – a well known Islamophoiba watchdog site - there is no distinction. Loonwatch unconditionally attacks criticism of Islam but they refuse to criticize the many, many Islamic clerics and terrorists who are hurting people in the name of Islam. Should a person have something to say publicly questioning the funneling of monies from Islamic charities to Islamic terrorist networks, Loonwatch is there to call them a “Loon” for even raising the question. That’s quite a clever system – a form of radical Islamic McCarthyism it seems – with the first line of defense being a blogoshere of misinformed infidels who will blurt out the word “Islamophobe” at the slightest mention that within Islam there might be a problem brewing. What a clever design.

Should an article be written about forced marriages of Muslim child brides overseas or the stoning to death of a Muslim woman as punishment for being raped, or the many young boys who are brainwashed in Islamic madrasas only to become radicalized Islamic militants, or the Muslim men who were arrested in the UK for distributing fliers to Londoners saying that Homosexuals should be punished by hanging because their lifestyle is against Islam – any article written to express concern about these developments will likely lead the writer of such article to be branded a “Loon” by and have his name put out on the street.

This might cause the author of any such article to wonder if they will face the same fate as the Danish cartoonist Kurt Vestergaard who received death threats, followed up by a Somali Muslim intruder armed with an axe and knife who entered Westergaard's house, for drawing pictures of Mohammed (actually this lead to a bout 100 deaths and the bombing of the Danish embassy in Pakistan, and setting fire to the Danish Embassies in Syria, Lebanon and Iran, storming European buildings, and burning the Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, French and German flags in Gaza City and a letter bomb being sent to the Jyllands-Posten newspaper) or Theo Van Gough the filmmaker who was brutally murdered for expressing views which criticized the treatment of women in Islam, or author Salman Rushdie who faced a Fatwa placed on him by an Iranian Ayatollah for his book “The Satanic Verses” and the list goes on.

And Loonwatch will call out those who criticize Islam and put their name on the street while the deafening silence remains when it comes to any kind of meaningful condemnation of this increasingly more and more common type of Islamic brutality in the world today.

In fact, credited Robert Spencer of with more or less causing Anders Breivik to commit mass murder and writing a psychotic manifesto which included many ramblings about Islam taking over Europe. Although there are numerous articles from experts who say that Breivik clearly had plans to kill before JihadWatch even existed, the blame goes to Spencer just the same. But this is of course a double standard. Loonwatch will not tolerate anyone connecting the dots between Islamic terrorism and violent passages in the Koran and Hadiths commanding Islamic violence.

( After making a documentary entitled “Not Welcome” which chronicles events surrounding the construction of a 53,000 square foot mega mosque in the middle of America’s Bible Belt, I have become a frequent reader of as a source for understanding the scope of the Islamophobia problem in the United States. There is an entire industry, run for profit, of Christian Zionist propaganda designed to scare people into believing that Sharia Law is going to take over in America. It is my view that this is absurd and that Frank Gaffney’s notion of “Creeping Sharia” is a ridiculous paranoid concept designed to instill fear in order to manufacture consent for the bombing of more oil rich Islamic countries.

That said however, my research didn’t end there. I am highly sympathetic to the Muslims in Murfreesboro, TN and around the country who are being wrongly harassed and persecuted for their beliefs and I must admit that there is a part of me that would like to see this in simple black and white terms – a David and Goliath story with a clear protagonist and a clear antagonist. It was heart breaking when Muslim women told me stories of how Southern white kids were beating up Muslim kids in school and calling them “terrorists”. This should not happen in America or anywhere. In Murfreesboro, TN a group of radical Evangelicals were the aggressors, but this point of view is not a one-size-fits-all that works with other world events. It’s more complex than that.

First let me make it clear that there is a difference between a Muslim and Islam. One is a human being and the other is a religious doctrine.
No matter how many times I repeat this, there will always be a fair share of people who refuse to comprehend it and will go on the attack mode saying that I am insulting Muslims. Such was the case when I wrote an article entitled “ and Radical Islam” ( ).

The next day when I received the usual Loonwatch email containing the next round of articles on who they had singled out to be a “Loon” I saw a photograph of my own face blown up with the words “Loon At Large” over it. The article itself ended with a demand that I be silenced and a link to Daily Kos asking people to write in and demand that I be censored. (

My assertion in the article was and is that Loonwatch is protecting Jihadists and terrorists through lies of omission. Criticism ranged from emails I received saying that “it was about time someone stood up to Loonwatch”, to people who simply disagreed and felt Loonwatch to be a legitimate Islamophobia watchdog site and that my point was a bit of a stretch, to those who immediately took to the blogosphere, parroting all of the talking points of the Loonwatch smear piece, saying that I was “right wing” and a follower of Robert Spencer and a bigot and so on.

So how can it be that I could make a documentary defending the rights of an Islamic community to build a 53,000 square foot mega mosque and then only months later publish an article with so many criticisms of Islam while accusing a major Islamic blog of being a “terrorist spin control network”? Am I as they say, just somebody with a split personality, or a “Loon” or some kind of an attention-seeking bigot? What happened?

What happened is that my investigation into the theology of Islam continued. And I started to notice more and more of a correlation between some of the violent passages in the Koran and the Hadiths and many of the acts of brutality being carried out by radical Muslims in the world – mostly overseas.

Then when I posted some of these news articles, from Al Jazeera and other international news sources on my Facebook wall, lively discussions and sometimes even debates took place concerning the fact that although the Koran very clearly commands violence in a few passages, most Muslims do not take those passages literally. And thank God, or Allah or Zeus or whoever one imagines to be ruling over the world that most Muslims do not follow all of the commandments in the Koran to the letter or take those dark passages literally.

During those debates I was threatened twice. The first time was from a Muslim computer programmer out of Saudi Arabia who told me he was going to destroy me after I said that I thought Mohammed was too violent, had killed too many people to be considered a holy man (Mohammed personally beheaded hundreds of people and is considered the ideal man in Islam). I did not take this threat too seriously but soon after my website was hit with a denial of service attack. The second threat came from a Muslim man in New York who told me “I will cut off your dick and stuff it down your throat”. This time I not only contacted Facebook but also contacted the FBI.

While all of this was happening I continued to receive newsletter emails from every few days. Their content was mostly obsessed with Robert Spencer and his blog called so I put myself on that mailing list as well. It was more than just strange to be receiving these two newsletters every week, each with their own bias. Spencer was meticulously pointing out nearly every act of Islamic inspired violence around the world while Loonwatch responded, tit for tat, by calling him a “Loon” over and over. I’m not sure what Spencer’s preoccupation with Jihad is really all about. He seems a little too cozy with the radical Evangelicals to me. That said, when I click on the links in his articles – for instance this one: “I was doing my duty as a Muslim,' says father who handed out leaflets saying gay people should be hanged” sure enough, Spencer wasn’t making this stuff up. In fact the Daily Mail in the UK did report on several Muslim men handing out fliers demanding that homosexuals be executed by way of hanging for disobeying Islam – in England.

Spencer’s take on this is naturally seen through the lens of his own sense of reality – a reality strongly motivated by his own reasons - which are not entirely clear to me. Loonwatch would have us believe that Spencer hates all Muslims, but that is not the impression I come away with. That Loonwatch hates Robert Spencer will become immediately self evident to anyone who browses their site. And how does Loonwatch report on the many, many Islamic inspired hate crimes in the world today? By waiting for someone to say anything critical about them and then brading that person a “Loon”.

The Holy Land Foundation was the largest Islamic charity in the United States. Headquartered in Richardson, Texas, it was originally known as Occupied Land Fund. In 2007, federal prosecutors brought charges against the organization for funding Hamas and other "Islamic terrorist organizations". Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) was founded in 1987 (The charter exhibits the influence of anti-Jew conspiracy theories throughout, as evidenced by the explicit mention of the "The Protocols of the Elder of Zion,") as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (an organization often credited as being the mother ship for Al Queda, those followers of “the religion of peace” who brought us 9/11). In the 1920s, an Egyptian school teacher, Hassan al-Banna, gathered discontent Muslims to found the Muslim Brotherhood.

According to a former prosecutor with the US Justice Department, John Loftus, “Al-Banna formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and wrote to him frequently.” Loftus adds that Al-Banna was so persistent in his “admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s Al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi Intelligence. With the goal of the Third Reich to develop the Muslim Brotherhood as an army inside Egypt.”

For what it’s worth, here is what WikiPedia says about the connection between Hamas and the Council on American Islamic Relations (C.A.I.R.):

“Critics of CAIR, including six members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, have alleged ties between the CAIR founders and Hamas. The founders, Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad, had earlier been officers of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), described by a former FBI analyst and US Treasury Department intelligence official as "intimately tied to the most senior Hamas leadership." Both Ahmad and Awad participated in a meeting held in Philadelphia on October 3, 1993, that involved senior leaders of Hamas, the Holy Land Foundation (which was designated in 1995 by Executive Order, and later convicted in court, as an organization that had raised millions of dollars for Hamas) , and the IAP. Based on electronic surveillance of the meeting, the FBI reported that "the participants went to great length and spent much effort hiding their association with the Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas]." Participants at the meeting discussed forming a "political organization and public relations" body, "whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous."​

CAIR raised suspicions by raising its annual budget of around $3 million (as of 2007) in part through large donations from people and foundations identified with Arab governments.

How does this relate to Loonwatch? Loonwatch works with CAIR by broadcasting CAIR's point of view. They are very consistent on this. Loonwatch is never in disagreement with CAIR. CAIR thanks Loonwatch in their "Hate Report".

Connecting all of these dots is deeply, deeply concerning. Here is the math: Out of the Muslim Brotherhood come a number of terrorist organizations including Al Queda and Hamas. Out of Hamas comes C.A.I.R. and Loonwatch becomes a mirror for anything that C.A.I.R. wants to convey to Americans about how harmless Islam is. Perhaps I am reading this wrong, but it sure does not look right.

It has been my personal experience that the vast majority of Muslims in the world are in fact peaceful. It’s the many who are not that have me concerned and the propaganda machine designed to shoot down any criticism of this fact that causes me to find it necessary to speak my mind about Loonwatch.

I was happy to see oppressive dictators in Tunisia, Egpyt and Libya fall but find it very disconcerting to see the old form of oppression replaced by a new form of oppression, that being Islamic Law (or “Sharia”). As of the time of this publication it appears that the Muslim Brotherhood is prepared to take over leadership in Egypt as they are likely to be voted in Democratically by a majority of Egyptian Muslims.

Let us not forget that the radical Islamic nuclear-armed military in Pakistan arrested those who helped the US to find and kill Bin Laden. Am I an “Islamophobe” for being concerned about these developments?

So in America we have Fox "News", the most widely watched television cable news network, who gives us half truths about the wars our so-called "leaders" wage. The won't tell you about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children killed or maimed using bombs that your tax dollars paid for. And within the American Liberal and Islamic world, for some, there is - which again will only tell you half truths and use lies of omission when it comes to the religiously inspired Islamic violence which is occurring mostly overseas. Two sides of the same coin in a way, even though the mandate of each organization is quite different - each provides a highly distorted and profoundly biased view regarding the clash of the civilizations. My feeling is that in the broader scheme of things these civilizations do not want to be at war with each other. On both sides of the conflict it is the so-called "leaders" - the "leaders" of America, the "leaders" of Islam (not all of them) who are creating more and more of a mess of this world, using religion and fear and nationalism to achieve their wicked ends.

We must not tolerate this any longer. If you value human rights, I would strongly urge you to reconsider just how serious the rise of Fundamentalism in general is and how there is hiding among the well-meaning liberal crowd a wolf in sheep's clothing - that being Loonwatch.

In closing, Osama Bin Laden made it clear that he wanted to see the return of an Islamic Caliphate (or Global Islamic Kingdom) and it looks like his dream might just come true in that region of the world at least. Radical Islam is on the rise - nuclear bombs and all. And if you have anything critical to say about radical Islam, anything critical at all, prepare to be branded a “Loon” and have your name and photograph put out on the street when you become the next “Loon at Large”. Welcome to the new Islamic McCarthyism in America.

KORAN 160,161:
Because of the wickedness of certain Jews, and because they turn many from the way of God, We have forbidden them good and wholesome foods which were formerly allowed them; and because they have taken to usury, though they were forbidden it; and have cheated others of their possessions, We have prepared a grievous punishment for the Infidels amongst them."
I can tell you what they say when they try to prevent women and children from being killed. They say "get the fuck out of Dodge!"

How do Hamas and Hezbollah warn Israeli civilians they're about to be bombed? Oh, that's right - they DON'T! Intentionally killing Israeli civilians is the WHOLE idea.


Nice dodge but That is something both Arabs and Israelis have in common. Do you know what that poster says?

'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15
• UN condemns IDF attack on sleeping children as violation of international law
• Strike on crowded market in Shujai'iya during ceasefire kills 17
• Death toll now more than 1,300 after three weeks of fighting

Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem and Hazem Balousha in Jabaliya

Thursday 31 July 2014 02.25 EDT
United Nations officials described the killing of sleeping children as a disgrace to the world and accused Israel of a serious violation of international law after a school in Gaza being used to shelter Palestinian families was shelled on Wednesday.

At least 15 people, mostly children and women, died when the school in Jabaliya refugee camp was hit by five shells during a night of relentless bombardment across Gaza. More than 100 people were injured.

Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, said the attack was "outrageous and unjustifiable" and demanded "accountability and justice". The UN said its officials had repeatedly given details of the school and its refugee population to Israel.


A Palestinian girl cries while receiving treatment for her injuries caused by an Israeli strike. Photograph: Khalil Hamra/AP
Fighting in Gaza continued through the day despite a four-hour humanitarian ceasefire called by Israel from 3pm. A crowded market in Shujai'iya was hit in the late afternoon, causing at least 17 deaths, including a journalist, and injuring about 200 people, according to Gaza health officials. They said people had ventured out to shop in the belief a ceasefire was in place. Witnesses said several shells struck as people were running away. Israel said rockets and mortar shells continued to be fired from Gaza.

Israel on Thursday was showing no sign of scaling back Operation Protective Edge, with the military reportedly calling up an additional 16,000 reserves as the offensive entered its 24th day.

At the UN school the first shell came just after the early morning call to prayer, when most of those taking shelter were asleep, crammed into classrooms with what few possessions they had managed to snatch as they fled their homes.

About 3,300 people had squashed into Jabaliya Elementary A&B Girls' School since the Israeli military warned people to leave their homes and neighbourhoods or risk death under intense bombardment. Classroom number one, near the school's entrance, had become home to about 40 people, mostly women and children.

As a shell blasted through the wall, showering occupants with shrapnel and spattering blood on walls and floors, Amna Zantit, 31, scrambled to gather up her three terrified infants in a panicked bid for the relative safety of the schoolyard. "Everyone was trying to escape," she said, clutching her eight-month old baby tightly. Minutes later, a second shell slammed through the roof of the two-storey school. At least 15 people were killed and more than 100 injured. Most were women or children.

Pierre Krähenbühl, commissioner-general of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, said the shelling of the school was a "serious violation of international law by Israeli forces".

Krähenbühl said: "Last night, children were killed as they slept next to their parents on the floor of a classroom in a UN-designated shelter in Gaza. Children killed in their sleep; this is an affront to all of us, a source of universal shame. Today the world stands disgraced."

Khalil al-Halabi, the UN official in charge of the schools in the area, was quickly on the scene. Bodies were littered over the classroom, and the badly injured lay in pools of blood amid the debris and rubble caused by the blast. "I was shaking," he said. "It was very, very hard for me to see the blood and hear the children crying."

By daylight, the detritus of people's lives was visible among ruins of the classroom: a ball, a bucket, some blankets, tins of food, a pair of flip-flops. The corpses of donkeys, used to haul the meagre possessions of refugees to what they thought was safety, lay at the school's entrance as two lads wearing Palestinian boy scout scarves collected human body parts for burial. Five of the injured were in a critical condition in hospital.


A Palestinian collects body parts in a classroom at the Abu Hussein UN school. Photograph: Lefteris Pitarakis/AP
Halabi was facing impossible requests for advice from those who escaped the carnage. "These people are very angry. They evacuated their homes and came here for protection, not to be killed inside a UN shelter. Now they are asking me whether to stay or leave. They are very frightened. They don't know what to do."

The attack on the school was the sixth time that UNRWA premises have been hit since the war in Gaza began more than three weeks ago, the UN said.

Palestinians fled their homes after Israel warned that failure to do so would put their lives at risk. Those at the Jabaliya school were among more than 200,000 who have sought shelter at UN premises in the belief that families would be safe.

Analysis of evidence gathered at the site by UNRWA led to an initial assessment that Israeli artillery had hit the school, causing "multiple civilian deaths and injuries including of women and children and the UNRWA guard who was trying to protect the site. These are people who were instructed to leave their homes by the Israeli army."

Krähenbühl added: "Our staff, the very people leading the humanitarian response, are being killed. Our shelters are overflowing. Tens of thousands may soon be stranded in the streets of Gaza, without food, water and shelter if attacks on these areas continue."

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said it was investigating the incident at the UN school. Initial inquiries showed that "Hamas militants fired mortar shells from the vicinity of the school, and [Israeli] soldiers responded by firing towards the origins of the fire", a spokeswoman said.

A UN source said there was no evidence of militant activity inside the school.

The US, which has been at odds with Israel's prime minister,, over efforts to secure a ceasefire, condemned the school shelling but did not specifically blame Israel.

The incident comes after an explosion at another UN school in Beit Hanoun last week as the playground was filled with families awaiting evacuation. Israel denied responsibility for the deaths, saying a single "errant" shell fired by its forces hit the school playground, which was empty at the time.


A damaged classroom of the school. Photograph: Mohammed Saber/EPA
UNRWA has rejected the IDF's account, saying an initial shell was followed by several others within minutes. Reporters who visited the school shortly afterwards said damage and debris was consistent with mortar rounds. UNRWA has found rockets at three of its schools in Gaza in the past three weeks, which it has swiftly condemned as "flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises".

Israel says militants from Hamas and other organisations launch rockets from the vicinity of UNRWA properties.

The Israeli military said it had targeted more than 4,100 sites in Gaza since the start of the conflict on 8 July. The death toll in Gaza rose above 1,300 on Wednesday.

Three soldiers were killed in fighting around Khan Younis, bringing the total IDF death toll to 56. Three civilians have died in rocket attacks on Israel.

In an emotional statement, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said the "destructive cycle of violence has caused untold suffering".

He said: "You can't look at the pictures coming from Gaza and Israel without your heart breaking. We must cry to God and beat down the doors of heaven and pray for peace and justice and security. Only a costly and open-hearted seeking of peace between Israeli and Palestinian can protect innocent people, their children and grandchildren, from ever worse violence."

He called for a renewed "commitment to political dialogue in the wider search for peace and security for both Israeli and Palestinians".

Support for the military operation among the Israeli public remained solid. A poll published by Tel Aviv university this week found 95% of Israeli Jews felt the offensive was justified. Only 4% believed too much force had been used.
In June 2004, the Israeli Supreme Court held that building the wall on West Bank Palestinian land is in itself legal, but it ordered some changes to the original route, which separated 35,000 Palestinian farmers from their lands and crops. The Israeli finance minister replied that it was disputed land, not Palestinian, and its final status would be resolved in political negotiation.[9] In July 2004, the International Court of Justice at The Hague in an advisory opinion declared the barriers illegal under international law and called on Israel to dismantle the walls, return confiscated land and make reparations for damages.[10][11]
« Breaking News »
Obama says the US will “reassess” its options on Israel
DEBKAfile March 20, 2015, 1:52 AM (IDT)
President Barack Obama told Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a phone call Thursday that the US has been forced to reassess its policy regarding the Middle East peace process following the prime minister’s new positions and comments on a two-state solution. During the call, Obama congratulated Netanyahu on his election win Tuesday. The two leaders “agreed to continue consultations on a range of regional issues, including “the difficult path forward to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Obama reaffirmed the US’s long-standing commitment to “a two-state solution that results in a secure Israel alongside a sovereign and viable Palestine."

The White House said on Thursday that it was reconsidering US support for Israel at the UN because in the past its government had been committed to a two-state solution. The spokesman described the Israeli leaders’ tactics in the final campaign push as “cynical and divisive.”
DEBKAfile: Nuclear talks collapse as Iranian delegation ordered to quit and return home
DEBKAfile Special Report March 20, 2015, 7:54 PM (IDT)
Tags: Iran nuclear, nuclear negotiations, Javad Zarif, John Kerry,

Nuclear talks reach deadlock

DEBKAfile’s exclusive Iranian sources report that the delegation to the nuclear talks taking place in Lausanne received orders from Tehran Friday, March 20, to break off negotiations and return home for consultations. Foreign Minister Mohammed Jawad Zarif and Iran’s national security chief Ali Akhbar Salehi used the funeral of President Hassan Rouhani's 90-year-old mother as a pretext for packing their bags and leaving the deadlocked talks behind them in Lausanne. This followed the sixth round of talks in the Swiss city with US Secretary of State John Kerry that failed to break the impasse on a nuclear accord.
The Iranians said they would return to resume the talks next week but set no date, although other sources mentioned Wednesday, March 25. Another sign of a crisis was the cancellation of briefing Friday in Brussels of British, German, French and European Union leaders on progress in the negotiations that was supposed to reflect progress toward a deal by the March 31 deadline.
An hour before France, Britain and Germany were to join the talks in Lausanne, the Iranians announced they were about to leave.

It was announced subsequently that Kerry would hold the cancelled Brussels briefing in France Saturday for officials rather than top leaders.
Speaking to Western news agencies Friday, Western and Iranian officials admitted that all the sides were very far apart. “We are not close to anything resembling a draft agreement,” said a European negotiator. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the length of an agreement, the pace of sanctions relief and international monitoring remain points of contention. No draft would be circulated until closer to the June 30 deadline for technical annexes, said the Russian official.

In other words, the March 31 deadline for a framework accord appeared to have gone by the board.

All Kinds of things happening now...Israel is building that wall as fast as they can, Iran's pissed off more now than ever and Obama wants to distance himself from a sinking ship called the Middle East.
And Israel will NEVER be defeated. But they very well may self destruct. If they have to they will take out themselves and as much as the Middle East as they can at the same time. Nobody really knows how many nuclear weapons they have, but it's a lot, and make no mistake, they will use them. I am no fan of Israel. In my humble opinion, they have always been a loose cannon.
Since you're uninterested or unable to engage in a meaningful discussion, and only seem interested in attempting to discredit every source with which you disagree, we can play a game of tit for tat if you wish.

CBS, you are an amazing teacher and I have learned from the absolute brightest in the world. I thought I would have made you proud seeing as this is exactly what you have done to every source you disagree with as well. Why is it that you are the only one allowed to do so but no one else. It's bc I'm Arab isn't it :(. You have no idea How much that hurts me coming from my favorite professor.
CBS, you are an amazing teacher and I have learned from the absolute brightest in the world. I thought I would have made you proud seeing as this is exactly what you have done to every source you disagree with as well. Why is it that you are the only one allowed to do so but no one else. It's bc I'm Arab isn't it :(. You have no idea How much that hurts me coming from my favorite professor.

If you post articles without citing the source, they get rejected. If you post articles that don't reference their claims, they get rejected.

Other than those two exceptions, I have not rejected your articles.

I have not posted one article without citing my source, yet you attack the source rather than the substance of the article.

I have not posted one article from an author that failed to reference their claims, yet you attack the author ignore their claims.

You are a master of subterfuge and finding an equivalence where none exists. You seem unable to use reason to argue you case. In fact, you haven't been able to make any case at all. You've posted pages and pages of emotional drivel and ad hominems and have yet to articulate the point you're trying to make.

Palestinian civilians get killed when Israel retaliates for Hamas attacks. We get it - you've said it several times. Do you have any ideas of your own on the Israeli-Palestinian issue or the larger issue of Islamic terror, or do you just want to discredit anyone who dares to complain about it?

Lets start with these two questions and see if we can get somewhere:

(1) Do you believe the Holocaust happened? (And by Holocaust, I mean the conventional understanding.)

(2) Do you accept Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state?
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Is Netanyahu's re-election win actually a good thing for Palestine? One reporter says, "Yes, it is":

"Mr. Netanyahu’s re-election has convincingly proved that trusting Israeli voters with the fate of Palestinian rights is disastrous and immoral. His government will oppose any constructive change, placing Israel on a collision course with the rest of the world. And this collision has never been more necessary."
Nice dodge but That is something both Arabs and Israelis have in common. Do you know what that poster says?

I suppose Hamas telling the Jews to leave "Palestine" could be considered a warning of sorts. To suggest there is a moral equivalence between Israel warning Palestinian civilians of imminent attacks and Hamas NOT warning Israelis at all is absurd. To suggest the targeted killing of civilians is the moral equivalent of civilians killed as collateral damage is delusional.
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(1) Do you believe the Holocaust happened? (And by Holocaust, I mean the conventional understanding.)

(2) Do you accept Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state?

WOW.. CBS. These two questions are loaded. They deserve a thread of their own. Some qualifications on the questions are in order.:) I do hand it to the israelis... they have chutzpah!
Do not give any credence to this censoredboardssuck. He really is a pseudo-intellectual who is ultimately peddling discrimination against Muslims.

As for Israel what about the fact they deliberately shoot dead children who throw stones at them?

What about the fact Israel gets away with violating the un resolutions?

Google "breaking the silence" which has testimonies from IDF soldiers about how they make the lives of Palestinians an absolute nightmare and there is no justification for it.

Israel's occupation of Gaza is morally unjustifiable and how do you expect the Muslim world to react to it?

Any other country that commits certain infractions is subject to sanction but yet Israel has absolute impunity.

Look at they way a hit squad assassinated a Hamas leader?

Watch a programme called "kill him silently" about an operation to kill another Hamas leader in Lebanon with whom Israel had a peace treaty. It became a total embarrassment and exposed Israel for the sly, corrupt, nefarious country it is.

CBS would like us to think his views are balanced and well grounded when in reality he is totally brainwashed to just see one side of the argument.

CBS, you are a total nasty piece of work. I just hope you end up dying of a muscle wasting disease you prune faced keith Richards lookalike (I bet your a dead ringer for him).

Look at you, coming on here and acting like you're a somebody. I bet you haven't pulled a woman in years, have no friends and stay at home alone most of the time.

You gutless little coward. Seriously I have never met a bigger Israel shill than you. It makes me question your motivations. Your either Jewish or have a serious vested interest in that nation in someway.

But don't worry you will not have the last laugh.
Here's some breaking news:). We may have peace after all.

New Two State Solution Proposed By Israel: New York & Florida

In a startling offer, Israel's newly elected regime said it would allow Palestinians to eat regularly if the USA would sign over New York and Florida as newly occupied territories. The Obama administration said it found the offer thoughtful and would put it before the Republikud party in congress, but the Demokatz party demanded that a replica of the Wailing Wall be permanetly set up at the nation's capital before it would support the proposal.
(Frank Scott)
@TyroneMoreGains whatever you say, if your offended I couldn't imagine working with you, fucking grow a pair of balls bro sorry but mabe you have to much estrogen in your system

Ok... I can show you my balls if you'd like since your into that shit.
so by your estimate everyone that responded negatively to your faggot thread has too much estrogen?
Then half the forum has too much estrogen.