JBallz and B79 gear up again!


10+ Year Member
Here we go again.... one week away from pinning (I probably won't make it that long but I will lie on the stand about it!)
I am in the best shape of my life and ready for this shit boys. Currently sitting at 254 in the a.m. and 261 in the p.m. give or take and in the arena of 11-12% bf. My flat bench is 385, squat is 450 maybe? And deadlifts are pr'ing at 525 x 2. My bench is stalled because we switched to paused flat bench- fucking great stuff but set weights back for sure.

This is technically a cut cycle based on the compounds im running... test (350wk) tren hex (450wk) mast p (600wk)... I have tne, serostim, alflutop, dbol and winstrol that I am going to decide how to run. Probably dbol in the beginning and winny at the end and 21 days of alflutop if shoulders or knees fuck with my progress.

Diet will be fairly basic. 300+ grams of protein a day from meat, Greek yogurt, whole milk, cottage cheese and shakes. I am not going to make myself miserable force feeding so it will just lend to the whole cut cycle theme. Fruit, veggies and pasta will round out the food in the basically worthless column.

Training to follow...
Sounds good brut. Good luck an kill that shit bro. Subbed. Lets get it. Do you have any specific set goals for this one?
Rough training schedule-
I drafted this for us and will do some more tinkering tomorrow. I fell in love with fst7 and this pulls a lot from it and hits back, chest and arms twice a week with alternating leg days. Program will be tweaked based on results but not switched- no more program hopping for me for months.

If not specified 4 sets 12

Chest/tri day one

Paused flat BB bench 4x12
Decline db bench
Incline db cable fly
3 push up sets to fail
Pec deck 7 x 12
Close grip bench
Behind head db pulls
Shrug dips
Bent flys
Rope pull down 7 x 12

Leg week one
Deads 3 x 5, 3 x 3, 3 x 1
Box squats
Extensions 7 x 12
Standing curls
Laying curls 7 x 12
Straight leg deads
Calves standing
Calves sitting 7 x 12

Back biceps
Lat pull down
Heavy db lat swing
Bicycle rows
Db military press
Wide grip seated rows 7 x 12
Close grip pull up
Preacher db
Drop set straight bar curl
Heavy shrugs
Cable bar curl 7 x 12

Chest tri day 2
Dips (eventually weighted)
Incline db press
Decline db fly
Diamond pushup 3 fail sets
Cable fly 7 x 12
Drop set tri push down machine
Skull crushers
Seated cable pull overs
Cable reverse pull overs seated
Tribar pull downs 7x12

Back biceps day two
Lat swing downs
Bent bb rows
Good mornings
Military press bb
Seated close grip rows 7 x 12
Wide grip pull ups
Preacher bb curls
Drop set seated db curls
High cable curls 7 x 12

Legs week two
Squats 3 x 5
Front box squats
Bulgarian squats
Curls standing 7 x 12
Calves sit
Calves stand 7x 12
Rack pulls

Some direct shoulder stuff slipped in but no "shoulder" day.

Thats alot of volume for the upper body. Legs alternate in between. Think you'll have ample recovery?
Thats alot of volume for the upper body. Legs alternate in between. Think you'll have ample recovery?
We shall see. With tren all things are possible.... i am taking another day with the program in an excel file to even everything up tomorrow. I will probably do sets of three instead of four for a couple weeks and see what needs retooling. Gh will help too im hoping.
brutus79 said:
We shall see. With tren all things are possible.... i am taking another day with the program in an excel file to even everything up tomorrow. I will probably do sets of three instead of four for a couple weeks and see what needs retooling. Gh will help too im hoping.
Thats probably a good Idea. Thats alot of pressing movements on chest and tri day. Ever thought of throwing iso-bi's in with chest day and iso- tri's in with back day? Some thing will suffer. Likely bi/tri after the bigger muscles chest/back has been worked
What we have been running has been like this and building up to this for a couple months- aesthetically I am loving it.
I know how exciting it is to be kicking off again. Its even better you wont be eating your own force fed puke this go round. Ill be tuning in
Thats alot of volume for the upper body. Legs alternate in between. Think you'll have ample recovery?
We shall see. With tren all things are possible.... i am taking another day with the program in an excel file to even everything up tomorrow. I will probably do sets of three instead of four for a couple weeks and see what needs retooling. Gh will help too im hoping.

Hey, hey, hey!!! Don't be trying to dissuade my training parter away from volume, volume is my middle freaking name!! :)

I'll post more here a little later..
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johnnyBALLZ. post: 1210769 said:
Hey, hey, hey!!! Don't be trying to dissuade my training parter away from volume, volume is my middle freaking name!! :)

I'll post more here a little later..
Johnny Volume Ballz Hahaha
I am in the best shape of my life and ready for this shit boys. Currently sitting at 254 in the a.m. and 261 in the p.m. give or take and in the arena of 11-12% bf.

Training to follow...
Holy Christ as Christmas! How tall are you? Nice. I am locked in on this one!

Diet will be fairly basic. 300+ grams of protein a day from meat, Greek yogurt, whole milk, cottage cheese and shakes. I am not going to make myself miserable force feeding so it will just lend to the whole cut cycle theme. Fruit, veggies and pasta will round out the food in the basically worthless column.
If you're trying to cut some, I would up the fiber (i.e. brown rice over pasta...)
thats a fuckton of volume do work!! i can only handle 5 exercises 4-5 sets even when im ON
Ok, so last cycle I went from 217 to 245 fairly quick. It was ALOT of water weight.. I dropped a few compounds and added in tren, leaned out to a nice 225 by the end of the cycle which is the last pic I posted in the old log.. For those that don't know I'm 5'8" by the way..

Since then I dieted my ass off and did 3 weeks of albuterol. Dropped to 215(morning weight) I had a trainer at the gym measure my bf and he said 11-12%, not sure if I believed him at the time. After that I did a 2 week DNP stint which ended last night, absolutely horrible experience as always.. Woke up this A.M. at 205 on the nose.. I THINK I'm around 10% BF right now but I'm not sure.. I'll post a pic in a few days after I piss out a few pounds of water I've been retaining from the poison..

I don't know if I'm more pumped up about the cycle or being able to feel normal again in a few days!! Sick of dragging ass all time, taking multiple freezing cold showers daily, and SOAKING the sheets every night..
Holy Christ as Christmas! How tall are you? Nice. I am locked in on this one!

If you're trying to cut some, I would up the fiber (i.e. brown rice over pasta...)
My bad- 6'2"

I eat a pound of apples a day or more- Shit City! And they are fucking awesome sliced up with light and fit danon fat free greek yogurt. Like candy I tell you! Pm sent...
I would like to dedicate this log to the fucking piece of shit that just banned me at ab. Dear gk and im- fuck your mothers.
My bad- 6'2"

I eat a pound of apples a day or more- Shit City! And they are fucking awesome sliced up with light and fit danon fat free greek yogurt. Like candy I tell you! Pm sent...
Dannon fat free yogurt is excellent and a fantastic source of protein
My bad- 6'2"

I eat a pound of apples a day or more- Shit City! And they are fucking awesome sliced up with light and fit danon fat free greek yogurt. Like candy I tell you! Pm sent...
I love apples with good peanut butter on them (peanuts only, no hydro oils or anything). I will have to try it with the yogurt.