JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Ah fuck it, I'll post some pics now..

Beginning of last cycle, end of September.. Let myself go for a couple months after surgery, no gym, ate like shit, and drank beer:

View attachment 20160

Towards end of last cycle, early December:

View attachment 20157

A week and a half ago after dieting for a month and after Albuterol. Towards beginning of DNP cycle:

View attachment 20158

This is this morning, I know I look flat, pretty damn depleted. 8 hours after last DNP dose:

View attachment 20159

I'll post another pic later in the week that should be a more accurate depiction of where I'll be starting this cycle..

Also, for anyone considering DNP, don't.. One of the most horrible things you can put yourself through..

ur looking excellent bro ! crazy ab transformation.. over what 5months! holy . cpe finishing touchs and u got washboards back with dem arms to go . I believe the trick is truly carbs and when there taken in.
Ah fuck it, I'll post some pics now..

Beginning of last cycle, end of September.. Let myself go for a couple months after surgery, no gym, ate like shit, and drank beer:

View attachment 20160

Towards end of last cycle, early December:

View attachment 20157

A week and a half ago after dieting for a month and after Albuterol. Towards beginning of DNP cycle:

View attachment 20158

This is this morning, I know I look flat, pretty damn depleted. 8 hours after last DNP dose:

View attachment 20159

I'll post another pic later in the week that should be a more accurate depiction of where I'll be starting this cycle..

Also, for anyone considering DNP, don't.. One of the most horrible things you can put yourself through..
Subbed for sure... Damn JB, you look cut up man, can't wait to see the progress through this cycle. Good luck to both of you
ur looking excellent bro ! crazy ab transformation.. over what 5months! holy . cpe finishing touchs and u got washboards back with dem arms to go . I believe the trick is truly carbs and when there taken in.

I don't know much about timing carbs but most are in the morning and post workout. Limited at night.. What is this carb cycling you were talking about earlier?
Fuck i dunno who to comment on first!!!!!! brute, cant wait to see your transformation...Your already a fucking monster!!! JB, i must say bro, thats some serious change...just awesome...Im subbing all you fuckers...
I don't know much about timing carbs but most are in the morning and post workout. Limited at night.. What is this carb cycling you were talking about earlier?
Google it
Some days on, some days carb free. Some shit about your body adapting and storing glycogen to avoid ketosis lethargy. @Oregongearhead does it if I am not mistaken.
Rough training schedule-
I drafted this for us and will do some more tinkering tomorrow. I fell in love with fst7 and this pulls a lot from it and hits back, chest and arms twice a week with alternating leg days. Program will be tweaked based on results but not switched- no more program hopping for me for months.

If not specified 4 sets 12

Chest/tri day one

Paused flat BB bench 4x12
Decline db bench
Incline db cable fly
3 push up sets to fail
Pec deck 7 x 12
Close grip bench
Behind head db pulls
Shrug dips
Bent flys
Rope pull down 7 x 12

Leg week one
Deads 3 x 5, 3 x 3, 3 x 1
Box squats
Extensions 7 x 12
Standing curls
Laying curls 7 x 12
Straight leg deads
Calves standing
Calves sitting 7 x 12

Back biceps
Lat pull down
Heavy db lat swing
Bicycle rows
Db military press
Wide grip seated rows 7 x 12
Close grip pull up
Preacher db
Drop set straight bar curl
Heavy shrugs
Cable bar curl 7 x 12

Chest tri day 2
Dips (eventually weighted)
Incline db press
Decline db fly
Diamond pushup 3 fail sets
Cable fly 7 x 12
Drop set tri push down machine
Skull crushers
Seated cable pull overs
Cable reverse pull overs seated
Tribar pull downs 7x12

Back biceps day two
Lat swing downs
Bent bb rows
Good mornings
Military press bb
Seated close grip rows 7 x 12
Wide grip pull ups
Preacher bb curls
Drop set seated db curls
High cable curls 7 x 12

Legs week two
Squats 3 x 5
Front box squats
Bulgarian squats
Curls standing 7 x 12
Calves sit
Calves stand 7x 12
Rack pulls

Some direct shoulder stuff slipped in but no "shoulder" day.


Looks good, I was considering doing my Overhead pressing on my pull day (Back, Bicep Trap) so let me know how you like it. I decided to instead do them on push days after bench, incline and dips. It's working out great I really hit them good then the OHP is just icing on the cake. But I will try doing them on a separate day at some point to see how I like it.
Ah fuck it, I'll post some pics now..

Beginning of last cycle, end of September.. Let myself go for a couple months after surgery, no gym, ate like shit, and drank beer:

View attachment 20160

Towards end of last cycle, early December:

View attachment 20157

A week and a half ago after dieting for a month and after Albuterol. Towards beginning of DNP cycle:

View attachment 20158

This is this morning, I know I look flat, pretty damn depleted. 8 hours after last DNP dose:

View attachment 20159

I'll post another pic later in the week that should be a more accurate depiction of where I'll be starting this cycle..

Also, for anyone considering DNP, don't.. One of the most horrible things you can put yourself through..

Shit dude thats what I call a cut cycle, good job. Really like the complexity and volume of your guys routine. Have a feeling this log is gunna get crazy but Ill be watching the progress.
I bet youll get closer to brining the ab definition in, with less food + tren and the way you guys train with so much volume brings a level of metabolic workout into play. like constant cardio with ur pump ! looking forward to seeing both of yalls progress . ive added about 1/2 inch of a fat roll to my pack on this damn inclusive vaca . goddamn sugary carbs suck me in every time. I see syrup and sugared French toast and I fucking cave like a pimp on pussy . but you gotta live too I realize. Have u guys played with carb cycling, priming or other at all?

Im barely getting into the idea of playing with carbs. Like 4 weeks in and noticing how much it helps with cutting bf. I started doing keto and transitioned into carb cycling. I really miss bad carbs and talking about french toast is making me a little crazy.
for back bi day two military press may suffer since ita after chest tri day two.overall looks nice
I slipped that in as an afterthought and I think you are right. Might do it before back sets and it will help target back with shoulders tired.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand I pinned. Couldn't wait. Sorry jb. 200tren hex and 300 test enth last night and 150 hex and 150 mast p just now. Get it.
Another one!!! I can't compete with this log. Damn it subbed.

Brutus your technically running a cut? I know @johnnyBALLZ is not cutting.....right?

Should we just say lean bulk?
Majestic Strength I believe through out time that is exactly what the Lion has stood for in ones coat of arms. You might have to trade in the sociopathic Joker for the majestic Lion on this cycle. Your not running a shit load of tren anyways.
Another one!!! I can't compete with this log. Damn it subbed.

Brutus your technically running a cut? I know @johnnyBALLZ is not cutting.....right?

Should we just say lean bulk?

I don't know what to call it.. I'm NOT going to be putting any fat back on!! I hope.. :)

Clean eating, a lot of protein, moderate fats, low carb.. I'll post diet for critique in a few days..

Will be running tren hex/ace, mast p, low test c, var, GH.. Still tinkering with dosages..
I don't know what to call it.. I'm NOT going to be putting any fat back on!! I hope.. :)

Clean eating, a lot of protein, moderate fats, low carb.. I'll post diet for critique in a few days..

Will be running tren hex/ace, mast p, low test c, var, GH.. Still tinkering with dosages..


I am hoping you can get 7-8% towards the end of this run. I think you look great now, but you probably feel like shit.. I think we need to get you on a Carb Cycle schedule, you will feel much better and you won't have to fuck with DNP ever again, once you have your body's carbohydrate metabolism in check.

For some, the GH will do it alone. Throw in the Var and GH, and the Mast with Tren and you should be popping veins like they are zits..

Has anyone given you some solid carb cycling advice?
