JBallz and B79 gear up again!

I'm in men. You both are starting in a great spot. Good luck!!

Take it for what it is worth but with all of the training volume you guys are planning on why fuck around depleting yourselves of carbs. At a minimum you are going to feel like shit during the long training sessions with no carbs in your system and it will probably impact your training.
That is a good point MP. I didn't include in that post high volume training days are always reserved for the high carb cycle days. You will have to listen to your bodies to determine how you are feeling on those days, to see if the high carb amt is sufficient.
But MP does have a good observation as I look at what Brutus posted, that is quite a bit of volume. You may want to save the dieting for the back end of the cycle to sculpt the finished product;)
I'm in men. You both are starting in a great spot. Good luck!!

Take it for what it is worth but with all of the training volume you guys are planning on why fuck around depleting yourselves of carbs. At a minimum you are going to feel like shit during the long training sessions with no carbs in your system and it will probably impact your training.

Good point MP, nice to have you join us..

That is a good point MP. I didn't include in that post high volume training days are always reserved for the high carb cycle days. You will have to listen to your bodies to determine how you are feeling on those days, to see if the high carb amt is sufficient.
But MP does have a good observation as I look at what Brutus posted, that is quite a bit of volume. You may want to save the dieting for the back end of the cycle to sculpt the finished product;)

I don't know though, I can't possibly feel anymore like shit then the training I did on DNP for two weeks and I was able to push through it and train like normal (<<<this is not advised).. Something I need to think about..

Regardless, from your posts and the other limited research I did earlier today this really sounds like a game changer and is ALOT more appealing to me than DNP or full keto.. I'll be doing it in the near future, just need to figure out if I want to start the cycle with it or not.. Thanks again!!
Ah fuck it, I'll post some pics now..

Beginning of last cycle, end of September.. Let myself go for a couple months after surgery, no gym, ate like shit, and drank beer:

View attachment 20160

Towards end of last cycle, early December:

View attachment 20157

A week and a half ago after dieting for a month and after Albuterol. Towards beginning of DNP cycle:

View attachment 20158

This is this morning, I know I look flat, pretty damn depleted. 8 hours after last DNP dose:

View attachment 20159

I'll post another pic later in the week that should be a more accurate depiction of where I'll be starting this cycle..

Also, for anyone considering DNP, don't.. One of the most horrible things you can put yourself through..

Bruh, you made fun of my beard.... YOU HAVE A BEARD!!? Wtf is that shit

Nice mini transformation. Lookin jacked. Subbed for both of you. Stay healthy
Today delts/traps (1 hour)
40min cardio

paused bb shoulder press 135lbs 3x12
shoulder press 100lbs dbs 3x10
db side lateral raises dropset 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s 10reps each
db front raises dropset 45s, 35s, 25s, then 45lb plate 10reps each
rear delt fly machine 4x12
side lateral machine 3x20
21 sets

bb upright row 135lbs 4x10
bb behind back shrugs 135lbs 4x15
bb shrugs 225lbs 4x12
shrugs 2 45lb plates 2x30
14 sets

20min treadmill at 4.5 with 7.5 incline
10min elliptical at level 12
10min bike at level 11

Felt awesome today.. My piss is gradually becoming less radioactive. Woke up this morning at 203, hoping to hit 200 .. Curious to see how much more poison water has left my body when I step on the scale tomorrow..

Chest in the morning with brutus.. :)
Holy shit ballz great work in those pics brother. You look hungry in that last one get some steak and eggs boy !!!!

Hahaha! I figured you had grown tired of the virtual felating and wanted to hear something to the contrary.

Guess I'm the next fluffer in line. :DYou do look like you put in a tremendous amount of work. Damn fine transformation. May want to reconsider competing. If anything, just for a notch on the belt or bucket list type of thing.
Its a little nauseating up in this thread for sure.

If everyone can ease up on the ballz stroke job we did some training today! A nice shot of 100mg tne an hour before cut with 100 mast p so it didnt hurt my ass too much aaaaaaaand

11 MILES ON THE BIKE RANDOM HILL CLIMB... it was horrible. I almost died.

Anyway- chest tri day one
Pause flat bench 225 x 10
3 sets 1 1/2 second pause on chest
Decline db press 3 sets 10 w/85's
Incline db fly 3 second pause at full spread 3 sets with 45's
Push ups three fail sets
Cable flys 70 each side 7 sets 12
Close grip bench smith machine(we aren't faggots- benches were full) 185 3 sets 10
We missed a fucking 4 sets of db behind the head raises jb! Fuck!
3 sets 10 Shrug dips bw
3 sets 10 bent flys w 35's
7 sets 12 rope pull down w 140
Last edited:
The quantity of sets you guys are doing is freaking intense. Are you recovering from one body part workout to the next?
You two crazy ass crackers need to STFU.. My psychiatrist says these Meso compliments should do wonders for my incredibly low self esteem so let's stop trying to muffle them, emmmmkayyy?! ;)
What the fuck does your gynecologist know about self esteem? [emoji6]
Diet so far today
6 eggs
Protein shake
Banana intra-workout
10oz chicken breast
12 oz meatloaf
3/4 gallon whole milk
3 cups fat free Greek yogurt
2 apples
2 cups lowfat cottage cheese
Almost fourthmeal time.
Diet so far today
6 eggs
Protein shake
Banana intra-workout
10oz chicken breast
12 oz meatloaf
3/4 gallon whole milk
3 cups fat free Greek yogurt
2 apples
2 cups lowfat cottage cheese
Almost fourthmeal time.
how the fuck have you eaten 12oz of meatloaf and 10oz of chicken and it's only time for fourth meal?
how the fuck have you eaten 12oz of meatloaf and 10oz of chicken and it's only time for fourth meal?
I cut them up small and mix them together... a little spaghetti sauce and I take little bites for two hours or so with lots of milk and water. Slow bleed of protein post workout. Just ate 6oz chicken mixed with a cup of cottage cheese. Total protein for day is at 350 or so not counting shake.
The Boys are back. Strap yourself in. If this is as detailed as the last log(which im sure it will be. Its going to be a fun ride