JBallz and B79 gear up again!



I am hoping you can get 7-8% towards the end of this run. I think you look great now, but you probably feel like shit.. I think we need to get you on a Carb Cycle schedule, you will feel much better and you won't have to fuck with DNP ever again, once you have your body's carbohydrate metabolism in check.

For some, the GH will do it alone. Throw in the Var and GH, and the Mast with Tren and you should be popping veins like they are zits..

Has anyone given you some solid carb cycling advice?


No, when I asked about it yesterday some asshole told me to "Google it".. :)

I haven't really looked into it yet..
No, when I asked some asshole told me to "Google it".. :)

I haven't really looked into it yet..

Ah... Fuck That.. There are 5,000 Carb Cycling diets.. Needle in haystack.

When I get back to my office later today I'll PM you some excellent info.. It pertains more towards our goals and how to do it on cycle vs. off....
I have carb cycled in the past and I like it because the carb depletion really flattens you out and then you throw that carb day in and boom you just fill out. I do do best though if I start with a strict keto for a couple of weeks before I start to cycle my carbs.
Ah... Fuck That.. There are 5,000 Carb Cycling diets.. Needle in haystack.

When I get back to my office later today I'll PM you some excellent info.. It pertains more towards our goals and how to do it on cycle vs. off....
Fuck a pm dude- put it in this thread and we will both try it and log effects. Thanks!
All this talk about cycling off carbs got me so worked up I had to eat five donuts. Put abs off another day I guess.
Fuck a pm dude- put it in this thread and we will both try it and log effects. Thanks!
Yes we all want to see. I am carb sensitive and this is my number one battle been screwing with carb cycling and keto for way to long. Would like to see more input on this subject.

All this talk about cycling off carbs got me so worked up I had to eat five donuts. Put abs off another day I guess.
That is what the Gh is for.
Here we go again.... one week away from pinning (I probably won't make it that long but I will lie on the stand about it!)
I am in the best shape of my life and ready for this shit boys. Currently sitting at 254 in the a.m. and 261 in the p.m. give or take and in the arena of 11-12% bf. My flat bench is 385, squat is 450 maybe? And deadlifts are pr'ing at 525 x 2. My bench is stalled because we switched to paused flat bench- fucking great stuff but set weights back for sure.

This is technically a cut cycle based on the compounds im running... test (350wk) tren hex (450wk) mast p (600wk)... I have tne, serostim, alflutop, dbol and winstrol that I am going to decide how to run. Probably dbol in the beginning and winny at the end and 21 days of alflutop if shoulders or knees fuck with my progress.

Diet will be fairly basic. 300+ grams of protein a day from meat, Greek yogurt, whole milk, cottage cheese and shakes. I am not going to make myself miserable force feeding so it will just lend to the whole cut cycle theme. Fruit, veggies and pasta will round out the food in the basically worthless column.

Training to follow...

Impressive deadlift beutus
All this talk about cycling off carbs got me so worked up I had to eat five donuts. Put abs off another day I guess.
@johnnyBALLZ @brutus79

This is what I and those in my group have done in the past with great success. I hope it brings you both the same success, and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Carbohydrate Cycling- This term is often used throughout our community and generally refers to alternating from a low/no carb day (0g-50g) to a high carb day (250g-400g) or some variation of this.. However, it does become much more complicated than this. I am going to keep this simple and easy to follow. Once you are in a rhythm your note taking on what you are eating will not be as necessary, but starting off, it will be.

Basic Carb Cycle Introduction

1. Calculate your TDEE. This helps us figure your necessary caloric intake to meet your goal weight. TDEE is how many calories your body needs to function at your current activity rate to maintain current weight (or for our purposes, desired weight). The TDEE calculation is meant to determine how many calories your body burns in 24hours, according to the stats provided in the calculation. In the past, I have adjusted my TDEE to reflect my goal weight, not current weight. This is beneficial when “on” and you are aiming for a specific weight. You are eating and dieting to achieve that goal weight. This particluar TDEE calculator below will help you determine what your number should be and has a 20% surplus option for those muscle building adjustments.


2. Now Calculate how many grams of carbs you currently take in on a daily basis. This is a necessary calculation, because we are going to immediately slash them in half for 14 days. If your carb average intake was 500g daily. You are going to go to 250g max daily. Then when calculating your TDEE macro breakdown, replace 40% of these carb calories with Protein and 10% with fat. (Don’t forget fats give us 9 calories per gram instead of 4.)

Try to avoid as many simple sugars as possible, but Brutus loves his apples, so those are good, just stay under the daily limit. Remember this plan is for someone who hasn’t carb cycled before or is coming in from a long hiatus. This is not show prep.. You may look ready for a show when we are done, but our goals here are 8 pack (panty dropper mode) and maximum muscle gain possible from calories introduced.

3. The goal after 14 days at 50% carb reduction, you should feel leaner but should not feel flat or depleted. Some more experienced dieters will go right into Ketosis these first 14 days. This means they would reduce their carbohydrate intake to 0g-50g day and after 7-10 days they could check their urine for ketones. At this point they are in Ketoacidosis, similar to what an uncontrolled Diabetic is in because they are urinating out all of their Sugars.. This Ketotic state is very beneficial because the body is using fat as its main energy source and burning fat stores. But I wouldn’t recommend that to start out, it is really easy to fall off the wagon if you were on a heavy carb diet prior. So for our purposes, this 2 week period will be your adjustment phase.

4. Now to the “Carb Cycling” we hear so much about. There are many variations of the number of days of low to high and when to adjust them. There are 2 main things we have to consider here. One is Consistency. For this to be effective, we have to be consistent. Dramatic results require consistency. Two, listen to your body. If you are feeling depleted and have been on a three day low carb stretch further down the road, it is time for a high carb day.

Also, some dieters using Carb cycling will take 20% off of their TDEE and shoot for caloric reduction while Carb Cycling. We do not do this when we are “on” cycle. These extra calories will be burned up and we need them. We set a goal weight/caloric goal and then adjust how/when our carbohydrates enter our bodies.This changes off cycle.

5. The Actual Carb Cycle--

I have tried this many different ways, but to start out I like the 2-1-2-1 method. This means you start with 2 straight low carb days and then one high carb day, then 2 more low, then end with one high.

Example for a 49 yr old 265lb 6’1’’ person looking to build muscle (20% surplus) I would need approximately 4,400 calories a day. Here is how I would breakdown my intake:

Day One: 50g Carb (200 calories)/600g Protein (2400 calories)/Fats 200g (1800 calories)

Day Two: 50g Carb

Day Three: 300g Carb (1200 calories)/600g Protein(2400 calories)/ Fats 85g (765 calories)

Day Four: 50g Carb

Day Five: 50g Carb

Day Six: 300g Carb

Then repeat rotation from the beginning

As I mentioned before, there are many variations of this. I have seen diets where no carb days are incorporated into this such as a no carb, then low carb, then high carb schedule. I have also seen others put their fats much higher, however when you are on cycle, this is not recommended. The reason being the protein grams will have to be lowered to fit into your caloric goal. As you get further into this, you will know what you respond to and what you don’t. Also if you are feeling good going 2 straight low carb days, you can try three in a row down the line and switch up to 3-1-3-1.The results will be shocking when you have it right.

6. In order to figure your high Carb day #s, I like to go a little higher than you were during the 14 day carb reduction. Carbs are necessary for muscle growth, so we have to take this into consideration. Also back to listening to your body. For Example, If you feel flat/weak on 300g high days, go to 400g. Just be careful on the simple sugars. But start on the 300g level and adjust if necessary.

7. Brutus and the 5 Donut days—Yes.. no shit this can happen, but I don’t recommend it for those without some level of willpower. After 4 rotations of the 2-1-2-1 schedule, a very high carb day is in order. We need to refill the glycogen in our muscles. Therefore 1000g day can take the place of the last (1) in the 4th rotation. I don’t recommend lowering protein to fit in the calories, I always lower the fat on this day and tend to blow out my TDEE.

8. Last, to eat 6-8 meals or not?? I don’t really see a point to this argument. I don’t think eating more often speeds up your metabolism. However, your body can only process a certain amount of protein at a time, and you can only eat so much at a time without puking. So it only makes sense to split the times into more frequent meals.. When Carb cycling I have found eating more frequently helps stabilize my blood sugar as well. Is there a metabolic advantage, I’m thinking not, but for me it’s a convenience. To each his own.

Happy Dieting you Monsters,


Have you ever tried this variation below ? What I posted above is more or less for those starting out. This a bit more advanced, but thought it may help you.

14-21 day Ketosis then
Day1: 0g carb
Day2: 25g carb
Day3: 250g carb
Day4: 0g carb
Day5: 25g carb
Day6: 250g carb
Can you two handle this kind of food deprivation , lol ? Brutus ? I think you guys like food too much (like me) but Id like to see you guys ripped ...my diet starts today .
Its just a Frank Zane low carb/cycling competition diet . I will taper my calories over 4 months . Check it out in my foodie thread ....~Ogh
@johnnyBALLZ @brutus79

This is what I and those in my group have done in the past with great success. I hope it brings you both the same success, and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Carbohydrate Cycling- This term is often used throughout our community and generally refers to alternating from a low/no carb day (0g-50g) to a high carb day (250g-400g) or some variation of this.. However, it does become much more complicated than this. I am going to keep this simple and easy to follow. Once you are in a rhythm your note taking on what you are eating will not be as necessary, but starting off, it will be.

Basic Carb Cycle Introduction

1. Calculate your TDEE. This helps us figure your necessary caloric intake to meet your goal weight. TDEE is how many calories your body needs to function at your current activity rate to maintain current weight (or for our purposes, desired weight). The TDEE calculation is meant to determine how many calories your body burns in 24hours, according to the stats provided in the calculation. In the past, I have adjusted my TDEE to reflect my goal weight, not current weight. This is beneficial when “on” and you are aiming for a specific weight. You are eating and dieting to achieve that goal weight. This particluar TDEE calculator below will help you determine what your number should be and has a 20% surplus option for those muscle building adjustments.


2. Now Calculate how many grams of carbs you currently take in on a daily basis. This is a necessary calculation, because we are going to immediately slash them in half for 14 days. If your carb average intake was 500g daily. You are going to go to 250g max daily. Then when calculating your TDEE macro breakdown, replace 40% of these carb calories with Protein and 10% with fat. (Don’t forget fats give us 9 calories per gram instead of 4.)

Try to avoid as many simple sugars as possible, but Brutus loves his apples, so those are good, just stay under the daily limit. Remember this plan is for someone who hasn’t carb cycled before or is coming in from a long hiatus. This is not show prep.. You may look ready for a show when we are done, but our goals here are 8 pack (panty dropper mode) and maximum muscle gain possible from calories introduced.

3. The goal after 14 days at 50% carb reduction, you should feel leaner but should not feel flat or depleted. Some more experienced dieters will go right into Ketosis these first 14 days. This means they would reduce their carbohydrate intake to 0g-50g day and after 7-10 days they could check their urine for ketones. At this point they are in Ketoacidosis, similar to what an uncontrolled Diabetic is in because they are urinating out all of their Sugars.. This Ketotic state is very beneficial because the body is using fat as its main energy source and burning fat stores. But I wouldn’t recommend that to start out, it is really easy to fall off the wagon if you were on a heavy carb diet prior. So for our purposes, this 2 week period will be your adjustment phase.

4. Now to the “Carb Cycling” we hear so much about. There are many variations of the number of days of low to high and when to adjust them. There are 2 main things we have to consider here. One is Consistency. For this to be effective, we have to be consistent. Dramatic results require consistency. Two, listen to your body. If you are feeling depleted and have been on a three day low carb stretch further down the road, it is time for a high carb day.

Also, some dieters using Carb cycling will take 20% off of their TDEE and shoot for caloric reduction while Carb Cycling. We do not do this when we are “on” cycle. These extra calories will be burned up and we need them. We set a goal weight/caloric goal and then adjust how/when our carbohydrates enter our bodies.This changes off cycle.

5. The Actual Carb Cycle--

I have tried this many different ways, but to start out I like the 2-1-2-1 method. This means you start with 2 straight low carb days and then one high carb day, then 2 more low, then end with one high.

Example for a 49 yr old 265lb 6’1’’ person looking to build muscle (20% surplus) I would need approximately 4,400 calories a day. Here is how I would breakdown my intake:

Day One: 50g Carb (200 calories)/600g Protein (2400 calories)/Fats 200g (1800 calories)

Day Two: 50g Carb

Day Three: 300g Carb (1200 calories)/600g Protein(2400 calories)/ Fats 85g (765 calories)

Day Four: 50g Carb

Day Five: 50g Carb

Day Six: 300g Carb

Then repeat rotation from the beginning

As I mentioned before, there are many variations of this. I have seen diets where no carb days are incorporated into this such as a no carb, then low carb, then high carb schedule. I have also seen others put their fats much higher, however when you are on cycle, this is not recommended. The reason being the protein grams will have to be lowered to fit into your caloric goal. As you get further into this, you will know what you respond to and what you don’t. Also if you are feeling good going 2 straight low carb days, you can try three in a row down the line and switch up to 3-1-3-1.The results will be shocking when you have it right.

6. In order to figure your high Carb day #s, I like to go a little higher than you were during the 14 day carb reduction. Carbs are necessary for muscle growth, so we have to take this into consideration. Also back to listening to your body. For Example, If you feel flat/weak on 300g high days, go to 400g. Just be careful on the simple sugars. But start on the 300g level and adjust if necessary.

7. Brutus and the 5 Donut days—Yes.. no shit this can happen, but I don’t recommend it for those without some level of willpower. After 4 rotations of the 2-1-2-1 schedule, a very high carb day is in order. We need to refill the glycogen in our muscles. Therefore 1000g day can take the place of the last (1) in the 4th rotation. I don’t recommend lowering protein to fit in the calories, I always lower the fat on this day and tend to blow out my TDEE.

8. Last, to eat 6-8 meals or not?? I don’t really see a point to this argument. I don’t think eating more often speeds up your metabolism. However, your body can only process a certain amount of protein at a time, and you can only eat so much at a time without puking. So it only makes sense to split the times into more frequent meals.. When Carb cycling I have found eating more frequently helps stabilize my blood sugar as well. Is there a metabolic advantage, I’m thinking not, but for me it’s a convenience. To each his own.

Happy Dieting you Monsters,

Fucking great post- im going to start this week 4. Im running dbol for four weeks and eating like a fucking pig until then. (A skinny pig?)