JBallz and B79 gear up again!

I decided to start the 21 day alflutop cycle today. It is a European approved joint healer of some sort... @pumpingiron22 ran a log and said it really helped his knee. I got It from @pharmacist . Day 1 - pinned. Didn't die. Yet. I will keep everyone posted... I have shoulder issues in my right shoulder - mostly displaced pain from my rotator cuff that manifests itself above my bicep and below my tricep. My right knee has pain over the kneecap when I squat 400+ and my elbows are getting worn from all this arm work. Fingers crossed!
The quantity of sets you guys are doing is freaking intense. Are you recovering from one body part workout to the next?
We have been working up to this for months and months. I dont think you could walk into this program right from a low volume program and have success; we started with gvt and gradually worked up to 40 sets per work out... arms are the toughest with elbow soreness from the volume but I am catching up nicely. Tough at first- we banged all this out in about an hour... not bad for over 800 reps between two of us.
We have been working up to this for months and months. I dont think you could walk into this program right from a low volume program and have success; we started with gvt and gradually worked up to 40 sets per work out... arms are the toughest with elbow soreness from the volume but I am catching up nicely. Tough at first- we banged all this out in about an hour... not bad for over 800 reps between two of us.

You are exactly right. This is a program you have to work up to. I would have no chance of getting through it coming off of training for a PL meet.

If your elbows are hurting be damn glad you forgot the behind the head dumbbell raises. Leave these and the skull crushers to healthy elbows JB!
Legs today! Excellent workout- I am completely, disgustingly, painfully depleted. Eating was real tough today so my post workout meal was a 20 pc mcnugget and a double quarter pounder. Calories hit. Protein hit.

135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 2
405 x 1
495 x 1
425 x 1
425 x 1 with 10 shrugs at top of pull
425 x 1 with 7 shrugs at top of pull

Box squats with @ 2 second sit
135 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 5
275 x 5

Leg extensions
7 sets 12 at 130 lbs

Hack squats
3 sets 10 w 4 plates

Laying leg curls
7 sets 12 w 90lbs

Standing calf raises
3 sets 12 w 335lbs

Seated calf raises
7 sets 12 w 3 plates

I miss anything jb?

Beast mode fellas- and the gear ain't even kicked in yo! Muthafuckin jb ain't even pinned yet- STAY TUNED!

*correction to yesterday's chest log- we did decline db presses with 80's and not 85's. My apologies for the inaccuracy.
That's a strong session right there!

Why all the calf raises? You guys planning on entering a beauty contest or something?

I'll forgive you for the calf raises but I don't want to read about you doing these during the next leg session.
Hahaha, dick!! :) ^^

Looks right brutus..

Only thing different for me was deads, I got up to 415x1 and failed at 425(my PR).. Tweaked my back a little.. :( Shouldn't have attempted it.. Oh, and 40min cardio this morning..

Fuck man, I wish I could've eaten McDonalds after that workout!!
The jalapeno mcdouble is where its at now fellas.

Serves two purposes
1 good source protein, cals and tastes good
2 cleans you THE FUCK OUT
McDonald's was a bad choice. Fourth shit of the morning underway and I think I am getting a butthole pump from the dbol.
I decided to start the 21 day alflutop cycle today. It is a European approved joint healer of some sort... @pumpingiron22 ran a log and said it really helped his knee. I got It from @pharmacist . Day 1 - pinned. Didn't die. Yet. I will keep everyone posted... I have shoulder issues in my right shoulder - mostly displaced pain from my rotator cuff that manifests itself above my bicep and below my tricep. My right knee has pain over the kneecap when I squat 400+ and my elbows are getting worn from all this arm work. Fingers crossed!
I ordered some alflutop after researching it based on your mention of it at the start of this thread. Oa in both knees for me. Just an FYI amazon has it for $50 a ten pack.
Great transformation.. Looking insane brother. Those shoulders look like motherfucking bowling balls... Keep up the good work guys!!!!
Brutal lunch break back/bi session!
Military press BB
3 SETS 20 with 95 lbs each set 10 in front of head and ten behind.
Lat pull down
90lbs x 10
100lbs x 10
120lbs x 10
Lat swings laying on stomach incline. Not sure what they are called- short movement on hanging arms moving db's with lat flex.
85's 3 sets ten
Bicycle supported rows
2 plates 3 sets 10
Wide grip seated rows
7 sets 12 w either 50 or 60 can't remember
Close grip pull ups assisted
3 sets ten
Barbell curl drop sets 105, 85, 65, 45 lbs set of ten each. I had to start at 85 and do the bar twice
Ez bar preacher curls 50lbs
3 sets 10
Cable curls 70lbs? Can't remember. Tired and at work. Whateva
7 sets 12

Serious tear up sweat session.
Can't wait to hit back chest and arms again this weekend!

Eating well today... maybe not squeaky clean but protien and calories are there!

Alflutop second pin. Running dbol third day at 25mg a day- very strong. Tren hex is at 500 wk. Mast p at 700. Test e at 300. This is day 5... had to put a/c at 63 degrees last night so heating up a bit.
Great workout.. I took a shot of b12 this morning since my wife thought she was catching a cold and I didn't want to stop doing cardio!! But I did, right at 45min.. Who am I kidding, cardio sucks but it went a lot easier today..

My diet the past few weeks has been:

-Shake- 8oz water, banana, 0.5 cup oatmeal, 1.5 cup frozen berries, 2 tbsp flax, 1 tbsb natural peanut butter, 36 grams whey, 1 egg

-36grams whey post workout before cardio

-2 chicken breasts, 1 cup white rice, small Caesar salad, 0.5cup black beans, powerade

-can of tuna, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 tbsp macadamia nut oil, 1 tbsp natural peanut butter, can of low sodium v8

-small portion whole wheat pasta, 10 meatballs, small salad (this was dinner, only meal that changes daily)

-cup light yogurt, blueberries, granola mixed in, 36 grams casein

I plan on adding another small meal or two when I pin and will probably start the carb cycling after 4 weeks.

I'm looking for some critique here, opinions wanted!! Thanks.
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Great workout.. I took a shot of b12 this morning since my wife thought she was catching a cold and I didn't want to stop doing cardio!! But I did, right at 45min.. Who am I kidding, cardio sucks but it went a lot easier today..

My diet the past few weeks has been:

-Shake- 8oz water, banana, 0.5 cup oatmeal, 1.5 cup frozen berries, 2 tbsp flax, 1 tbsb natural peanut butter, 36 grams whey, 1 egg

-36grams whey post workout before cardio

-2 chicken breasts, 1 cup white rice, small Caesar salad, 0.5cup black beans, powerade

-can of tuna, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 tbsp macadamia nut oil, 1 tbsp natural peanut butter, can of low sodium v8

-small portion whole wheat pasta, 10 meatballs, small salad (this was dinner, only meal that changes daily)

-cup light yogurt, blueberries, granola mixed in, 36 grams casein

I plan on adding another small meal or two when I pin and will probably start the carb cycling after 4 weeks.

I'm looking for some critique here, opinions wanted!! Thanks.

Diet looks good. To be my usual redundant self, I prefer brown rice to white. More fiber and nutrients. Powerade is high in sugar (high fructose corn syrup, yuck and: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/05/04/powerade-drops-controversial-ingredient/). For electrolytes and recovery I prefer Coconut Water:

2 bucks a can. Many different brands. Make sure they are sugar free though. Super great for hangovers!

Everything else looks good.
Legs today! Excellent workout- I am completely, disgustingly, painfully depleted. Eating was real tough today so my post workout meal was a 20 pc mcnugget and a double quarter pounder. Calories hit. Protein hit.

135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 2
405 x 1
495 x 1
425 x 1
425 x 1 with 10 shrugs at top of pull
425 x 1 with 7 shrugs at top of pull

Box squats with @ 2 second sit
135 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 5
275 x 5

Leg extensions
7 sets 12 at 130 lbs

Hack squats
3 sets 10 w 4 plates

Laying leg curls
7 sets 12 w 90lbs

Standing calf raises
3 sets 12 w 335lbs

Seated calf raises
7 sets 12 w 3 plates

I miss anything jb?

Beast mode fellas- and the gear ain't even kicked in yo! Muthafuckin jb ain't even pinned yet- STAY TUNED!

*correction to yesterday's chest log- we did decline db presses with 80's and not 85's. My apologies for the inaccuracy.

IIFYM brotha

That's a strong session right there!

Why all the calf raises? You guys planning on entering a beauty contest or something?

I'll forgive you for the calf raises but I don't want to read about you doing these during the next leg session.

I use that machine.... Srsly I really use that machine. Glute min is important!