JBallz and B79 gear up again!

IIFYM brotha

I use that machine.... Srsly I really use that machine. Glute min is important!

I don't know what the hell "Glute min" is but that is an inner thigh machine and is something a man should never be seen using.

Come on hotdog next your going to tell us you use the squat rack should be used exclusively for doing curls.
I actually have been known to use that stupid thing. I do it mostly to be an ass.Put the pin on the heaviest weight and scream, holler and carry on like one of Jerry's kids getting fucked by a gorilla. No seriously I got sick inner thighs. Wanna see me flex em?o_O
@Masters Power this is so embarrassing for you, what you have pictured is a leg abduction machine, that specifically targets the gluteus minimus. Now if the pads were on the inside it would be the adduction/groin machine

Which I use also :) stabilizers/synergistists are important!! I have bad mechanics so glute patterning is very important to me

And yes, besides @gr8whitetrukker I don't know any men that use them. But when I squat 495 in 2016 I'll attribute my success to using the bitch machines after squats and deads

And curls r fuckin gayy... Said the 16.5" arms
You think its funny until you have to go to sleep to the freakishly loud moaning of my girl getting jack hammered by ME. Power is in the groin man. Chicks dig it
Look I never realized how freakin weak and under activated my groin was until I used it

You think its funny until you have to go to sleep to the freakishly loud moaning of my girl getting jack hammered by ME. Power is in the groin man. Chicks dig it

Except it was me screaming in my sleep cause my groin hurt soo bad! For like 6 days after my first session on the bitch machine
I'm pretty sure the only reason women use it is to de
@Masters Power this is so embarrassing for you, what you have pictured is a leg abduction machine, that specifically targets the gluteus minimus. Now if the pads were on the inside it would be the adduction/groin machine

Which I use also :) stabilizers/synergistists are important!! I have bad mechanics so glute patterning is very important to me

And yes, besides @gr8whitetrukker I don't know any men that use them. But when I squat 495 in 2016 I'll attribute my success to using the bitch machines after squats and deads

And curls r fuckin gayy... Said the 16.5" arms

You are correct in my haste to bust JB and Brutus's balls I googled inner thigh machine and got that picture and didn't even look at the position of the pads.
This is what the picture should have been.

Good luck in getting to 495. When you do I doubt that it will be because of that machine but I will admit that using it doesn't belong in the same category as the inner thigh machine.

Be careful about calling curls gay in JB's log!!
I'm pretty sure the main purpose of that machine is to build up strength for when a big fucker like you is on top of her.

Also as an FYI to everyone, it is impossible to innocently watch a young lady performing this movement.
it is impossible to innocently watch a young lady performing this movement.

ah the good old 'yes' and 'no' machines. i opt for the creepy smile with direct eye contact if shes on the yes machine and a slightly more aggressive creep face with a borderline psychotic glimmer in my eye if shes on the no machine. but on the real i use the yes machine for them hip flexors makes it easier to find the spot to pin lol
ah the good old 'yes' and 'no' machines. i opt for the creepy smile with direct eye contact if shes on the yes machine and a slightly more aggressive creep face with a borderline psychotic glimmer in my eye if shes on the no machine. but on the real i use the yes machine for them hip flexors makes it easier to find the spot to pin lol

Lmfbo thank u,

I'm pretty sure the main purpose of that machine is to build up strength for when a big fucker like you is on top of her.

Also as an FYI to everyone, it is impossible to innocently watch a young lady performing this movement.

These two machines are oppositely facing each other in my new gym @flexx89 u would love it here
Was going to do a quick full body workout today but decided against it.. Still did 40min cardio though.

Less than 48 hours to pinning time!!!!!!
Killed it today folks!
Dips bw nice and slooooow
4 sets 12 (just getting back to these. Weighted soon.)
Incline db press
3 sets 10 w 90's
Decline db flys
3 sets 10 w 40's
Diamond push ups
3 fail sets
Uppercut cable flys
7 sets 12 with 50 each side I think...
Triceps push down hammer strength machine started with 5 plates and a quarter. .. drop a plate every 12
4 sets 12
Skull crushes
90lb 3 sets 12
Seated cable pullover
3 sets 10 dunno what weight
Triceps push down w bar
7 sets 12

Beastly fucking workouts this week and gear not even kicking yet.... mast p is evident however- tren has me wanting to murder my fellow drivers but not even close to decorating my training yet.

Followed the session with some pollo tropical with jb- crushed a rack of ribs, yucca, Caesar salad, 1/2 chicken, three rolls, some rice and fruit punch high c.... life is good folks. Happy valentines day- going out tomorrow with the old lady instead and doing 150 tne and 3000mg cialis and demanding anal. Romance Brutus style.
Damn brother now that's straight gettin you some right there. Beast mode shit for sure. That's whats up!;)
Alright, alright!! First pins are done, it's on like Donkey Kong!!

Still deciding what I'm going to be running tren at but here's what the protocol looks like:

300mg test c
700mg mast p
560-700mg tren hex
600mg EQ
40-50mg var ED
6iu Serostim ED
12.5mg aromasin ED
150mcg T4 ED

Training at 3:20 today and I'll do a 50mg shot of TNE around 2pm.

I have a little fina left so what I'm doing to kick things off is 50mg fina/50mg tren hex.. I'll gradually lower the fina and up the hex until the fina runs out. I decided to throw the EQ in last minute since I have enough left to do it at 600/week.. I don't plan on running EQ again anytime soon so instead of letting it go to waste let's put it in the pot.. :)

Had a great Friday and Saturday night going out, eating things I shouldn't, and drinking beer.. Got it all out of my system, time to do this!!