JBallz and B79 gear up again!

johnnyBALLZ post: 1216015 said:
Alright, alright!! First pins are done, it's on like Donkey Kong!!

Still deciding what I'm going to be running tren at but here's what the protocol looks like:

300mg test c
700mg mast p
560-700mg tren hex
600mg EQ
40-50mg var ED
6iu Serostim ED
12.5mg aromasin ED
150mcg T4 ED

Training at 3:20 today and I'll do a 50mg shot of TNE around 2pm.

I have a little fina left so what I'm doing to kick things off is 50mg fina/50mg tren hex.. I'll gradually lower the fina and up the hex until the fina runs out. I decided to throw the EQ in last minute since I have enough left to do it at 600/week.. I don't plan on running EQ again anytime soon so instead of letting it go to waste let's put it in the pot.. :)

Had a great Friday and Saturday night going out, eating things I shouldn't, and drinking beer.. Got it all out of my system, time to do this!!
Your running all 4 Injectables the whole length of cycle?
What is your pinning rotation JB? That looks like as least 3 cc's per day. I'm assuming you will pin the mast, eq and tren together in one injection each day.
What is your pinning rotation JB? That looks like as least 3 cc's per day. I'm assuming you will pin the mast, eq and tren together in one injection each day.

Today was 4cc. Pinning test c and EQ Sunday morning/Wednesday night (1.6cc).

ED will only be .9cc tren(the fina is dosed at 120mg/ml) and 1cc mast p.. So just under 2cc daily for now.

I have 8 pinning spots, delts glutes, quads, v-glutes..
Hex is between ace and enth. It is it's very own ester.

Today was a nightmare in the gym... my daughter decided to take a giant step back in potty training and listening in general, or it could be that I am feeling all this volume and need to man the fuck up. I felt like death the whole work out but made it. I probably would have left early if I wasn't training with Mr. "I just pinned today and I am the most excited employee of the month" johnny ballz.

Back bi day 2
Db military press
I used 65's and employee of the month used 100's. 3 sets 12
Smith machine bent rows- I like them better than free weights because my hernia doesn't get torque.
225 set of 10 and 185 two sets 10
Lat swing downs
100 up to 130
3 sets 10 these felt good. Lats are really coming along lately
Wide grip pull up
3 sets 10 with 2 45's... just kidding. Assisted with 90 lbs. We are pull up vagina boys.
Close grip seated rows
7 sets 12
We were going to do good mornings but they were A bad choice- we did some stupid hammer strength pull back thing 3 sets 10
Preacher curls w 50 three sets 10
Seated incline db curl drop sets
I was taking my time with my four sets and jb was talking shit. He also did hammer curls to seal employee of the month- I did not. Whateva.
Shrugs with 45 plates.
3 fail sets.
Cable curls with rope
7 sets 12

For those of you who marvel at our volume I missed 3 sets of ten reverse seated flys on yesterdays log. Even more beastly than you thought.

I have slammed two 3,000 calorie shakes today with whey, milk, bananas, kale, peanut butter and oatmeal in four servings. Best I could do. Dont want to eat- going out to dinner tonight and plan to beast there.... five diamond chef with new England / new York background running an Asian fusion steakhouse. Steak tartare here I come. Raw meat is where the gains are at boys.

I can't wait to sleep- I hope I wake up with a penis in place of my vagina tomorrow.
I can't wait to sleep- I hope I wake up with a penis in place of my vagina tomorrow.

Ah, don't beat yourself up too bad buddy.. You still made it through!! Take advantage of that rest day tomorrow while your boy is blasting delts.. ;) :)

I am freaking pumped, going fucking HAM this cycle!! 45min cardio 6 days a week.. I only had time for 30min this morning but did the other 15 after training. Ideally I'll be doing the 45min straight through but may have to split it like today if need be.
Crispy tuna
Steak tartare
Baby kale salad
Pork belly Brussels sprouts
Giant scampi shrimp
Duck la'orange
Dropping the mast. Still gives me cyst type zits that cannot be cleared up by anything and randomly drain for hours.

Alflutop seems to be working... the shoulder pain I was having has disappeared.

I seemed to have pulled a scapular muscle- very uncomfortable. Plan to work through it.

Tren hex giving me breathing issues and tren cough when pinning glutes- NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. same batch I was using with no issues last cycle. Strange.

Dbol at 25mg is adding a bit of oomph... not sure I will be upping dose as I can feel blood pressure rising a bit.

Last test pin was 500mg... bex abuse I wanted to.

And that is your brutus update.
delts/traps (a little under 1 hour)
45min cardio:

paused bb shoulder press 135lbs 3x12

shoulder press 105lbs x8 (1 set), 95lbs x12 (2 sets)

db side lateral raises 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s 12reps each 10 seconds rest between sets

db front raises 45s, 35s, 25s, then 45lb plate 12reps each, 10 seconds rest between sets

db seated rear delt raises 40s, 35s, 30s, 25s 12 reps each, 10 seconds rest between sets

cable crossover for rear delts, heavier than usual can't remember weight 2set of 10

side lateral machine 70lbs 2x30reps
22 sets

bb upright row 110lbs EZ bar 4x12
bb behind back shrugs 110lbs 4x20
db shrugs 100s 4x12
standing calf raise machine modification using traps, 330lbs, 300lbs, 270lbs 3x15
15 sets, minimal rest, slow controlled

20min treadmill at 4.5 with 7.5 incline
15min stair master level 7
10min elliptical at level 12

Feelin' good, feelin' REAL good.. :)
delts/traps (a little under 1 hour)
45min cardio:

paused bb shoulder press 135lbs 3x12

shoulder press 105lbs x8 (1 set), 95lbs x12 (2 sets)

db side lateral raises 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s 12reps each 10 seconds rest between sets

db front raises 45s, 35s, 25s, then 45lb plate 12reps each, 10 seconds rest between sets

db seated rear delt raises 40s, 35s, 30s, 25s 12 reps each, 10 seconds rest between sets

cable crossover for rear delts, heavier than usual can't remember weight 2set of 10

side lateral machine 70lbs 2x30reps
22 sets

bb upright row 110lbs EZ bar 4x12
bb behind back shrugs 110lbs 4x20
db shrugs 100s 4x12
standing calf raise machine modification using traps, 330lbs, 300lbs, 270lbs 3x15
15 sets, minimal rest, slow controlled

20min treadmill at 4.5 with 7.5 incline
15min stair master level 7
10min elliptical at level 12

Feelin' good, feelin' REAL good.. :)
Brutus' monday workout

Take 4 ibuprofen and complain to everyone who works for me about my back.

3 sets

Beasted it!
Well I fucked up on Valentine's Day and couldn't make a reservation for a nice place since it was Wednesday by the time I remembered. We wound up having a good night and going to a semi decent Italian place so it was ok. I tried to make up for it a bit though by making fresh lobster tails and some real nice filet mignon on a charcoal grill tonight.. :)

Well I fucked up on Valentine's Day and couldn't make a reservation for a nice place since it was Wednesday by the time I remembered. We wound up having a good night and going to a semi decent Italian place so it was ok. I tried to make up for it a bit though by making fresh lobster tails and some real nice filet mignon on a charcoal grill tonight.. :)

View attachment 20430
Damn that looks good bro. Bbq is where its at.;)