JBallz and B79 gear up again!

My lazy ass buys the r in of sliced apples from Sam's for $4 and brings three tubs of apples and four tubs of yogurt with four gallons of whole milk for work snacks and shakes.
god damn JB 205? ! I bet those freakish guns looks great at 205 .go fuck urself. no but really .

Brutus looking forward to seeing ur results with less calorie demands. I know the pain of force feeding , and its nice to train hard,juice well, eat moderately and enjoy! 385 on the flat bench isn't no joke !
god damn JB 205? ! I bet those freakish guns looks great at 205 .go fuck urself. no but really .

Brutus looking forward to seeing ur results with less calorie demands. I know the pain of force feeding , and its nice to train hard,juice well, eat moderately and enjoy! 385 on the flat bench isn't no joke !
Thanks man.

And jb looks like a beast... six inches shorter than me and 60 lbs lighter and he looks like the biggest one of us. Veins in his shoulders and shit. Impressive cut for him.

I want tileguy abs!
Thanks man.

And jb looks like a beast... six inches shorter than me and 60 lbs lighter and he looks like the biggest one of us. Veins in his shoulders and shit. Impressive cut for him.

I want tileguy abs!
I bet youll get closer to brining the ab definition in, with less food + tren and the way you guys train with so much volume brings a level of metabolic workout into play. like constant cardio with ur pump ! looking forward to seeing both of yalls progress . ive added about 1/2 inch of a fat roll to my pack on this damn inclusive vaca . goddamn sugary carbs suck me in every time. I see syrup and sugared French toast and I fucking cave like a pimp on pussy . but you gotta live too I realize. Have u guys played with carb cycling, priming or other at all?
god damn JB 205? ! I bet those freakish guns looks great at 205 .go fuck urself. no but really .

Brutus looking forward to seeing ur results with less calorie demands. I know the pain of force feeding , and its nice to train hard,juice well, eat moderately and enjoy! 385 on the flat bench isn't no joke !

I kept most muscle from the last cycle with 6iu GH ED and 175mg/week test c.. Measured 18.75" the other day when I had them up to 19.25" last cycle, I'm depleted and hope to get a quarter inch back in the next few days.. NEED to get over 19.5" where I had them a little over a year ago.. BF was defiantly higher then though, prob ~15%..

Thanks man.

And jb looks like a beast... six inches shorter than me and 60 lbs lighter and he looks like the biggest one of us. Veins in his shoulders and shit. Impressive cut for him.

I want tileguy abs!

Nah... You better knock that shit off, I'm starting to blush.. :)

I want those TG abs too!! AND your metabolism brutus, then I wouldn't have to torture myself and spend stupid amounts of money on GH!!
I was thinking the same thing. From the pics of Brutus I saw he is very flat in the abs. You were even taking 7k cals in! Thats crazy. Your too old to have metabolism like that
Ah fuck it, I'll post some pics now..

Beginning of last cycle, end of September.. Let myself go for a couple months after surgery, no gym, ate like shit, and drank beer:


Towards end of last cycle, early December:


A week and a half ago after dieting for a month and after Albuterol. Towards beginning of DNP cycle:


This is this morning, I know I look flat, pretty damn depleted. 8 hours after last DNP dose:


I'll post another pic later in the week that should be a more accurate depiction of where I'll be starting this cycle..

Also, for anyone considering DNP, don't.. One of the most horrible things you can put yourself through..
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I'll post another pic later in the week that should be a more accurate depiction of where I'll be starting this cycle.. Great transition photos sequence said:
Great transition photos sequence, jb. Nicely done!
Jb switched to a bigger iPhone- makes him look thinner in the last two pics.... sorry for blowing up your spot buddy!
No, two bracelets you finicky mofo.. ;)

BRACELETS?!! WTF! Is a toe ring next? :(

Ah fuck it, I'll post some pics now..

Beginning of last cycle, end of September.. Let myself go for a couple months after surgery, no gym, ate like shit, and drank beer:

View attachment 20160

Towards end of last cycle, early December:

View attachment 20157

A week and a half ago after dieting for a month and after Albuterol. Towards beginning of DNP cycle:

View attachment 20158

This is this morning, I know I look flat, pretty damn depleted. 8 hours after last DNP dose:

View attachment 20159

I'll post another pic later in the week that should be a more accurate depiction of where I'll be starting this cycle..

Also, for anyone considering DNP, don't.. One of the most horrible things you can put yourself through..
Looking good bro I see those veins starting to show you bf is definitely gotten lower. [emoji106]