Low Doses for Low Mortality

And no other compound works as well as test. Period. It is the foundation. You will definitely improve body composition on test as long as diet is in check. I know guys that have prepped for a show using only test years back as that is all they were able to source. They looked great too at about 9% BF, I would guess but that’s subjective. @Test_Subject I agree that BF claims are very subjective indeed. You gotta have the mass to back it up.
And no other compound works as well as test. Period. It is the foundation. You will definitely improve body composition on test as long as diet is in check. I know guys that have prepped for a show using only test years back as that is all they were able to source. They looked great too at about 9% BF, I would guess but that’s subjective. @Test_Subject I agree that BF claims are very subjective indeed. You gotta have the mass to back it up.
The thing with bf percentages is the only way to truly know is to boil someone and scoop the fat out. People use dexa and everything else but none of it is accurate. It’s better to just forget about an arbitrary number and go by how you perform and how you feel you look. When I go into a fat loss phase my goal is to get the fattest part of my body as lean as possible. That’s how I gauge it. If somebody asks me to put a legitimate number on their bf% I’ll take calipers and use them where they hold the most fat. Is it accurate? No. It doesn’t really matter. The number doesn’t matter. Just like scale weight is a gauge but it’s far from the most important unless you have a weight class.
You can find guys with shredded glutes and bitch tits. You can find guys with abs and a saggy ass. They’re both fat. They just hold it in different areas. I like to eat but I know how to lose the fat when I want. I’ve pounded food and gotten pretty fat, but crazy strong trying to grow and I when I lost the fat it was definitely worth it. If a guy performs better and gets strongest when his bf is an estimated 20% then staying lean isn’t for him as long as he’s willing to do the work to get it off when he’s ready. The goal is the end product people shouldn’t care what they look like from point a to point b. If some of these smaller guys would just focus on doing DC training and pounding protein and calories progressively like it was their job for a couple of years and stay away from the mirror then slowly peel the chub off for another 6-7 months then repeat consistently you’d have some monsters walking around. Each time they did it, they’d put on less fat. Almost No body wants to do that because they’re too worried about their abs. They’d rather take drugs, starve, and worry about getting the pump.
Sorry for the rant. I think I’m getting off track of the original post
15% is big and fat? Hell I feel best and strongest at around 12-15 and there’s no negative effects on my health markers.

most guys at 15 percent have muffin top and look like a whale unless they have a tiny waist

ill give you props though for getting banned from a board and not kissing ass

great board with knoclwege but don't dare not kiss ass of some vets who stood on a stage at one point but now days have broken down joints and in poor health and are angry at the world and think every AAS user should bow to them and buy many supplements from some angry dude

better knowledge there but less cliquy here

I agree on high protein but some of these kids are just getting too fucking fat when they don't need to, no reason not to grow lean, and look good year round. Boston Lloyd approach of becoming a fat distended turd to gain 4.5 percent more muscle than had you stayed under 10 percent is lame, then you gotta diet down. walking around at 15% when on AAS is sad,,,most AAS users look like shit cuz thy prmabulk or think counting calories don't matter

all lives matter and calories matter
I was a fan of longer blasts so I once did 16 weeks of 600-750mg test(switched from 200mg/ml to 250mg/ml. 3mls a week) and my bloods came back perfectly. Liver, kidney and lipid values all came back well within range. I’m sure being younger had something to do with it so I think I’m gonna try 400mg next blast and see how perfect I can get my diet.
How was your gains with just the test?