
How long has T/A been usually for y’all? I read back earlier & it said about a week, but made an order about a week ago on the site and haven’t even gotten a confirmation email or nothing. Emailed him and haven’t heard back
How long has T/A been usually for y’all? I read back earlier & it said about a week, but made an order about a week ago on the site and haven’t even gotten a confirmation email or nothing. Emailed him and haven’t heard back
You won’t get a confirmation or anything. You just pay and it shows up.
How long has T/A been usually for y’all? I read back earlier & it said about a week, but made an order about a week ago on the site and haven’t even gotten a confirmation email or nothing. Emailed him and haven’t heard back
Placed order and sent payment last Tuesday 08/22, received Monday 08/28. No confirmation emails of any sort. You’ll receive it. Keep an eye on your usps informed digest if you have it.
You won’t get a confirmation or anything. You just pay and it shows up.
Placed order and sent payment last Tuesday 08/22, received Monday 08/28. No confirmation emails of any sort. You’ll receive it. Keep an eye on your usps informed digest if you have it.
Got nothin on the informed delivery, nothing from my email to him trying to confirm the address and ask if there’s an issue from my end. I’ll update with any news, but I guess I’ve gotten spoiled with other sources and their t/a times & comms.
Got nothin on the informed delivery, nothing from my email to him trying to confirm the address and ask if there’s an issue from my end. I’ll update with any news, but I guess I’ve gotten spoiled with other sources and their t/a times & comms.
My experience is it ranges 7 to 14 days, usually ends up being closer to 14 days. Hang tight, he's always slow to check his email.
Update: looks like the transaction had failed…even though I have a screenshot of the website saying it was completed, with an order number and everything?? Theres also 100% no chance the funds are in my wallet lol I have $4 in there right now. It won’t let me send more than that.

Not sure what to make of this. Informed delivery is showing a package in pre-shipment so that’s something.

Update: looks like the transaction had failed…even though I have a screenshot of the website saying it was completed, with an order number and everything?? Theres also 100% no chance the funds are in my wallet lol I have $4 in there right now. It won’t let me send more than that.

Not sure what to make of this. Informed delivery is showing a package in pre-shipment so that’s something.

View attachment 265125
Whatever happened to this? I noticed Nutra gives 2 emails on his site. Both don't work. The weather is getting colder, we need some info :)
Update: looks like the transaction had failed…even though I have a screenshot of the website saying it was completed, with an order number and everything?? Theres also 100% no chance the funds are in my wallet lol I have $4 in there right now. It won’t let me send more than that.

Not sure what to make of this. Informed delivery is showing a package in pre-shipment so that’s something.

View attachment 265125
So even though he claims he didn’t receive the total funds he’s going to send it anyways? Don’t forget whenever you send funds from an exchange they always charge a service fee so you always have to account for that
So even though he claims he didn’t receive the total funds he’s going to send it anyways? Don’t forget whenever you send funds from an exchange they always charge a service fee so you always have to account for that
Dude never followed up. Usually means they got it or else they'd be back probably updating as getting scammed.

I shot nutraburn an email and didn't get a bounce back. Gonna see if I get a response to update everyone.
Dude never followed up. Usually means they got it or else they'd be back probably updating as getting scammed.

I shot nutraburn an email and didn't get a bounce back. Gonna see if I get a response to update everyone.
Yea that’s true, I did the same
i lost 20 lbs running 375 mg / day for 16 days,

i did 4 hours of walking in the woods near my house everyday. diet was mostly steak, ground beef, cheese, milk, cooked eggs, orange juice, gummy bears, and sugar water

supplemented with some taurine b1 and caffeine

i severely underestimated cardio while on DNP and this is like my 5th cycle, but you live and you learn, ordering another batch time to get shredded this time faurk.

ive ran 750/mg for 2 weeks and also lost 20 lbs but when you take those high doses you have to sit inside all day in front of a fan on full speed, and sleeping is torture with the wet bedsheets and fan in your face. 375mg/day + lots of cardio is infinitely better. hell even 250mg/day is probably enough for a big dude doing lots of cardio. i will never push high doses ever again. walking also helps tire you out so it helps with sleep and the leg muscles are constantly worked so you only need to train upperbody a few times a week just to maintain. the only issue with the lower dose high cardio approach is making sure you stay hydrated, and also the time investment to spend all day walking.
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Some Quotes on DNP by Ray Peat, PHD

“both DNP and thyroid carefully controlled can reduce the toxicity of getting rid of fat, but i think a diet high in calcium and vitamin D should be part of the program because they will support safe oxidation and provide the nutrients that, for example a high milk diet will keep your metabolic rate higher and suppress the toxic effects.” - Ray Peat,

“Uncoupling of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism from ATP production helps to consume the sugar which otherwise would be diverted into lactic acid, and converts it into carbon dioxide instead…Aspirin and thyroid (T3) increase uncoupling. A drug that used to be used for weight reduction, DNP, also uncouples mitochondrial metabolism, and, surprisingly, it has some of the beneficial effects of thyroid and aspirin. It stimulates the consumption of lactic acid and the formation of carbon dioxide.” - Ray Peat

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“The toxicity of DNP was known from the beginning of the 20th century. The cataract epidemic came on suddenly in the spring of 1935, probably because of a product with a larger dose. The cataracts caused by DNP appear within a few hours or days of taking the drug, and disappear spontaneously when the drug is stopped, more quickly with vitamin C supplement. The FDA used the cataract outbreak to get new powers. The production of permanent cataracts by estrogens and glucocorticoids hasn’t led to any action at all by the FDA.” - Ray Peat

"DMSO apparently introduces some”hydrophobicity"
into water, because of its strong hydrogen bonding oxygen
and its methyl groups— at least it seems to lower the
effective activity of water (Berezin, Ugarova, and Silaev,
1973). This may mimic the resting state of protoplasm to
some extent, since it seems to improve metabolic
efficiency: Reducing inflammation and treating mental
retardation are its best known (apparent) effects. The
disappearance of cataracts in the eyes of retarded children is another suggestion of improved oxidative efficiency
(dinitrophenol, an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation,
produces cataracts, as does age, which also involves
oxidative inefficiency). "

DMSO possibly useful for getting rid of cataracts?

it should be said that cataracts is an extremely rare side effect for men to get. Seems like increasing Vitmain C intake preferably from Orange jucice or frozen orange juice concentrate would be a good way of reducing the risk of it coming on.
Anyone order recently? Last time I ordered was over a year ago and want to ensure the site is still valid.