
down 5 pounds in 5 days on 500 mg/day

im just doing some light cardio (15=20 min on stairmaster)

I train full body everyday 1-2 sets per muscle group with light weight to just maintain muscle. i find that the full body training with light weights feels more like an aerobic workout which is great for burning more calories.

diet is mostly coffee (in milk), eggs (cooked or in a shake), hamburger patties, cheese, occasional rice/potatoes, fruit, honey, & coconut water/ grape juice for hydration.

Also, my sleep is amazing because i take all my DNP for the day w/ my breakfast. i take all 500mg with breakfast and i dont find any discomfort or nausea so im going to continue it this way. In previous cycles i would always have a problem sleeping if i took it after 8 pm, sometime taking it too late would cause me to wake up and vomit. Taking it earlier in the day has been a game changer for me.
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What’s his website? I thought I had it but the email on the site I think is his is different from this one. Just curious
It's below. I've placed a lot of orders with him, site is very simple. He doesn't check email very often but does eventually respond. He's actually better than the old Dinitro was overall.

Decided to go ahead and stock up a little for the winter. 7 day TA, tracking provided as well.
Years ago there was a Russian peptide site that sold topical dnp. Came across a log where someone tried it and he thought he didn't see anything significant in localized fat loss.

But injectable dnp could be a different story
Package landed. Yesterday tried one pill this morning. I can feel the heat. Haven’t used any since last year Sept I got the bad batch. But this one good one
Outside of the difference between complex and simple carbs, I've never seen overwhelming research that your body cares where the carbs come from, just what kind of carbs they are. I could be wrong but I haven't seen anything that without a doubt proves said theory. That being said like my other response dnp is like using gear in reverse. That's like me saying hey you aren't at your 100% genetic potential (let's be real most people, the overwhelming majority of gear users didn't hit or still aren't at genetic potential naturally before they started gear) so why do you just train harder. People have various life restrictions, and speed is always a consideration. Between me and my girl we have 6 kids. Feeding they're little hungry asses is already hard enough let alone meal prepping and having a seperate grocery list. I have a busy schedule and don't expect my kids to eat 'healthy' like they are training. And I won't lie, I rather have some leeway to go take my kids for ice cream and have a 1000cal sundae or make and enjoy brownies and shit with them. And being able to use dnp for 3 weeks where I'm super intensive about my diet and intake gives me way more time to do that stuff in general than 4 months of dieting hard. I already balance my diet around what my kids eat. Yeah it's slot more chicken nuggets and mac and cheese then steak and green beans, but I make it work. I still only have to diet after a bulk. Sure I want to look good, but I also wanna take my kids to a movie and not have to wonder if I can share some popcorn with them without having to skip dinner too.
You sir, need to google what is called the glycemic index. It gets much more in depth than simple & complex
You sir, need to google what is called the glycemic index. It gets much more in depth than simple & complex

Not a big difference for muscle building unless you're talking about fibrous carbs (which are less helpful than non-fibre carbs).
Low sugar might help fat loss for some people, but less clear when controlled for net carbs, protein, and calories.
For general health, sure, low GI is a good start.
Not a big difference for muscle building unless you're talking about fibrous carbs (which are less helpful than non-fibre carbs).
Low sugar might help fat loss for some people, but less clear when controlled for net carbs, protein, and calories.
For general health, sure, low GI is a good start.
Oh I thought we cared about general health. Carry on
Interested in your guys thoughts on how well his dosing is? I am worked up to 500mg (125mg 4x), and also using a shit ton of other "thermogenics", 20 x4 clen, 25 x4 t3, 12.5 x4 eph 100 x4 caff.

I worked up to everything, I have been checking my temp, Type ll (i think is his name) says to check internal temp for 99.2? and if it hits that, or higher, immediatly drop dosage. Well I've hit 98.3, I won't be going higher than 500, maybe 625 on saturday or something, but thats it. I calculated my dosage via the 36 hr formula, even factoring in things such as I took my dose at 6am rather than 10am, and such.

It is 110-130 F in my region. I am warm all day, and am sweating with 3 fans and an AC unit on me, but I don't feel bad at all, I drink 2-4 gallons of water a day, avoid extreme scenarios (I would not be doing this with my old maintenence job, maybe 250), and regularly have air on me.

Other than extreme sweating, and some noticeable "sweat" smell, and, well I cant even sprint for 100m without gasping atm, but can usually do 3+ hours of cardio, I could literally use this indefinitely. I am used to being extremely sweaty and all these sides anyways. Just the fact that my white shirt is tan via sweat just for existing is a bitch...

I was planning on buying more, I need roughly 14 more days worth. But for some reason I should probably not jump into try 500mg again? After these last 14 days, I will just buy a lifetime supply of powder and do my own tests again.....