MESO-Rx Sponsor PCT.ZONE - USA/UK/INT Generic Pharma.

Our best price guarantee is always active, find our products cheaper elsewhere? We will beat it.
Our best price guarantee is always active, find our products cheaper elsewhere? We will beat it.
Why not just be a good source instead of having a sales pitch that will ultimately price out some good sources on this board, you having monopoly of everything won’t be the Disney ending you think it will be, you need competition and you need the other sources to do well or you won’t, the last thing you want to be is the only place people can buy generics as that’s going to be a problem for everyone when their favourite source gets busted for example.

There’s enough pie at the table for everyone, set your prices be fair and enjoy the ride.
Why not just be a good source instead of having a sales pitch that will ultimately price out some good sources on this board, you having monopoly of everything won’t be the Disney ending you think it will be, you need competition and you need the other sources to do well or you won’t, the last thing you want to be is the only place people can buy generics as that’s going to be a problem for everyone when their favourite source gets busted for example.

There’s enough pie at the table for everyone, set your prices be fair and enjoy the ride.

We believe in being a good source and having good prices. We are competitive on pricing and will remain so to ensure everyone gets the best prices with us!

I hope you try our store in the future and enjoy the experience :)
Why not just be a good source instead of having a sales pitch that will ultimately price out some good sources on this board, you having monopoly of everything won’t be the Disney ending you think it will be, you need competition and you need the other sources to do well or you won’t, the last thing you want to be is the only place people can buy generics as that’s going to be a problem for everyone when their favourite source gets busted for example.

There’s enough pie at the table for everyone, set your prices be fair and enjoy the ride.
This is so ironic. It’s okay when the competition dominated the market but not okay when new competition shows up. You are brainwashed by brand loyalty. I’ve placed many orders with 24X7 and overtime they became slower, taking over a week to send out orders. They have been much better since zone has showed up now that competition exists. 24X7 has a much larger catalog and is not going anywhere, zone is better in every other aspect imo but the catalog alone makes 24X7 still useful.

Competition always helps the consumer, this is not something to complain about.
Why not just be a good source instead of having a sales pitch that will ultimately price out some good sources on this board, you having monopoly of everything won’t be the Disney ending you think it will be, you need competition and you need the other sources to do well or you won’t, the last thing you want to be is the only place people can buy generics as that’s going to be a problem for everyone when their favourite source gets busted for example.

There’s enough pie at the table for everyone, set your prices be fair and enjoy the ride.
This is crap. Do I see you in Qingdaos thread saying the same thing, considering they're significantly cheaper on every single item compared to about every source here.

Sounds like your motive is to discredit this guy, in favor of 24pct. Since when should members here tell a source to raise their prices, just so their source doesn't lose sales. Like, I never thought I'd ever see a post like this here. Wow. Acting like a source is their buddy.
"Capitalism is a widely adopted economic system in which there is private ownership of the means of production. Modern capitalist systems usually include a market-oriented economy, in which the production and pricing of goods, as well as the income of individuals, are dictated to a greater extent by market forces resulting from interactions between private businesses and individuals than by central planning undertaken by a government or local institution. Capitalism is built on the concepts of private property, profit motive, and market competition."

Obviously not my words.
Why not just be a good source instead of having a sales pitch that will ultimately price out some good sources on this board, you having monopoly of everything won’t be the Disney ending you think it will be, you need competition and you need the other sources to do well or you won’t, the last thing you want to be is the only place people can buy generics as that’s going to be a problem for everyone when their favourite source gets busted for example.

There’s enough pie at the table for everyone, set your prices be fair and enjoy the ride.
Or the other sources can lower their prices too and not be as greedy…

There are other places priced even better too on some items so your little buddies that you source from can afford to drop prices.

This is just idiotic
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This is crap. Do I see you in Qingdaos thread saying the same thing, considering they're significantly cheaper on every single item compared to about every source here.

Sounds like your motive is to discredit this guy, in favor of 24pct. Since when should members here tell a source to raise their prices, just so their source doesn't lose sales. Like, I never thought I'd ever see a post like this here. Wow. Acting like a source is their buddy.
I think you need to go back through the search function as I’ve ripped Qingdaos on numerous occasions for many reasons, my motive isn’t to discredit anyone, I have used Driada (who I’ve criticised in the past) ,cat cafe, Hilma (who I’ve critscised in he last ) and Pharmaqo (who I’ve critscised in the past )

This is 2023 you can put your feelings forward on a forum without the world being one giant conspiracy.

Good day to you.
8 day turnaround. Had my tracking less than 1 day after I put the order in. Idk how long it normally takes stuff coming from India, but I’m impressed. I expected longer
I’m going to bring up the subject of Andractim again so bear with me

To me it just seems very suspicious. Why would a so called pharmacy product from France show up on all these steroid and pct websites? You don’t see any other western pharma products… that’s because it’s manufactured in Eastern Europe and is distributed along with all the other ugl stuff that comes out of there. They’re piggybacking on a product that is now defunct and has been for a while
I’m going to bring up the subject of Andractim again so bear with me

To me it just seems very suspicious. Why would a so called pharmacy product from France show up on all these steroid and pct websites? You don’t see any other western pharma products… that’s because it’s manufactured in Eastern Europe and is distributed along with all the other ugl stuff that comes out of there. They’re piggybacking on a product that is now defunct and has been for a while

I've been following this story for a bit now. There's really no way to measure Andractim DHT? @janoshik

Also could include testing for other compounds in Andractin: other hormones, derivatives, et cetera.
I've been following this story for a bit now. There's really no way to measure Andractim DHT? @janoshik

Also could include testing for other compounds in Andractin: other hormones, derivatives, et cetera.

The issue isn't if it's actually dht or not, it most likely is. They're packaging it as something that it's not, unless someone can show some proof that such and such manufacturing in Moldova bought the rights to the Besins healthcare name.

For gels you might be able to heat it up and evaporate? But then there would probably be some additive left over in powder form.
I've been trying to hunt down where i read it and i finally found it. I was starting to think I was remembering wrong

"Andractim used to be made by a French pharmaceutical company called Besins and was sold online by All Saints Clinic. Besins still lists Andractim on their website but All Saints said that Besins no longer manufactured it and that they no longer sold it. Flash forward a few years and demand for Andractim was still there so an underground labs site called Russian Star Peptides started selling several high strength topical DHT products. Not too long ago, All Saints also started selling a DHT topical product again also, but they won't list it on their website. They are secretive about it.

With the original Andractim, you could be assured that what you were getting was safely manufactured. Unlike Testosterone test kits, there's no DHT test kit available on the market, so it's not possible to test what Russian Star Peptides or All Saints are actually selling. The fact that All Saints is secretive about it should raise red flags.

You can Google both Russian Star Peptides and All Saints Clinic to find their websites. If you choose to purchase from either, just know there are risks both legal and medical.

I was lucky enough to be able to legally obtain 10% DHT cream from my local pharmacy and found it effective, but that was more than 10 years ago, before the North American supply of raw DHT disappeared."
I just bought 2 tubes from a seller from France. Are you telling me there fake?
It’s like all the sources that come in here peddling pharma stuff. You have to figure if there’s a good reason why they have access to it. Usually the answer is it’s not pharma at all.
I’m interested in where he acquired them. People have told me they’re sold in the pharmacy but in weird places like Egypt.
it come from pharmacy, and after checking multiple French pharmacy they have it in stock and they don’t mess with fake stuff.
So you just made supposition…
Also i'm not making any suppositions. I form a conclusion based on the information i have, if you have more information than me let's see it.