Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Haha she will be the one i marry i think, obviously in a couple years once im not a financial trainwreck lol. But yeo she is excessively reasonable, and far prettier than i deserve,isn't bothered by the ridiculous amount of time i spend in the gym, and she bakes a mean oatmeal raisin cookie. Gotta put a ring on that lmao
Haha she will be the one i marry i think, obviously in a couple years once im not a financial trainwreck lol. But yeo she is excessively reasonable, and far prettier than i deserve,isn't bothered by the ridiculous amount of time i spend in the gym, and she bakes a mean oatmeal raisin cookie. Gotta put a ring on that lmao

Does she have a sister that might be interested in flying across the country to be in a rebound relationship?
So i just did my first pin of this mini blast.

300mg of test cyp a week until further notice
400mg of primo e a week until I run out
25mg ED of test prop for 20 days
40mg ED of anavar for 30 days

This is mostly just extra junk i have lying around, so I'll run it till it's gone. Thought about running the injectable superdrol at 10mg a day, but I'm afraid it'll make me feel like shit and that's the opposite of what I'm going for here.

Deadlift 475 for 3x5 (no belt)
Slingshot bench 325 for 4x5 and 325x10
Cable rows a bunch of sets of 10

My girlfriend broke up with be while I was at the gym. She usually breaks with me every few weeks anyway, but she actually changed our relationship status on Facebook and changed her profile pic. She usually changes the pic, but never the status, so we'll see. Watch my car break down now, lol. That would really make my life complete.

Mine tries to leave me sometimes also. I own her car, cell phone, insurance, basically all of her clothes and basically just everything worth importance. Lol. So it usually amounts to get begging me to let her back after a couple of hours
Mine tries to leave me sometimes also. I own her car, cell phone, insurance, basically all of her clothes and basically just everything worth importance. Lol. So it usually amounts to get begging me to let her back after a couple of hours

Yeah, I own her phone, TV, Netflix subscription, Xbox 360 to watch it on and amazon firestick. She's saying she'll start paying the bill, but i figure she'll cool off after a few days.
Yeah, I own her phone, TV, Netflix subscription, Xbox 360 to watch it on and amazon firestick. She's saying she'll start paying the bill, but i figure she'll cool off after a few days.

They usually do. I've gotten to the point that I don't even think about it. I just take advantage of the situation and JO a few times and get the best nights sleep I've had in awhile
The hot ones always are ;)

It's proven science.


My chick is up there in the danger zone, lol.
@Kakarot got an email back from Valvoline this morning, they're supposed to give me a call this afternoon to take the next step. Fingers crossed.

Also just hit 365x3 on bench just now, will update soon. I'd call it RPE 9.5. That's just five pounds less than my third attempt at my last meet for an easy triple.

Competition paused bench 365x3 (PR), 330x3, 330x3

Paused beltless box squats 440x3, 395x3, 395x3, 395x3, 395x3

One arm dumbbell overhead press (each side) 90x7, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5

Was only planning on 360x3 since i hit 355x3 last triple day, but i took a risk and it paid off. It actually wasn't that hard, maybe RPE 9.5. I could've done another 5lbs or so for sure.
@Kakarot got an email back from Valvoline this morning, they're supposed to give me a call this afternoon to take the next step. Fingers crossed.

Also just hit 365x3 on bench just now, will update soon. I'd call it RPE 9.5. That's just five pounds less than my third attempt at my last meet for an easy triple.
Best of luck man. Not a bad field to work in especially if your near some big cities. Super easy to work your way up as long as your not retarded;)
@Kakarot got an email back from Valvoline this morning, they're supposed to give me a call this afternoon to take the next step. Fingers crossed.

Also just hit 365x3 on bench just now, will update soon. I'd call it RPE 9.5. That's just five pounds less than my third attempt at my last meet for an easy triple.
On a side note. How am I supposed to send you my heavily photo shopped/filtered dick pics if you have your messages turned off:eek: