positive on steroid test involving custody.

Is any one familiar with steroid testing. I failed for masteron. I have a script for testosterone cypionate. Due to the dosage of 200mgs every other week. I supplement 250mg from my domestic source. I was also running test propionate. I got my test back from family court which approved the TRT dosage and I did not fail for testosterone but failed for masteron. I have never posted before just been a long time reader. But I am in need of some excuse as to why. Once this gets back to my Ex’s attorney I will diffinitely lose custody of my child for a period of time. I have emailed my domestic source who is very well known and talked about on these kind of forums. And heard nothing back. I need some type of excuse ASAP. Any advice or info would be appreciated. Thanks.

Let’s see you ran AAS knowing a positive result would impact custody.

You rolled the dice and will likely pay the price.

Sorry fella but get your priorities straight.

A toxicologist to dispute the results, but that won’t be cheap.
I'm a member on eroids, so Ive seen this on 2 boards.

Bro, you tried to call both test c and test p that you got from her fake by posting the "low T" bloods that you took to the Dr to get on TRT.

She also sold you masteron, that you ordered from her.

Youre pissed because that Mast E stayed in your system for a while and you got popped.

Sorry you got popped, but own the mistake
D’awwww sheeeeaatt. Easy to garner sympathy when you don’t tell the full story.
The reasoning for the testing was I beat up her boyfriend for being around my kid. The pos deserved it but I did cross the line. But I did stop when he started begging for me to stop. The guy is a loser that can’t even see his own kid unsupervised and I just snapped. So when we went to court all she kept saying is he rages. The word rage was used atleast 500 times lol.

Maybe the court has a point in suggesting you shouldnt have custody over the kid. Assaulting a man because he was around your kid?
Maybe the court has a point in suggesting you shouldnt have custody over the kid. Assaulting a man because he was around your kid?

Imagine that!

Damn if it was my child I’d do darn near anything to obtain at least shared custody and that includes eliminating those behaviors that raise an inkling of suspicion.

And some still contend running PEDs is a personal decision that ONLY impacts the
user, BALONEY.

And I’ve a suspicion AAS are not the only
drugs the OP is abusing
First of all admit nothing and deny you have used anything but your trt. Second yell them you take many different supplements from gnc That must of skewed the results. Demand a re test and let judge know you are baffled by this. Never ever admit anything brother.
Never ever admit anything brother.

Never admitting culpability when it’s starring a judge in the face may be viewed as the equivalent of lying or an irrevocable from of denial.

And doing so often leaves the defendant
wo a external source to fault such as the steroids made me do it, or was a major contributor.

Judges WILL almost always believe scientific data over someone w a pattern
of violence regardless of an admission of guilt.
As is often the case in one liner threads
members rarely if ever receive enough info to formulate an informed opinion, and this thread is no exception.

IDK but it does seem it would behoove the OP to say bye bye to the use of illicit drugs if he want to be a FATHER to his child.

Stated another way it’s time for the OP to grow up and put his child’s needs first and cease the behaviors that placed him in front of a judge.
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Never admitting culpability when it’s starring a judge in the face may be viewed as the equivalent of lying or an irrevocable from of denial.

And doing so often leaves the defendant
wo a external source to fault such as the steroids made me, or was a major contributor, do it.

As is often the case in one liner threads
members rarely if ever receive enough info to formulate an informed opinion, and this thread is no exception.
Are you also a judge @Dr JIM? If so, send me a PM, I have some charges I need dropped. :D
End of the day it’s not rocket science—if in a custody battle, recognize gloves are likely off if fighting with a mother, especially if you beat the shit out of her new significant other. If your jacked, and are exhibiting manifestations of anger issues—don’t be shocked if she brings up that you ran cycles when together and concerns doing so again now.

I’d think judges could easily get behind TRT—wouldn’t be surprised if some are on therapy themselves or at least thinking about it enough to have some working curiosity/knowledge. But do yourself a favor and take simple measures to protect yourself from expected claims and tactics. If your old lady knew you did steroids when together, drop everything but test, if she thought you drank to much and made issue if it, cut back, if she knew you used hard illicit substances, get help and stop—all of these are as sure to come up in a contested custody case as the sun will rise the morning of your hearing. You’ll want to highlight your strengths as a father and equal importance in your child’s life, and the other side will look for any way to undercut your claims.

The best thing for you, your kid/s, their mother is to avoid the strife of a hotly contested custody battle if possible. Be respectful, and hope for it in return, give and take on schedules and special days. Try not to sabotage yourself with dumbass nasty texts to the mother—and above all, don’t beat her, her new gent, her dad, hell anyone in her family or that she cares about—unless you have corroborated evidence if your absolute NEED to do so to protect yourself or your child.

If you choose to let your anger get the better of you—be smart and expect something similar to OP’s ordeal, and if not properly prepared, get prepared but it’s likely coming.
I went through a custody battle with my ex wife. Not my battle...hers and her ex . Jerry soringer!!

It was amazing to watch that complete and total bullshit. He was beating the kids when they got divorce...and I mean fucking beating them to the point they'd shit themselves and did all kinds of weird shit. Anyway....here's what I learned

Always have the best lawyer you can afford . Even if it means doing without .
And am I understanding you have a script for trt?

If you do, demand a retest and delay that retest for as long as possible . Get the flu. Break a leg. Something. And don't run anything but what a doctor gives you during court.
I went through a custody battle with my ex wife. Not my battle...hers and her ex . Jerry soringer!!

It was amazing to watch that complete and total bullshit. He was beating the kids when they got divorce...and I mean fucking beating them to the point they'd shit themselves and did all kinds of weird shit. Anyway....here's what I learned

Always have the best lawyer you can afford . Even if it means doing without .
And am I understanding you have a script for trt?

If you do, demand a retest and delay that retest for as long as possible . Get the flu. Break a leg. Something. And don't run anything but what a doctor gives you during court.
Yeah, the courts are funny like that, whoever spends the most on lawyers wins. But the op sounds like he has his issues as well. Who the hell juices during a custody battle, than comes here and lies to try and get out of it