positive on steroid test involving custody.

First let me say I am sorry for this situation.. I am not sure if a lab would purposely sell you mastering and try to pass it as test. $$$ dosnt make sense. More likely they mislabeled or they were sent the wrong powder.. Ok so here is the deal. So about 5years ago now I cheated on my wife.. wrong move. Women scorned not good. Anyway after throwing me out and trying to take me for everything I had including my kids. While I was out of the house she took a picture of my “steroid drawer” I mean with vials and pins and everything lose In it... I am so on trt I will get to that point.. so when I went to court with my lawyer her lawyers bring up the fact that I am a alcholic and steroid user and they hand these pic into the judge. Holy fucked I almost fainted when the hey handed these papers to my lawyer. Anyway the judge said I need to get bloodswork for anabolics... So did they test for each specific steroid? Because I heard that was a shit ton of money to do.. anyway mine came back with a few compounds in it.. so when the labs come back to my lawyer we went in front of the judge and he agreed to let me take another one to make sure my leveled were going down... needless to say thank god we reconciled and we are still together raising our girls.. I still use don’t get me wrong. But my advice would be if you didn’t go in front of the judge have your lawyer contact hers and tell them what you think has happened. If she is having her issues with alcohol then you may be able to work something out.. sorry for the long winded text.
Yes thank god you reconciled with the person who tried to destroy every fiber of you.
First let me say I am sorry for this situation.. I am not sure if a lab would purposely sell you mastering and try to pass it as test. $$$ dosnt make sense. More likely they mislabeled or they were sent the wrong powder.l

Two things.

1. I’d like to introduce you to my friend the paragraph.

2. Image getting this gear as your first cycle thinking you’re only taking 500mg test. Shutdown, no test and to top it off, Mast had mild AI properties.
I’m betting she knew and used it to her advantage. The custody process is so heavily weighed against fathers it’s absurd.
My coworker has been paying child support for a while. And still is. And has HAD CUSTODY for the last 8 months. It's insane. He's getting the money back for what he paid while he has had custody. But still. That's ridiculous. And it's been nothing but court rooms trying to get that money back.

OP I hope something works out. I would demand a retest. It was mentioned why you didn't use fake piss. I have passed FAA drug tests with it. But that's hindsight. The longer you were from your last pin the greater your chances are for success with another test. If it we're deca youd be fucked.
My coworker has been paying child support for a while. And still is. And has HAD CUSTODY for the last 8 months. It's insane. He's getting the money back for what he paid while he has had custody. But still. That's ridiculous. And it's been nothing but court rooms trying to get that money back.

OP I hope something works out. I would demand a retest. It was mentioned why you didn't use fake piss. I have passed FAA drug tests with it. But that's hindsight. The longer you were from your last pin the greater your chances are for success with another test. If it we're deca youd be fucked.
I went through this for a couple years. Took it straight from my check. She wasn't getting it, they were just holding it. I finally got a court date and got some of the money back. It fucking sucks. Took a couple weeks to get me on it, a couple of years to get off. I had custody as well with school transcripts and everything.
I went through this for a couple years. Took it straight from my check. She wasn't getting it, they were just holding it. I finally got a court date and got some of the money back. It fucking sucks. Took a couple weeks to get me on it, a couple of years to get off. I had custody as well with school transcripts and everything.
That shit blows my mind man...
My coworker has been paying child support for a while. And still is. And has HAD CUSTODY for the last 8 months. It's insane. He's getting the money back for what he paid while he has had custody. But still. That's ridiculous. And it's been nothing but court rooms trying to get that money back.

OP I hope something works out. I would demand a retest. It was mentioned why you didn't use fake piss. I have passed FAA drug tests with it. But that's hindsight. The longer you were from your last pin the greater your chances are for success with another test. If it we're deca youd be fucked.

I have custody of my two sons. I pay my ex every month for the privilege of having custody. You do what you have to, what’s best for your kids. I’m not happy about paying that oxygen thief but my kids are more important than the money. Life isn’t fair.
The reasoning for the testing was I beat up her boyfriend for being around my kid. The pos deserved it but I did cross the line. But I did stop when he started begging for me to stop. The guy is a loser that can’t even see his own kid unsupervised and I just snapped. So when we went to court all she kept saying is he rages. The word rage was used atleast 500 times lol.

Adda boy. Good to see men still acting like men.
50/50 joint custody with mine. No child support. Amazing coparenting. I didn’t realize it was so rare..

This is what we all hope for. I’m at like a 65/35, I pay her 20% of my salary but I’m ok with it because she makes far less than I do and I know the money goes to a positive home life for my son.

Being friends and have a good coparenting relationship was our number 1 goal as we both felt it only benefits our son. Setting up boundaries early on was difficult but we are getting there. Women I’ve been with/dated have more issues with how we interact because it is so rare and they don’t know many people who conduct themselves like that.
It's fucked up that because the woman has a good lawyer they're dragging you over the coals for this. When both parents are dead broke you're allowed to fuck up so much more without penalty.
Is any one familiar with steroid testing. I failed for masteron. I have a script for testosterone cypionate. Due to the dosage of 200mgs every other week. I supplement 250mg from my domestic source. I was also running test propionate. I got my test back from family court which approved the TRT dosage and I did not fail for testosterone but failed for masteron. I have never posted before just been a long time reader. But I am in need of some excuse as to why. Once this gets back to my Ex’s attorney I will diffinitely lose custody of my child for a period of time. I have emailed my domestic source who is very well known and talked about on these kind of forums. And heard nothing back. I need some type of excuse ASAP. Any advice or info would be appreciated. Thanks.
Curious tho why where you testedfor steroids it’s not the norm just like job drug screen will never test for steroids. Is this something she new you where doing and is trying to throw it out there now to win custody?
This is what we all hope for. I’m at like a 65/35, I pay her 20% of my salary but I’m ok with it because she makes far less than I do and I know the money goes to a positive home life for my son.

Being friends and have a good coparenting relationship was our number 1 goal as we both felt it only benefits our son. Setting up boundaries early on was difficult but we are getting there. Women I’ve been with/dated have more issues with how we interact because it is so rare and they don’t know many people who conduct themselves like that.

I’m glad to hear of another situation that is going well. Power to you brother. It definitely catches people off guard when we’re doing a family thing or a school function and they find out we’re not together. And her bf now isn’t too fond of it but she set him straight before I even got a chance too. We’re still really close, which is so good for my daughter.

I’m enjoying just focusing on myself and my little one and my gains ;)
I'm a member on eroids, so Ive seen this on 2 boards.

Bro, you tried to call both test c and test p that you got from her fake by posting the "low T" bloods that you took to the Dr to get on TRT.

She also sold you masteron, that you ordered from her.

Youre pissed because that Mast E stayed in your system for a while and you got popped.

Sorry you got popped, but own the mistake
I'm a member on eroids, so Ive seen this on 2 boards.

Bro, you tried to call both test c and test p that you got from her fake by posting the "low T" bloods that you took to the Dr to get on TRT.

She also sold you masteron, that you ordered from her.

Youre pissed because that Mast E stayed in your system for a while and you got popped.

Sorry you got popped, but own the mistake
Ruh roh
I'm a member on eroids, so Ive seen this on 2 boards.

Bro, you tried to call both test c and test p that you got from her fake by posting the "low T" bloods that you took to the Dr to get on TRT.

She also sold you masteron, that you ordered from her.

Youre pissed because that Mast E stayed in your system for a while and you got popped.

Sorry you got popped, but own the mistake
Good catch @Burrr, do you have a link to the other forum
Pictures - Kodiak queen labs
Good catch @Burrr, do you have a link to the other forum

I’ll also make note here you’ve ordered mast as well as test. .... anything you post at this point is suspect as far as I’m concerned. So bloods or not ..... and furthermore you have ordered mast in a previous order perhaps you should check to see how long the metabolites stay in your system ..