That front squat is going to build your back squat up pretty good and make that back strong. I wish I had the mobility to achieve the from rack. I love from squats. But not the arms crossed version. I've tried wrists straps but I can't keep my back tight enough and I start to round.Good workout tonight
1.squat 5x5 9RPE 285lb
2.comp bench 4x3 8RPE 190lb
3.front squat 4x4 8RPE 2 sets 205 2 sets 185
4.incline DB press 3x12 65lb
Wasn't feeling super great tonight for whatever reason but pushed through and made a little progress on both squats (added 10lbs) and bench (added 5lbs) so all in all not a terrible night.
Solid work dude. The best part about this is @RodgerThat seems to be trying to take you to your genetic limit before introducing any exogenous hormones. And @RodgerThat is a tricky son of a gun. Even when he gets you to your genetic limit you will find a few ways to trick your body to get more out of it.
This is going to be an awesome log. I can't wait to see your strength gains natty. Hats off to you for the weight loss brother. That was a straight war. And you won. Keep it up.