PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey guys how's purple panda looking for raws? I was thinking about ordering but there's a lot of reviews of bunk and or UNDERDOSED gear on here... Any info would be great THANKS!
PPL'S rep sucks and is not to be trusted. Ignore the private message he is going to send you. He has already been banned here once. Stay safe and look for other options is my 2 cents. Best of luck.
I've actually been wondering the same thing regarding the raws being under dosed. I know that that they have their OWN test results on their website. However, does anyone know if there is lab tests/results on their raws that has actually been done by someone other than PPL?
plenty of outside entities have test PPL raws and they always come back as advertised. Search a little bit, the posts are out there for the reading.

Since you brought up that asshole, where h as s @PurplePandaRep been?
It's best to stay quiet when the thread you're responsible for maintaining is ripe with members looking to turn you in to Millard. This and the Monkey thread got really quiet at the same time. lol.
[QUOTE="ickyrica, post: 2283977, member: 83316"

It's best to stay quiet when the thread you're responsible for maintaining is ripe with members looking to turn you in to Millard. This and the Monkey thread got really quiet at the same time. lol.[/QUOTE]
I noticed that also.
I guess we will find out soon if this can be held as a true statement.

Yes indeed we will. We have contacted our warehouse on your behalf and Panda will have the final resolution to your problem as soon as he hears back from them.

Keep in mind, I don’t make the “calls” I just relay the message. But by all means, if you aren’t happy with the outcome please voice your concerns here. So that our future customers can request that we do not use that certain type of packaging. I’m also trying to get that certain package pulled from shipping so this doesn’t happen again.