Sending AAS samples to independent, accredited laboratory in Europe

Would you be willing to submit an unopened sample to an independent accredited laboratory in Europe?

  • No. I could never bear to part with gear.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I would only send it to a US-based laboratory.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Yes. But only if I didn't have to pay for the cost of analysis.

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Yes. But I would not be willing to pay more than USD $50 for analysis.

    Votes: 18 29.5%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $100 for analysis.

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $150 for analysis.

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $200 for analysis.

    Votes: 11 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Let me ask you this, would you be just as cynical if EVERY test came back bunk or underdosed? The community as a whole seems not to be when every labmax or blood test comes back disappointing. They seem to expect it. Why then when the opposite is true are the expectations different?

Let me explain then Doc. First i know one thing - i know one of those sources has a real bad rep locally in my area. I also know he is top 3 on e-roids and pumps his product to the sky and has shills lined up talking out of their ass. I know for a fact that same source has given me good product once upon a time, many years ago, and has since gone to giving me bath oil. I ran those last two cycles in conjunction with someone else and we purchased from the same source at the same time. This was not a small cycle, it was a gram a week for 10 weeks of long ester test. So, from my own personal knowledge i can say he used to be good, but now i wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I even repeated the process a year later and got the same garbage. So i would say i verified personally, second hand with a close friend that had the same rubber to the road experience and also locally with guys at the gym who i tried to warn off, but went with the same source. I think between the 5 of us the low was no noticeable gains(above and beyond normal training) and one guy gained 7 pounds as the high. Even 50% gear would have had a noticeable effect, but not one of the guys in that group had that response or anything even close. It has been my experience that running a gram a week for 10 weeks should not have you guessing as to if you did anything.

Now could he have cleaned up his act? I guess anything is possible. It has been 2 years or so. I could be a cynical asshole with that eating at the back of my mind and totally smearing people/sources that might not even deserve it. Thing is, that source isn't the only one people have been experiencing these things with and my story isn't even that special. I'm pretty sure i'm just screwed over customer #2342. I'm also fairly sure this source can put out good product when and if he deems it necessary. I know that for a fact because i have experienced when things were good before they went sour with me and this particular source.

I know this was a rant and i could be totally off-base about this. I agree that one test doesn't necessarily mean anything, but how many good tests until it is actually too good to be true? I know that i am biased in this and when i hold a fucking grudge it stays held. I personally would never deal with that source again if he went 100% legit and became everyone's hero, but it isn't just that one source, it's all that has been tested so far.
I think we should test 2 of everything
It might take longer but for example you have Frank and Darius they are both pharmacom from 2 different places from there we can see which is a good one which one is not

Or at least 2 from the same buyer naps is a reseller of a lot of gear but one from naps and another from another source of the same product will give u and idea of how the labs are working
Are they selective scammers are they testing there raws

1vial is just that 1vial of so many
Guess I'm thinking outside of the box
Let me explain then Doc. First i know one thing - i know one of those sources has a real bad rep locally in my area. I also know he is top 3 on e-roids and pumps his product to the sky and has shills lined up talking out of their ass. I know for a fact that same source has given me good product once upon a time, many years ago, and has since gone to giving me bath oil. I ran those last two cycles in conjunction with someone else and we purchased from the same source at the same time. This was not a small cycle, it was a gram a week for 10 weeks of long ester test. So, from my own personal knowledge i can say he used to be good, but now i wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I even repeated the process a year later and got the same garbage. So i would say i verified personally, second hand with a close friend that had the same rubber to the road experience and also locally with guys at the gym who i tried to warn off, but went with the same source. I think between the 5 of us the low was no noticeable gains(above and beyond normal training) and one guy gained 7 pounds as the high. Even 50% gear would have had a noticeable effect, but not one of the guys in that group had that response or anything even close. It has been my experience that running a gram a week for 10 weeks should not have you guessing as to if you did anything.

Now could he have cleaned up his act? I guess anything is possible. It has been 2 years or so. I could be a cynical asshole with that eating at the back of my mind and totally smearing people/sources that might not even deserve it. Thing is, that source isn't the only one people have been experiencing these things with and my story isn't even that special. I'm pretty sure i'm just screwed over customer #2342. I'm also fairly sure this source can put out good product when and if he deems it necessary. I know that for a fact because i have experienced when things were good before they went sour with me and this particular source.

I know this was a rant and i could be totally off-base about this. I agree that one test doesn't necessarily mean anything, but how many good tests until it is actually too good to be true? I know that i am biased in this and when i hold a fucking grudge it stays held. I personally would never deal with that source again if he went 100% legit and became everyone's hero, but it isn't just that one source, it's all that has been tested so far.
Any chance you share the name of this ugl with the rest of us????
Let me explain then Doc. First i know one thing - i know one of those sources has a real bad rep locally in my area. I also know he is top 3 on e-roids and pumps his product to the sky and has shills lined up talking out of their ass. I know for a fact that same source has given me good product once upon a time, many years ago, and has since gone to giving me bath oil. I ran those last two cycles in conjunction with someone else and we purchased from the same source at the same time. This was not a small cycle, it was a gram a week for 10 weeks of long ester test. So, from my own personal knowledge i can say he used to be good, but now i wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I even repeated the process a year later and got the same garbage. So i would say i verified personally, second hand with a close friend that had the same rubber to the road experience and also locally with guys at the gym who i tried to warn off, but went with the same source. I think between the 5 of us the low was no noticeable gains(above and beyond normal training) and one guy gained 7 pounds as the high. Even 50% gear would have had a noticeable effect, but not one of the guys in that group had that response or anything even close. It has been my experience that running a gram a week for 10 weeks should not have you guessing as to if you did anything.

Now could he have cleaned up his act? I guess anything is possible. It has been 2 years or so. I could be a cynical asshole with that eating at the back of my mind and totally smearing people/sources that might not even deserve it. Thing is, that source isn't the only one people have been experiencing these things with and my story isn't even that special. I'm pretty sure i'm just screwed over customer #2342. I'm also fairly sure this source can put out good product when and if he deems it necessary. I know that for a fact because i have experienced when things were good before they went sour with me and this particular source.

I know this was a rant and i could be totally off-base about this. I agree that one test doesn't necessarily mean anything, but how many good tests until it is actually too good to be true? I know that i am biased in this and when i hold a fucking grudge it stays held. I personally would never deal with that source again if he went 100% legit and became everyone's hero, but it isn't just that one source, it's all that has been tested so far.

I see where you're coming from and to be honest if my friends and I were fucked over like that I'd feel the same way. I haven't been burned yet, I do expect it to happen at some point, so maybe that's why we are viewing the same thing from opposite ends of the spectrum.

As it stands, the testing done now is not enough to make any judgements about anything except that the labs that passed are able to put out a decent product....doesn't mean they do all the time or are good to go, but they if push came to shove and they had to make a good product to save their families from alien kidnappers they could. Maybe selective scamming explains this better than anything else. Every X bottle will be good or bad, only second third fourth time buyers get scammed, etc.

I think too many ppl are reading too much into the testing too early. It's still in it's Infancy stage. Millard has t even had time to go back and do a second round of the same product form the same lab yet. IMO, take these results for what they are and not for what they aren't and that Keira the beginning of something great. The market hasn't changed overnight, there are still scammers out there and scrupulous ppl. Let's give Millard time to hammer out the details of his program and see what happens as more results come.
Any chance you share the name of this ugl with the rest of us????
Yeh I never understood making statements like that but not saying who.. Like I bileve you but what's the point in saying it if your are not goin to say who it is... I mean they fuckd you and didn't care about so why should u care about them and not expose them.. With that being said the thing I hate the most is people who talk out their ass and bash sources with no proof are they are newbs and run gear for 3 weeks and expect it to make then hulk and bash the source not knowing wtf they are talking about. But like u said a gram of test for 10 weeks and nothing.. Any dumb ass knows that's not right so I think you have every right to speak the truth on how u honestly feel... I wouldn't blame you
We've received 1 test result per 5 labs with 4 different compounds. Way too early to be fretting about conspiracies. We need many more tests with more labs and compounds to see the benefit. IMO we need to have some patience and wait for a reasonable period time and make your conclusions. For some to come to a negative conclusion at this time is baseless and foolhardy.
Any chance you share the name of this ugl with the rest of us????

Sure thing, it was Alin. I haven't been hiding his name on purpose. Also, to be fair i know absolutely nothing about pharmacom, gp, or anyone else that was tested. I did feel i had plenty of individual and collective local experience with Alin/Balkan.
Well , then we are going to be doing this for quite a while (right into my retirement) lol
I think and also mutually agree that @Millard Baker looks at this as turning the ice cream machine on as to a bowl I ice cream with a cherry on top... Yhall have to look at the bigger picture!!! Think like a visionarie!!! Look at what it can be not what it is... Sure now this doesn't tell us much, but if this pattern can keep up consistently with a wide range of all the popular labs over and over and over again... Then we have something so amazing it's actually brilliant. I mean think about it for a second, this is something that I could see like a government group doing are that was approved by the government. Like all the popular labs having all their popular products being tested rigorously... It has the potential to help and reduce the risk of using aas tremendously. I know it sounds crazy and everyone is saying this guy is crazy the government would never and you may as well be right but it's not that far fetched to think these things.. An example is...I remember when i was younger like 8 years ago I was into taking ecstasy and going through this same thing of not knowing what you were getting. We'll they had this program/organization come out called dancesafe or something like that, but anyways they were a group that had a website open to the public for free that had ex pills listed from all over the world mainly the USA with test results of exactly what was in it and the percentage of how much of whatever was in it. Also they listed where the pill was sent in from. Anyone could just like send a pill in and post where it was obtained anonymously an they would test it and post it to the world. It's one of those things that till it happens you wouldn't think it could are would happen.. But they did it and it started off small just like this and I'm sure at first many saw it as almost pointless due to the number of test they posted and so on, but it pushed on caught attention and then bam it was revolutionary, hundreds on hundreds of results from all parts of the USA. So much so I remember going on their and they had so many results they had it set up where u could browse through them by alphabetical with the name are logo on the pill are by the date submitted are my preferred way the place it was obtained and I remember. Searching pills from my state and finding pills sent in from my city that I had either took already are would run across in the future. But one particular time I remember seeing a pill that had like some crazy dangerous shit in it and then a guy try to sell them to me in the future. I know it sounds so cliche but it could have saved my life who knows.. Anyways sorry bout the long post but this is how I look at this project and yhall should too!! This has potential, just don't give up yet! @Millard Baker I believe in this man! 100% keep at it, this could really make a difference! Who knows maybe one day it will save someone's life!
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I think and also mutually agree that @Millard Baker looks at this as turning the ice cream machine on as to a bowl I ice cream with a cherry on top... Yhall have to look at the bigger picture!!! Think like a visionarie!!! Look at what it can be not what it is... Sure now this doesn't tell us much, but if this pattern can keep up consistently with a wide range of all the popular labs over and over and over again... Then we have something so amazing it's actually brilliant. I mean think about it for a second, this is something that I could see like a government group doing are that was approved by the government. Like all the popular labs having all their popular products being tested rigorously... It has the potential to help and reduce the risk of using aas tremendously. I know it sounds crazy and everyone is saying this guy is crazy the government would never and you may as well be right but it's not that far fetched to think these things.. An example is...I remember when i was younger like 8 years ago I was into taking ecstasy and going through this same thing of not knowing what you were getting. We'll they had this program/organization come out called dancesafe or something like that, but anyways they were a group that had a website open to the public for free that had ex pills listed from all over the world mainly the USA with test results of exactly what was in it and the percentage of how much of whatever was in it. Also they listed where the pill was sent in from. Anyone could just like send a pill in and post where it was obtained anonymously an they would test it and post it to the world. It's one of those things that till it happens you wouldn't think it could are would happen.. But they did it and it started off small just like this and I'm sure at first many saw it as almost pointless due to the number of test they posted and so on, but it pushed on caught attention and then bam it was revolutionary, hundreds on hundreds of results from all parts of the USA. So much so I remember going on their and they had so many results they had it set up where u could browse through them by alphabetical with the name are logo on the pill are by the date submitted are my preferred way the place it was obtained and I remember. Searching pills from my state and finding pills sent in from my city that I had either took already are would run across in the future. But one particular time I remember seeing a pill that had like some crazy dangerous shit in it and then a guy try to sell them to me in the future. I know it sounds so cliche but it could have saved my life who knows.. Anyways sorry bout the long post but this is how I look at this project and yhall should too!! This has potential, just don't give up yet! @Millard Baker I believe in this man! 100% keep at it, this could really make a difference! Who knows maybe one day it will save someone's life!

Paragraphs bro. Paragraphs. Not trying to be a grammar nazi, but that shit is hard to read all together like that.
I think and also mutually agree that @Millard Baker looks at this as turning the ice cream machine on as to a bowl I ice cream with a cherry on top... Yhall have to look at the bigger picture!!! Think like a visionarie!!! Look at what it can be not what it is... Sure now this doesn't tell us much, but if this pattern can keep up consistently with a wide range of all the popular labs over and over and over again... Then we have something so amazing it's actually brilliant. I mean think about it for a second, this is something that I could see like a government group doing are that was approved by the government. Like all the popular labs having all their popular products being tested rigorously... It has the potential to help and reduce the risk of using aas tremendously. I know it sounds crazy and everyone is saying this guy is crazy the government would never and you may as well be right but it's not that far fetched to think these things.. An example is...I remember when i was younger like 8 years ago I was into taking ecstasy and going through this same thing of not knowing what you were getting. We'll they had this program/organization come out called dancesafe or something like that, but anyways they were a group that had a website open to the public for free that had ex pills listed from all over the world mainly the USA with test results of exactly what was in it and the percentage of how much of whatever was in it. Also they listed where the pill was sent in from. Anyone could just like send a pill in and post where it was obtained anonymously an they would test it and post it to the world. It's one of those things that till it happens you wouldn't think it could are would happen.. But they did it and it started off small just like this and I'm sure at first many saw it as almost pointless due to the number of test they posted and so on, but it pushed on caught attention and then bam it was revolutionary, hundreds on hundreds of results from all parts of the USA. So much so I remember going on their and they had so many results they had it set up where u could browse through them by alphabetical with the name are logo on the pill are by the date submitted are my preferred way the place it was obtained and I remember. Searching pills from my state and finding pills sent in from my city that I had either took already are would run across in the future. But one particular time I remember seeing a pill that had like some crazy dangerous shit in it and then a guy try to sell them to me in the future. I know it sounds so cliche but it could have saved my life who knows.. Anyways sorry bout the long post but this is how I look at this project and yhall should too!! This has potential, just don't give up yet! @Millard Baker I believe in this man! 100% keep at it, this could really make a difference! Who knows maybe one day it will save someone's life!

Not trying to insult you here but could you please try to organize your thoughts into paragraphs?

I want to read what you post but when I see a wall of text, my brain says no and I move on.
Not trying to insult you here but could you please try to organize your thoughts into paragraphs?

I want to read what you post but when I see a wall of text, my brain says no and I move on.
Lol no offense taken man. Sorry about that I usually don't like to take the time to write all that much less paragraphs and all that but I understand.. But if you just take the time and read it slow u can understand it.. I just re read it and can see where u r coming from but none the less you can still catch the just of it no ?
Just read sentence by sentence and I promise you will be fine with no paragraphs!! Look at it as putting your brain to work!!
Lol no offense taken man. Sorry about that I usually don't like to take the time to write all that much less paragraphs and all that but I understand.. But if you just take the time and read it slow u can understand it.. I just re read it and can see where u r coming from but none the less you can still catch the just of it no ?

I can barely get through what you just wrote! haha
I can barely get through what you just wrote! haha
Lol aww come on man. Put a little effort into it and you will be just fine..sure could it have been wrote a little more clear with paragraphs, yes prolly so!! But he'll I can open a amp of test easier with a little amp opener but rest assure I will get it open just fine without one!!
Let me ask you this, would you be just as cynical if EVERY test came back bunk or underdosed? The community as a whole seems not to be when every labmax or blood test comes back disappointing. They seem to expect it. Why then when the opposite is true are the expectations different?
My thoughts exactly doc..!! As ive said before it's almost as if they want to see Failed results
My thoughts exactly doc..!! As ive said before it's almost as if they want to see Failed results

The expectation of under-dosed products comes from user feedback, labmax, and bloodwork that suggests a large percentage of available products on the market are under-dosed.

I don't think anyone wants to see failed results but expects them based on the information available.
My thoughts exactly doc..!! As ive said before it's almost as if they want to see Failed results
I think they want to see good results it's just they are so use to seeing people getting fuckd over and over wich the majority comes from bathtub brew bullshit labs and then when good results come they are like no fucking way something's got to be up with these results. When actually if they would realize that the labs tested are not these small ass labs that are guaranteed to be shit most of the time. I mean if you look at pharmacoms results as a whole and the overall percentage of reviews they are good. Either way I still think no ugl is full proof are g2g because I am sure taking 100 mg (as some have) and not feeling shit means you deff got a bad batch and did not test that batch before sending it out!! Also their test dummies must not know what d Bol feels like because frank said they even have people use then first before sending out to customers!! And I mean it has to be the truth, it's the internet!! They don't lie!
The expectation of under-dosed products comes from user feedback, labmax, and bloodwork that suggests a large percentage of available products on the market are under-dosed.

I don't think anyone wants to see failed results but expects them based on the information available.
User feedback that mostly wasn't concrete evidence on underdosed and plain failure...Now we have had concrete evidence on what was tested so far..
User feedback that mostly wasn't concrete evidence on underdosed and plain failure...Now we have had concrete evidence on what was tested so far..

I'm merely commenting on your sediment that people seem to want UGL products to fail.

The analytical evidence we now have does not correlate well with the other available evidence up to this point. Due to this fact, people are expressing their astonishment and disbelief, because it contradicts their expectations, not their desire for UGL products to fail.