[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Without bloods you will. I was so worried about getting gyno, anytime my nips would get puffy (due to excess bf% and sodium intake) I would take ai. That’s the wrong answer.

Yep. I'm doing exactly that. Working so far. I mean as far as I can tell. What made you realize it was the wrong answer?
Good point I haven't checked that route. I should get it done through the VA as well. I don't use my benefits with them except for some service connected items
Lucky you. I’ve been fighting with them assholes trying to get my shit when at first I just wanted to go to my appts without paying anything. I get a yearly checkup with blood work from them. Really just checks the normal stuff but I get to see liver and kidney function and the normal running gear normalities lol.
Yep. I'm doing exactly that. Working so far. I mean as far as I can tell. What made you realize it was the wrong answer?
When I didn’t wven wanna train and i was blasting.
Lucky you. I’ve been fighting with them assholes trying to get my shit when at first I just wanted to go to my appts without paying anything. I get a yearly checkup with blood work from them. Really just checks the normal stuff but I get to see liver and kidney function and the normal running gear normalities lol.
Have to get a power of attorney with a certified program with the VA. Do some research. They fight the battle for you. You and I are not geared up to fight the government. Once I got them involved, the VA buckled. First answer is always No! Don't let them get you down.
And glad to see a fellow brother on here :D
Have to get a power of attorney with a certified program with the VA. Do some research. They fight the battle for you. You and I are not geared up to fight the government. Once I got them involved, the VA buckled. First answer is always No! Don't let them get you down.
Have to get a power of attorney with a certified program with the VA. Do some research. They fight the battle for you. You and I are not geared up to fight the government. Once I got them involved, the VA buckled. First answer is always No! Don't let them get you down.
I got one when They basically told me to fuck off. I know people that never finished basic and are getting 100%. By no means was I out for more than what i deserved but I just didn’t want to pay out of pocket to go to the VA.
How do you get bloods when you live in a state that doesn’t allow it without a prescription
There is an entire thread about it. Basically I remember it saying to take your passport to a neighboring state that does allow because the passport doesn't have your residence on it. The search feature is your friend.
An update.
English is my third language. Don't read if you have sensetivity to bad grammar.

It has been a month since I started my first cycle of
Test E @ 500mg weekly
Added NPP @ ~300mg at week 4. (For joint issue)
So I weigh myself today. I started with 160 pound.
Now I'm at 170 pound. I couldn't believe my eyes so I used 45 plate to make sure the scale is accurate and it is.
My wife is very happy too. I'm paying her back what she missed for a long while now.
My energy is so high and mood is great.
My sleep improved a lot.
All who sees me asks me if I started working out. Funny thing, I have been for more than 3 years but no one noticed until I got on gear.
To my eyes, I look the same in mirror. Maybe because I work out naked in front of the mirror in my place.
Strengh wise, nothing so far. I can push harder but I don't out of fear of adding new injury due to my genatic joint issue. I'm waiting for the NPP to work in the next two week then I'll push harder.
No negitive side effects so far beside one pimple in my face that I didn't touch and gone now.

I'm very happy and thankful for you guys. To my surprise, in one month I got where I was struggling to get to (health wise) for years.

I just wanted to say, I love Meso and I love you all.

Will post pic of progress later.