Sunaven Laboratories - Canadian Domestic Source

Sry i call bs on both ppl complaining. Theres no way mg wld give back the money unless sunaven didnt pick it up, which he wld have stated awhile ago.
Im done with you Nick.

Post one more comment in here trying to contaminate my customers with your nonsense and I'll post your tracking slip for everyone to see. That has your full name Nick C****** and your full address. Quit with this, it's getting awfully old and annoying to be blatantly honest.
Posting threats is not a wise thing to do here. Anyone whos read threw the thread an can put two an two together and will see whats goin on. Id leave it at that an edit your post.
Posting threats is not a wise thing to do here. Anyone whos read threw the thread an can put two an two together and will see whats goin on. Id leave it at that an edit your post.

I'm not the type of person to do that but this is just getting ridiculous and has gone on for too long.

I don't think some of these people understand the investment this really is for me, and too think I would screw that up over an order hardly worth $300?... Yeah right.

I just hope that the members of this forum can see what is going on here.

Sorry for the previous post.
Im done with you Nick.

Post one more comment in here trying to contaminate my customers with your nonsense and I'll post your tracking slip for everyone to see. That has your full name Nick C****** and your full address. Quit with this, it's getting awfully old and annoying to be blatantly honest.
Lol Dude you never even sent me a tracking number Ive pm'd you multiple times.
Threatening is threatening our community here and is only going to go in one direction.

I have no dog in this fight but seriously to even insinuate that you would post this man's info is beyond me. You really gotta stop your game up bro this isn't tit for tat that would be a really grimey move. If these posters are reverse scamming it will come out but don't stoop down to that level and say you will show information. Also, you shouldn't even have any of his info anymore if this transaction is done that should all he shredded and deleted. Hope you ease up on the threats that will hurt your future business. ....
Im done with you Nick.

Post one more comment in here trying to contaminate my customers with your nonsense and I'll post your tracking slip for everyone to see. That has your full name Nick C****** and your full address. Quit with this, it's getting awfully old and annoying to be blatantly honest.

You post his info and not only will you immediately be banned here but I'll follow you around at every fucking board you're on to let everyone know what a piece of shit you are...

How come you can post it but you can't send it to him??
You post his info and not only will you immediately be banned here but I'll follow you around at every fucking board you're on to let everyone know what a piece of shit you are...

How come you can post it but you can't send it to him??
Now he will have claimed to have already sent it lol
Im done with you Nick.

Post one more comment in here trying to contaminate my customers with your nonsense and I'll post your tracking slip for everyone to see. That has your full name Nick C****** and your full address. Quit with this, it's getting awfully old and annoying to be blatantly honest.

That is some serously Fucked up shit!!! I can't believe you even threated to reveal his info! Not cool man! Not cool!

I don't know what's going on with all of this BS and really it isn't my fight. But that threat right there will keep me from ever ordering shit from you! Why is his information even available to you anymore? Shit should be trashed by now!
Nope. But I pleaded with WU and got my money back so I'm done with this.
I'm more inclined to believe these WU funds never existed, than I am to believe WU gave you a refund on funds that were collected by this source. Got any proof these WU funds existed? Or are you saying the funds were never collected by this source? Why would you have to plead to get your funds back?
I'm more inclined to believe these WU funds never existed, than I am to believe WU gave you a refund on funds that were collected by this source. Got any proof these WU funds existed? Or are you saying the funds were never collected by this source? Why would you have to plead to get your funds back?
Go find drama elsewhere man. Why would people lie about this shit?
I'm not the type of person to do that but this is just getting ridiculous and has gone on for too long.

I don't think some of these people understand the investment this really is for me, and too think I would screw that up over an order hardly worth $300?... Yeah right.

I just hope that the members of this forum can see what is going on here.

Sorry for the previous post.
Sunaven you really need to chill
Go find drama elsewhere man. Why would people lie about this shit?
Fuck off you stupid POS. Isn't there some other source you need to go get burned by?
Not even going to reply to this non sense. This guy thrives on drama and proving himself.
Grow up. Quit using steroids for what your not man.
This is some funny shit right here from the BOY who continually claims to get burned by every source he comes across. Maybe you are the one who should MAN UP and quit using steroids you bitch. I'm eagerly awaiting your next set of labs. lol. Possible reverse scammer.
This is some funny shit right here from the BOY who continually claims to get burned by every source he comes across. Maybe you are the one who should MAN UP and quit using steroids you bitch. I'm eagerly awaiting your next set of labs. lol. Possible reverse scammer.
Have to agree
This is some funny shit right here from the BOY who continually claims to get burned by every source he comes across. Maybe you are the one who should MAN UP and quit using steroids you bitch. I'm eagerly awaiting your next set of labs. lol. Possible reverse scammer.
If I ever receive anything from this guy, I will be the first! to say I was wrong. However the dudes customer service blows I have received nothing as far as a tracking number.
A reverse scammer lol!! that pays for his gear... Go figure
If I ever receive anything from this guy, I will be the first! to say I was wrong. However the dudes customer service blows I have received nothing as far as a tracking number.
A reverse scammer lol!! that pays for his gear... Go figure
Don't act like you don't understand how the scam works.