Tesofensine is priced at $60/10g, $220/50g and $330/100g by @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, which is suspiciously far below the quote of roughly $200/g I received from my own sources, who just laughed at their pricing saying I should test it because it'll be 100% fake. Noticing the questions about Tesofensine testing in QSC's thread going unanswered and the 380usd per labtest making this unlikely to get exposed anytime soon, I acquired a sample in a way that will hopefully protect me from the retaliation via doxxing attempts and other means I'm fully expecting.
Whatever all the components in this sample are, none of them are even close to Tesofensine as the analysis report I have attached as a .pdf shows:
White powder in plastic bag
Expected MW: 327.11 (M)
As per formula: C17H23Cl2NO
Found: several migrating peaks with no related masses, MH+ mass search yielded no results
Unknown compound

The reason I've waited until now to post this thread was that I wanted to verify that legitimate, high quality Tesofensine raws did indeed exist for a price that exceeds its factory price, so here's that test report including the raw data:
Thanks to everyone who helped and to @janoshik for always setting up these non-standard tests and explaining the results in such detail that the time this consumes probably consumes any potential profit as well.
Whatever all the components in this sample are, none of them are even close to Tesofensine as the analysis report I have attached as a .pdf shows:
White powder in plastic bag
Expected MW: 327.11 (M)
As per formula: C17H23Cl2NO
Found: several migrating peaks with no related masses, MH+ mass search yielded no results
Unknown compound

The reason I've waited until now to post this thread was that I wanted to verify that legitimate, high quality Tesofensine raws did indeed exist for a price that exceeds its factory price, so here's that test report including the raw data:
Thanks to everyone who helped and to @janoshik for always setting up these non-standard tests and explaining the results in such detail that the time this consumes probably consumes any potential profit as well.