Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

You literally just posted saying it’s $60 for 10g. We aren’t talking about whoever you source from, you’re discussing QSC.

You hate this dude but you can stop trying to source his products lol.

Yes I’m a shill because I point out the blatantly obvious. You are a drama queen and it’s hard to believe a source testing another sources raws. Especially because of your drama. If dragon tested QSCs raws I’d believe him over you because he isn’t up in every sources thread every day stirring shit. Miserable cunt
Maybe random testing as a collective should be brought back .
I agree with sources not being 100% reliable the problem is others are not doing much testing so its on us to change this .
That’s why this all seems very far fetched. Especially from you personally
As always, I'm happy to put my Meso account/existence on the line against yours if you and your owner can produce even slightly convincing evidence that I manipulated these samples or test results in any way because this accusation is obviously the one I came most prepared for.

@GuerillaPete I genuinely believe that was incompetence rather than malice as it was very obvious those would get tested.
Maybe random testing as a collective should be brought back .
I agree with sources not being 100% reliable the problem is others are not doing much testing so its on us to change this .
Be glad to do the leg work on sending the teso to jano for testing.
Not willing to pay for it though, being into this for a measly $60.
With ~380 for testing and ~120 for shipping, it makes no sense.
Worse case scenario, can throw it out, be done with it and only out $60.

If QSC steps up with the $500 and offers to pay shipping and testing, that'd be cool. Can't see it going that way though. Teso will likely just go away like the enclomiphene did after it was tested.
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I'd be glad to do the leg work on sending my teso to jano for testing.
I'm not willing to pay for it though. I'm into this for a measly $60.
With ~380 for testing and ~120 for shipping, it makes no sense to me.
I can throw it out, be done with it and only be out the $60.

If QSC steps up with the $500 and offers to pay shipping and testing, that'd be cool. I can't see it though. Teso will likely just go away like enclomiphene did after it was tested.
Confirming the approximate price for Tesofensine from a legitimate chinese manufacturer is hopefully not beyond the expertise of the entire Meso community, but should it become necessary to put another nail into the coffin propped open by the shills, I'll pay for your test.
Confirming the approximate price for Tesofensine from a legitimate chinese manufacturer is hopefully not beyond the expertise of the entire Meso community, but should it become necessary to put another nail into the coffin propped open by the shills, I'll pay for your test.
Holy shit liska, thanks for the offer!

Lets see how this plays out with QSC though. That's a shit load to lay out, and nothing in it for you either way the test results come out.

Appreciate the offer though and hopefully it won't be on you to pay.
This is QSC's issue and by all rights, he should be the one offering to pay.

I just checked your US store for teso. Didn't see it but your regular gear has some really good prices. You'll be getting future orders from my colleague.
Since there is a conflict of interest, very justified, since Liska has always tried to bash us, report us to get banned etc..
Not to forget lying about purity of our BPC157 (contaminated, 87% purity blabla.. ) that was proven wrong by Janoshik (+99%)
I add to this that you said you will never order from us and never ordered form us.
And finally, that you can't prove to members that you ordered from us since you are afraid to get doxxed etc..

It takes between 0$ and $5 to change manufacter name from "Unknown" to "QSC" on Jano report and I don't think you have ever exposed any of your suppliers even though you received a bunch of fake / low quality raws in the past from your suppliers.

Maybe it's another supplier teso, since 380USD is wasted, let's use the report at least to harm QSC reputation.

Or simply you could also be sending a fake one.

Or maybe you are right and you found a way to order teso from us without been recognized.

Too many possibilities, that way it's gonna be my word against yours as many possibility could be here.

I think members and I have enough reasons to not trust this lab test. But I prefer to remain fair, I won't accuse you by anything, but I will suggest that @Clyde accept Liska's offer and send your sample for testing, since it's freshly received by you (3g) and Liska will cover the cost.

I confirm the picture that you posted, marked "3" is Tesofensine, 3grams.

This way we save time, money and drama and we get an unbiased lab test.

I don't think it worth more time than this, and our policy regarding this has always been clear, if the test not up to standard and the factory provided us a fake irem, you get your teso refunded, then it will be removed from the store and life continue.

Same for every member who have any doubts about it.

My price list have 450 lines. We can provide dozen of thousands of raws, most of hot sellers have been Jano tested, and I have offered a compensation in form of credit store for everyone who test the first an untested raw, if it happened that some raws aren't up to standards, since we are sourcing from several factories, our compensation policy is clear, it happened before for Toremiphene, and as far as I know every customer of mine that had a problem has been fixed by me and made it right, so no drama will be allowed anymore and won't be giving anyone this opportunity to start drama again

Not to forget lying about purity of our BPC157 (contaminated, 87% purity blabla.. ) that was proven wrong by Janoshik (+99%)
See attachment for the extensive test report from the peptide research group showing your 87% trash from the past. You're well aware of this andall the other trash the Meso FR labtesting group exposed from your earlier days of course.

Maybe it's another supplier teso, since 380USD is wasted, let's use the report at least to harm QSC reputation.

Or simply you could also be sending a fake one.

Or maybe you are right and you found a way to order teso from us without been recognized.

Too many possibilities, that way it's gonna be my word against yours as many possibility could be here.
You already know that trash you sell far below the manufacturing price of actual Tesofensine is not and cannot be Tesofensine. Someone else ordered and sent the sample to Janoshik, and this was actually part of a bigger Tesofensine order they intended to make finished product of, as they have (or had) been using you as their main supplier. You've been ignoring the requests for in-house testing of this compound specifically in your thread just like the last time you sold something you never had, Toremifene, and hoped noone would notice. It's disgusting you don't come clean about this for all the customers in your thread that have purchased this from you and may ingest whatever this trash is you sent them if not warned. You worry about harming your reputation much more than harming your customers.

I don't think it worth more time than this, and our policy regarding this has always been clear, if the test not up to standard and the factory provided us a fake irem, you get your teso refunded, then it will be removed from the store and life continue.
You are perfectly aware of how expensive real Tesofensine is from a factory and you never bothered to get any testing done in China on whatever this is that cost you a fraction of the real thing. This is like buying Primobolan for $100/kg from a factory and selling that to your customers without testing it. "Life continue" unless whatever you sent people is actually a harmful substance because you have no idea what you actually sent them. Sample picture from Janoshik:
QSC Tesofensine.jpg


@Liska said he did not personally send the raws maybe the person sending it did a switch and kept the raws .

Hopefully some of the raws you guys have will end up tested to sea what is the truth .
Oh well she said she didn’t switch the raws, that HAS to be true. Why would she lie? She’s only been trying to lie and discredit QSC since the first month they were here. But doesn’t harass any other raw providers when they come up with bad testing.

Do you really think a source testing another sources gear is something that can be believable in any setting? If GL tested Stan’s gear and it came back bad do you think everybody would be siding with GL? Idk why this concept is hard for most of you to understand.
Oh well she said she didn’t switch the raws, that HAS to be true. Why would she lie? She’s only been trying to lie and discredit QSC since the first month they were here. But doesn’t harass any other raw providers when they come up with bad testing.

Do you really think a source testing another sources gear is something that can be believable in any setting? If GL tested Stan’s gear and it came back bad do you think everybody would be siding with GL? Idk why this concept is hard for most of you to understand.
Well i pointed this out as well so i agree but there have been other instances as well and to be hones i would like to know the truth.
Its strange that Liskas raw looks different then the others . I would like to know why .
Someone else ordered and sent the sample to Janoshik, and this was actually part of a bigger Tesofensine order they intended to make finished product of, as they have (or had) been using you as their main supplier.

In addition to the fact that this tesofensine raw sample that you showed us is powdery in the picture doesn't look like our customers raw pictures (crystalline), here is another proof of your lies:

We started selling tesofensine In mid november 08/11 we had our first order. (@Adegas seized)

On your lab report sample was received by Jano 22/12 and ordered 15/12.
No customer had ordered more than 10g in november or december.

So for all those who ordered 10g in this period:

It takes average 1 month minimum to be received by customers, so I can check easily the ones who received tesofensine before this date and conclusion:

Only 2 guys were delivered tesofensine before this Janoshik lab report, and only one is a lab (EU) who received 14/12, and guess what, his teso is crystalline powder and I still have the pictures of this order (from the identifying process by email):


So now I definitely believe you are either a liar or you have been fooled by someone who knows your jealousy toward us in order to pay for his 380USD lab test lol
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Since I'm such a deceitful cat I'll pay for everyone's testing by myself if the QSC rep promises that any fake product will be replaced g for g with real Tesofensine.
So this is your excuse to not pay for their lab tests?

The fact that you need to pay for these labs is your only opportunity to prove that you are not lying and have a minimum of credibility, because in view of the evidence, whether it is the sample photos, order timings etc. everything shows that you are lying and it's not in your interest not to pay for these lab tests.