Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

I'm so puzzled how people think that Liska's sample does not look similar to the other's posted. Low res photo and different lighting but can even tell from that it is not powder lol
this is basically the "dress is yellow" facebook debate right now. The entirety of an extremely legitimate concern regarding a large source repeatedly sending mislabeled products has been mutilated into a "that looks like powder, not crystal to me" merry-go-round.

I cannot fathom having the ferocious appetite for toe fungus of some of these stark defenders of Qingdao given the fact that there are likely several goldfish in various homes of MesoRX users who can somehow still remember seeing proof of this behaviour in the reflections of their fishbowls.
I'm so puzzled how people think that Liska's sample does not look similar to the other's posted. Low res photo and different lighting but can even tell from that it is not powder lol
Woulda helped if the original photo wasn't taken on a white background. It still looks like there are some crystals in there, but I don't know why they have such a poor quality photo, flip phone, compression, how'd the quality get so low compared to the others?
Why would someone alter the compound to be tested in any way before sending?

At this point of the ordeal we need a 3rd party that has no affiliation to test their tesofensine. You offered to pay @Clyde testing expense to send his product to be tested, correct?
Yes, I've offered this to every single customer who purchased it from QSC actually. Unrelated to that offer, I challenge @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals to pledge that he will replace every single gram of fake Tesofensine he sent out with the real thing. If you're not scamming Meso members, it won't cost you a thing.

Cool cute bonus cat fact: If QSC isn't scamming Meso members, their Tesofensine is the most profitable raw compound to turn into finished product in our entire industry (based on current finished product prices), nothing comes remotely close.
Woulda helped if the original photo wasn't taken on a white background. It still looks like there are some crystals in there, but I don't know why they have such a poor quality photo, flip phone, compression, how'd the quality get so low compared to the others?
When taking pictures of the received samples we don't really have "is it powder or powdery crystals or crystallic powder" macro shot thing in mind.

It's more like "we're taking the picture so it can't be claimed we never had this" kind of thing and our lab tables are white.
When taking pictures of the received samples we don't really have "is it powder or powdery crystals or crystallic powder" macro shot thing in mind.

It's more like "we're taking the picture so it can't be claimed we never had this" kind of thing and our lab tables are white.
Gotcha, I was unaware that was your photo. He/she may have mentioned that, but I missed it. I thought they were all taken by the same person.
It's funny how same bored guys woke up again, trying hard to make this a highly important concern like if it's a life or death matter.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no time for this games, and I don't give two fucks about this subject, who is wrong or right, no body cares about this exotique shit, except these idiot bored shills.. worst scenario, tesofensine sent by factory not up to standard, then what? Probably will be sent for testing, if it's confirmed the customers will be compensated according to the policy you all know, sales will continue, and you no lives will keep living the same pathetic lives, you tried hard in the past, did it change anything? Did our thread died or sales decreased? You just see a thread with more positive feedbacks and happer customers than ever, maybe some will be sending their gear for testing, results will come back okay and good like in 99% of cases, more publicity and life continue.
It's funny how same bored guys woke up again, trying hard to make this a highly important concern like if it's a life or death matter.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no time for this games, and I don't give two fucks about this subject, who is wrong or right, no body cares about this exotique shit, except these idiot bored shills.. worst scenario, tesofensine sent by factory not up to standard, then what? Probably will be sent for testing, if it's confirmed the customers will be compensated according to the policy you all know, sales will continue, and you no lives will keep living the same pathetic lives, you tried hard in the past, did it change anything? Did our thread died or sales decreased? You just see a thread with more positive feedbacks and happer customers than ever, maybe some will be sending their gear for testing, results will come back okay and good like in 99% of cases, more publicity and life continue.
Sounds to me like the writing is on the wall and you know you've been selling bullshit. Par for the course, eh?

And to the customers who bought this exotic, fraudulent concoction and injected it into their bodies, they can pay to have it tested and you'll refund them.

How much should they value possible health complications due to injecting God knows what into their bodies?

A discount on their next order IF they aren't rude to you.

You're a fucking scum bag. Bottom of the barrel, belly crawling pos.
Thanks for testing and sharing @Liska. Typical how this thread has unfolded. Also typically that you are the one going to pay for QSC’s customer to send his sample in for testing instead of QSC doing it. We all know how this will play out once the member’s results come back as we’ve seen this happen with this source time and time again. Shit is really starting to pile up under that rug.

I’ve never been one to give a source props but you are a valued member of the community Liska. Still don’t care for cats tho.

To those who are saying a source testing another source isn’t credible you are wrong. QSC is a source who supplies other sources. We insist that sources test their raws and finished products for this very reason. Of course that’s not what occurred here but nonetheless all testing is merited and welcomed. Skepticism is also welcomed, but in this case this has definitely spread awareness as was the purpose.
The PM's of me asking them not to sell their trash BPC-157 please and asking about quotes for stuff to pricecheck them? Please elaborate on anything you may have read that discredits me in any way, as I certainly have never done any business with them.

Since you've already posted this customer picture without permission, would you like me to take pictures and videos of precisely that sachet of Tesofensine to confirm it does match what Janoshik received and then send that sachet as it is to Janoshik, who can take pictures of it to confirm it's the same product and retest it to confirm it matches your fake trash?

No amount of lies and shills will save you this time, but I know you'll try anyways. You could try posting some of your own testing of Tesofensine or an explanation how you're able to sell this at far below its factory price, but that would be silly.

As I said, I'll pay for everyone's testing, but why would you not replace any product that tests fake with real Tesofensine? Can you think of a reason why you wouldn't want to agree with that? I definitely can't think of any reason at all.
Nah man the part where you where saying you will call him out on shit and act like enemies while you sell his stuff !
thats some mk ultra shit right there.
That was a slime ball move but whatever nobody remembers its just the Streets that never forget .
Nah man the part where you where saying you will call him out on shit and act like enemies while you sell his stuff !
thats some mk ultra shit right there.
That was a slime ball move but whatever nobody remembers its just the Streets that never forget .
If QSC confirms I have ever purchased or sold any of their products, I'll send you 10 BTC right away. As nothing of the sort was ever posted, I will allow you to post any private information you must have acquired regarding this.

So can the guy that also has teso send it to Jano and maybe we send some crypto for the test as a comunity to settle this dispute and know who is right and who is playing dirty?

My teso from qsc looks also like this from @Clyde

I can send mine and i can pay the shipping costs, but the Test some1 other need to pay.

I will chip in if others will as well

I 'll chip in too if we can get a few more people.

Either way we will have some clarity on the matter making easier to decide what source is what.
I would chip in to test @Clyde ’s raws but i don't see others saying the same so i guess others don't care as usual .
Meso just wants cheap stuff thats on point and gets delivered 95% of the time and hopefully its someone else that gets fucked so its all good .
This are the times….

Since everyone has had their say, we will leave it up to the meso members to judge and make their own conclusions/testing ^^

I have bought 10 grams of tesofensine powder and can confirm that the powder is crystalline in nature. Have not tried it though. Would be interesting to see how this plays out
@Wannaflybob @Adegas @Ttran1485 @Steve0815 @Liska

OK, I've been watching this from the shadows to see how the situation plays out till now. I've also been communicating privately with QSC.

My original concern with the teso I have was making sure it was properly identified, and not possibly mixed up with two other AAS raws of the same quantity. Taking teso, thinking it was an androgen at hundred of times over the therapeutic dose would be dangerous to say the least. I'm convinced now that the teso I have is properly id'd.

Next concern is the test results Liska has provided. Regardless of anyone's thoughts on who is involved and what the motivation is/was, I think most will agree that the more testing of products we're ingesting, the better.

I feel if as a user, you disagree with this, I'd question WTF you're even doing here and you're wasting the value this forum provides. Most likely a provider shill, or just not smart enough to get the value this forum offers?

I believe that I completely understand the "harm reduction" ideology of this forum and how it's valuable for the end user. Hopefully the board vets will correct or add anything I leave out or get wrong in what follows.

I'm all in on the "if the source does good, by all means post it".

I'm also all in on "if a source makes a mistake or if anything is questionable regarding service or product " by all means post it as well".

This process of users reporting is what creates the value in using this forum.

As for "harm reduction", I take this both literally and financially. We don't want to fuck up our health by ingesting a potentially harmful product, and we don't want to get nothing in return for our investment.

So enough rambling crap and to the point:

It has been suggested for users to "pitch in" for a fund to provide testing for the QSC tesofensine.

I've already said I'll do any leg work required to get a sample sent to @janoshik. I believe I'm a trust worthy, neutral party and don't think anyone would question that I'd send out what I received from QSC.

So I'm all in! I'll start the donation process by donating the $42 that I have coming for the 7g of teso my order was short. QSC has agreed to refund this amount, and I'd like him to monitor this and follow through. I'll also match the $42 with another $42 oop. I've also encouraged another unmentioned parties involved to consider a similar donation.

I'll let another more seasoned "neutral party vet" take the reins on how to and implement a way to donate and set this up.

So far, this is $84 total towards the $380 testing fee. This would leave $296. Perhaps other parties involved could consider some kind of round about way of contributing, say in the form of a discount or something, indirectly towards the testing and shipping fees.

How about others who have ordered tesofensine from QSC? You guys willing to make a donation for testing of what you're setting on or have coming?
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I feel like ingesting chemicals that could not even be identified might valid enough to be considered "life or death" lol
Why are you injecting untested chemicals? It’s the responsibility of the consumer to test their shit. You probably shouldn’t be taking steroids if you are dumb enough to not test what you buy.
Why are you injecting untested chemicals? It’s the responsibility of the consumer to test their shit. You probably shouldn’t be taking steroids if you are dumb enough to not test what you buy.

But yet you’ve never tested anything and shared it with the community? Idiotic to state something when you don’t do it yourself.
But yet you’ve never tested anything and shared it with the community? Idiotic to state something when you don’t do it yourself.

Hardly surprising though given that he’s always been a member of QSC’s cheerleader A-team who’s always on hand to run interference & deflection when someone criticises QSC.

Newer members should look at this guy’s post history. It’s quite telling.
I mostly see 2 trolls trying to confuse new members. It's working, this whole thread is hard to follow by interjecting all the past anecdotal "evidence".
If QSC confirms I have ever purchased or sold any of their products, I'll send you 10 BTC right away. As nothing of the sort was ever posted, I will allow you to post any private information you must have acquired regarding this.
Make it rain baby !
The proof is in the QDS thred i aint searching through that only for 20 bitcoin.
Make it 30 as its going down soon !
Just kidding i finish up my work and i will post it here FOR FREE !
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@Wannaflybob @Adegas @Ttran1485 @Steve0815 @Liska

OK, I've been watching this from the shadows to see how the situation plays out till now. I've also been communicating privately with QSC.

My original concern with the teso I have was making sure it was properly identified, and not possibly mixed up with two other AAS raws of the same quantity. Taking teso, thinking it was an androgen at hundred of times over the therapeutic dose would be dangerous to say the least. I'm convinced now that the teso I have is properly id'd.

Next concern is the test results Liska has provided. Regardless of anyone's thoughts on who is involved and what the motivation is/was, I think most will agree that the more testing of products we're ingesting, the better.

I feel if as a user, you disagree with this, I'd question WTF you're even doing here and you're wasting the value this forum provides. Most likely a provider shill, or just not smart enough to get the value this forum offers?

I believe that I completely understand the "harm reduction" ideology of this forum and how it's valuable for the end user. Hopefully the board vets will correct or add anything I leave out or get wrong in what follows.

I'm all in on the "if the source does good, by all means post it".

I'm also all in on "if a source makes a mistake or if anything is questionable regarding service or product " by all means post it as well".

This process of users reporting is what creates the value in using this forum.

As for "harm reduction", I take this both literally and financially. We don't want to fuck up our health by ingesting a potentially harmful product, and we don't want to get nothing in return for our investment.

So enough rambling crap and to the point:

It has been suggested for users to "pitch in" for a fund to provide testing for the QSC tesofensine.

I've already said I'll do any leg work required to get a sample sent to @janoshik. I believe I'm a trust worthy, neutral party and don't think anyone would question that I'd send out what I received from QSC.

So I'm all in! I'll start the donation process by donating the $42 that I have coming for the 7g of teso my order was short. QSC has agreed to refund this amount, and I'd like him to monitor this and follow through. I'll also match the $42 with another $42 oop. I've also encouraged another unmentioned parties involved to consider a similar donation.

I'll let another more seasoned "neutral party vet" take the reins on how to and implement a way to donate and set this up.

So far, this is $84 total towards the $380 testing fee. This would leave $296. Perhaps other parties involved could consider some kind of round about way of contributing, say in the form of a discount or something, indirectly towards the testing and shipping fees.

How about others who have ordered tesofensine from QSC? You guys willing to make a donation for testing of what you're setting on or have coming?
Yes I would donate too.

Doesn’t @janoshik take BTC? If so you could just setup a donation wallet and have everyone send to that address and once it reaches the amount you can send that off to Jano for the test