Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

I think that's a great idea, I would like to donate.
What are we donating towards because I already mentioned I'll cover all testing costs. Labtesting isn't a slot machine you can insert impossibly cheap Tesofensine samples into and eventually get a winner but I'll grant you as many pulls as you require.

This situation beautifully demonstrates the effectiveness of selective scamming by exploiting the knowledge gap between some sources and community - if this was Primobolan Enanthate at $5/kg, you'd feel rather confident that it could indeed not possibly be real, but $5000/kg? $7000/kg? Now you're not so sure. QSC's Tesofensine is that $5 Primo - other sources know it, QSC knows it (by now) and those that view Meso members as stupid little piggy banks to smash for profit will be quite mad that you could be closer to knowing it.
Even I did not know of their true nature back in 2021 and I did see potential given their catalogue - only much later did I learn it was full of maggots, as hiding all the rotten apples is what they're best at - even the subject of this thread took a long time and collaborative effort to discover. So when you're all curled up at his feet, ask your master if I've ever ever done any business with them at all, and for a box of crayons alongside to do your very best on that doggo painting.
What are we donating towards because I already mentioned I'll cover all testing costs. Labtesting isn't a slot machine you can insert impossibly cheap Tesofensine samples into and eventually get a winner but I'll grant you as many pulls as you require.

This situation beautifully demonstrates the effectiveness of selective scamming by exploiting the knowledge gap between some sources and community - if this was Primobolan Enanthate at $5/kg, you'd feel rather confident that it could indeed not possibly be real, but $5000/kg? $7000/kg? Now you're not so sure. QSC's Tesofensine is that $5 Primo - other sources know it, QSC knows it (by now) and those that view Meso members as stupid little piggy banks to smash for profit will be quite mad that you could be closer to knowing it.
Did you talk with @Clyde about paying him to get his stuff tested?
@Liska, I was trying to get some donations together so you didn't have to pay the entire shipping/testing fee oop. If the costs are not a factor, by all means lets get the ball rolling.

I'll gladly send my teso to jano if the costs are covered.

Thing is, I have $60 invested for what was supposed to be 10g of teso, and is actually only 3g (confirmed by QSC) at this point. Based on what I'm seeing in the test results you presented here, Ive already wrote it off as a loss.

I have nothing to gain if the test results come back as it's fake, and I figure at best I'd get a $60 credit I wouldn't use in the foreseeable future.

I'm making great progress dieting and shedding BF without teso. It was just something I thought was cheap enough to give a try for it's supposed appetite suppression. I wouldn't have even tried it at this point regardless of this test result showing up.

In my opinion, QSC should be willing to pay for the test all things taken into consideration. Bottom line, he's already made some sales/profits on it. He does not see any economic value in testing it.

In a perfect black market world, the seller would be motivated to prove his product authenticity after something like this comes up, by paying for testing with an insignificant amount of the potential profits.

I see the value in testing it, unless doubt already exists. I believe in this case, it's such a tiny fraction of the overall profits across the vast product line, it may be looked at as the same as I did with my purchase. A small investment, easier to just write it off than deal with the repercussions of possible bad test results.
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In a perfect black market world, the seller would be motivated to prove his product authenticity after something like this comes up, by paying for testing with an insignificant amount of the potential profits.

Every source worth using test their products and if an issue like this occurred they would definitely cover it. If the product came back as something other than the label claim they would make everyone who purchased it whole. QSC does not do any of these things. I believe on one occasion they reimbursed a few and another time some got 50% back when test results showed the product to be 50% underdosed, which is crap. It’s mind boggling that members/customers see cheap prices and fight tooth and nail for this source. For many years members of this community pushed these sources to test test test their products. Sad to see one source come in and that hard work undone.
This past Sunday, @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals had already identified the sender of the sample: Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

Five days having passed since, one would assume QSC has used this time to reach out and verify if it really was their product that had been sent to and tested by Janoshik and yet, the rep has seemingly exited the conversation completely.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals are you still in doubt about the origin of the tested sample? Or are you perhaps in doubt about the legitimacy of the test itself? If you find this one result to be legitimate and to qualify for a refund, does this not automatically extend to all other customers that purchased the same batch of impossibly cheap Tesofensine? If you doubt or disqualify one customer's test result by Janoshik however, would this not extend to all other customers who receive the same test result from Janoshik, making it rather pointless for anyone to send in their samples to Janoshik at all?
This past Sunday, @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals had already identified the sender of the sample: Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

Five days having passed since, one would assume QSC has used this time to reach out and verify if it really was their product that had been sent to and tested by Janoshik and yet, the rep has seemingly exited the conversation completely.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals are you still in doubt about the origin of the tested sample? Or are you perhaps in doubt about the legitimacy of the test itself? If you find this one result to be legitimate and to qualify for a refund, does this not automatically extend to all other customers that purchased the same batch of impossibly cheap Tesofensine? If you doubt or disqualify one customer's test result by Janoshik however, would this not extend to all other customers who receive the same test result from Janoshik, making it rather pointless for anyone to send in their samples to Janoshik at all?

I am doing my investigations and own testings after CNY, including Jano testing and identfying the product of the sample sent by my customer and paid by you + requiring more info from the factory.

The compensation policy if the test is confirmed not good and product not identified will remain the same, like stated in our rules, the compensation in form of refund or credit store of the goods value sent, upon providing the lab test, rule that is valid for any product in our catalog, tesofensine will not be an exception to the rule.

I won't give more importance than it's worth.
If you've never sold real Tesofensine (which you haven't at this price), noone can have bought real Tesofensine from you, at which point this rule serves no purpose but to dissuade customers from applying for their refund, unless you reimburse both the cost of testing and the product.
You can spare me your moral lessons, and conduct your business as you wish and I do the same for mine regarding our compensation policies, .

The fact that you give a lot of importance to products with low profits and low demand, expensive testing, shows your lack of business vision: enclomiphene, tesofensine, trestolone enanthate, primo acetate, stupid sarms... You know very well that these are products that sell very little, few weeks later you decide to discontinue them, you do your best to make these incidents important events, but it enrages you and makes you angry that no one gives a damn.

Focus your energy on your business, take the opportunity to make lots of money at the risk you take in your country, and put less energy in going down and criticizing others, learn from all your friends "sources" that you know very well who are our customers, you will live happier, with fewer enemies and above all you will have less contempt from the meso members ;)
if you guys are chipping in money together to get stuff tested . I can supply test cyp brewed along with the cyp raws for testing as well as finished deca and deca raws . All from raws from QSC . And let me know how and I’ll chip in some doe too . My blood work tested high . But it would. E nice to see the results on the brewed gear and raws . Let me know and I can post the recipes I used as well .
I think QSC is a good business man or women . I wouldn’t mind meeting QSC and seeing there facilities! I do have a place in China and one in Cebu Philippines. Maybe we can do a meet on Boracay island and island hop / party and talk business so I can make more Mula
I don't like Liska.

Guy's fairly articulate and witty, yet gets all emotional if you talk about testing anything other than raws or if you talk about cross testing Jano (he REALLY likes Jano - like, a dick-riding-style kinda of love. He's a fanboy and a dick rider who takes his estrogen replacement therapy very, VERY serious). However, the more drama regarding testing sources, the better - all of them, and by whoever. As far as I know, we, the public, are safer that way - as this cut-throat business/marketing style makes them afraid of getting exposed by one another, providing a disincentive for scamming.

With that being said, why wasn't a sample already sent for testing? Liska pays for it - and if he refuses to do so, just come here and expose him for refusing to do so after promising it. Just send the damn product and tell the forum about it, so we can properly distribute accolade and blame to both Liska and Qsc.
The fact that you give a lot of importance to products with low profits and low demand, expensive testing, shows your lack of business vision: enclomiphene, tesofensine, trestolone enanthate, primo acetate, stupid sarms... You know very well that these are products that sell very little, few weeks later you decide to discontinue them, you do your best to make these incidents important events, but it enrages you and makes you angry that no one gives a damn.

Focus your energy on your business, take the opportunity to make lots of money at the risk you take in your country, and put less energy in going down and criticizing others, learn from all your friends "sources" that you know very well who are our customers, you will live happier, with fewer enemies and above all you will have less contempt from the meso members ;)

You know who cares? The people who inject whatever you sell into their own bodies.

Your answer says more about you than you would like it to - unfortunately for your customers.

It doesn't matter if the products are low- or high-profit: they should all be equally safe. Just shut the fuck up and provide verifiable testing.
Or let people make their own decisions. They bought it with no testing and know the risks.

It baffles my mind that people trust the source's testing. What stops them from sending the real thing, or packages/vials they know will test great, just to post, but send something different or unpure to clients?

I think QSCs policy makes sense. While it may make everyone sleep better at night with source provided testing, it means absolutely nothing.
Or let people make their own decisions. They bought it with no testing and know the risks.

It baffles my mind that people trust the source's testing. What stops them from sending the real thing, or packages/vials they know will test great, just to post, but send something different or unpure to clients?

I think QSCs policy makes sense. While it may make everyone sleep better at night with source provided testing, it means absolutely nothing.
Sure, I agree. As I said, someone send a sample to be tested. Liska pays for it. Then, we'll see who's right or wrong.