Tesofensine by Qingdao Sigma Chemical

Are staying within your macros tonight?

Sleep well honey in the morning let me have some of what you're on right now please
Thanks. Yeah, I drank too much and shouldn't have been posting. But I reread all of this and I still can't see any answer as to why it makes any sense for any source to send their own product in for testing. I haven't even seen you give a reason for why you send yours in, pay for it, and why they should believe you. Or what is to stop QSC from sending his own sample, like you wanted, and why anyone should believe that if he did.

Everyone here puts so much emphasis on testing, without the realization that the *only* test that matters is the one they send themselves of whatever they hold in their hand.
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Tests are legit. My point is tests mean nothing when submitted by any source whether for their product or a competitors.
I disagree. Some testing is better than none. Obviously, blind testing done by the customers is better but if all you have is testing performed by a source or none at all, I'll take the source testing for starters.

Ideally, if a source posts testing results, a customer can also send in the product and see how it compares. If it's close, the source can gain some credibility. But testing sent by a customer that nobody knows can be viewed as suspicious as well.

But you are ultimately correct. If you don't test what you received, you are hoping the source or blind customer testing is honest and you actually received what you paid for. Gotta do your research and hope for the best or pay the piper and test it yourself.
The stupid shit we read around here is astonishing. “Hey, don’t believe source’s test results. They mean nothing and shouldn’t be trusted” but yet what testing are they using to dose and purchase a product by as they have never tested anything?

For many years we have pushed sources to test their products. One of the few sources who doesn’t test or that test very little is QSC and what a shocker it is that threads like this are common with them. Not to drop any names of other sources but go check out a thread of a source who test raws and finished products around here. The only complaints you will ever see are a little pip here and there and that is mostly caulked up to the user.

We are not going to start discrediting testing done by sources because a few don’t want to acknowledge that the cheap prices they see on a particular source are cheap because they can get away with stuff like this. Had this source been pushed to test all their products these threads with them would stop occurring.
Thanks. Yeah, I drank too much and shouldn't have been posting. But I reread all of this and I still can't see any answer as to why it makes any sense for any source to send their own product in for testing. I haven't even seen you give a reason for why you send yours in, pay for it, and why they should believe you. Or what is to stop QSC from sending his own sample, like you wanted, and why anyone should believe that if he did.

Everyone here puts so much emphasis on testing, without the realization that the *only* test that matters is the one they send themselves of whatever they hold in their hand.
That's not quite true, this board constantly pushes for blind testing by taking your own sample from your own vial, whereas a source's testing is primarily useful as a reference. Any decent source on Meso will cover at least the entire cost of testing in store credit. The more customers do this, the more test results you can cross-reference, the better you catch any sort of batch obfuscation or other bait and switch tactics.

Have you submitted blind tests of all products you have purchased since the point in time where you developed this position on test results? If you haven't, why not? It's a question anyone that thinks they care about labtesting should ask themselves (unless you buy from a source that doesn't cover your labtesting cost).
That's not quite true, this board constantly pushes for blind testing by taking your own sample from your own vial, whereas a source's testing is primarily useful as a reference. Any decent source on Meso will cover at least the entire cost of testing in store credit. The more customers do this, the more test results you can cross-reference, the better you catch any sort of batch obfuscation or other bait and switch tactics.

Have you submitted blind tests of all products you have purchased since the point in time where you developed this position on test results? If you haven't, why not? It's a question anyone that thinks they care about labtesting should ask themselves (unless you buy from a source that doesn't cover your labtesting cost).
No, I haven't. But it's a risk I'm willing to take. And I know most people I know wouldn't take that risk.

But thank you for addressing my point.
The stupid shit we read around here is astonishing. “Hey, don’t believe source’s test results. They mean nothing and shouldn’t be trusted” but yet what testing are they using to dose and purchase a product by as they have never tested anything?

For many years we have pushed sources to test their products. One of the few sources who doesn’t test or that test very little is QSC and what a shocker it is that threads like this are common with them. Not to drop any names of other sources but go check out a thread of a source who test raws and finished products around here. The only complaints you will ever see are a little pip here and there and that is mostly caulked up to the user.

We are not going to start discrediting testing done by sources because a few don’t want to acknowledge that the cheap prices they see on a particular source are cheap because they can get away with stuff like this. Had this source been pushed to test all their products these threads with them would stop occurring.
Sorry, but I disagree with the level of trust you have in your sources. Very admirable, but in my opinion, not very smart.
Sorry, but I disagree with the level of trust you have in your sources. Very admirable, but in my opinion, not very smart.

Trust? Nah, that’s why we push sources to test. There is not one source here that I’ve used and haven’t blind tested their product myself and later shared that info with the community. As Liska said, source’s test reports are used as reference and it shows that they are willing to put in the effort to prove that they are not scamming. It also shows they support what we are trying to do here which is contribute to harm reduction. It’s up to us to cross check them. As mentioned, I can put my money where my mouth is but you are just being an idiot quite frankly and are displaying troll Like behavior. Don’t want sources to test and don’t want to test it yourself. You’d rather just take a source at their word but yet I’m quoting you stating you don’t trust sources. Yeah, that makes sense. There are other boards that you would fit very well at. You should venture out.
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When did I say I don't want sources to test? When did I say half the stuff in your post? And sending me off rather than having a healthy debate?

Please tell me, go back and read, did I say anything wrong?

The problem with this board is how unwelcoming it is. As a veteran member, I would think you'd be less a dick than the rest

Regardless, I hope the tesofensine, the subject here, gets tested by Clyde or whoever. And I'll happily contribute to the wallet.
Please tell me, go back and read
Go back and read please. We're annoyed at you because you're a bad reader that loves to post and this easily derails threads and makes everyone else unwilling to read through them, which is a general problem Meso has. Meso is like a library and had you spent some time reading up on the concept and history of blind testing on Meso, you would've spared us another groundhog day of having this discussion for the millionth time.
The problem with this board is how unwelcoming it is. As a veteran member, I would think you'd be less a dick than the rest
If @B Ware or anyone else had made your posts, he would've gotten the exact same response you did. Meso is unwelcoming to people that don't like to read, that's all there is to it. I'm explaining this to you because I do care that you get it, otherwise I'd just ignore you, so don't just immediately reply but take some time to consider it please.
Teso factory report as requested.

I know it's meaningless but I think some of you have asked for it in previous pages, third party testing we will be doing next days will tell now that we are back from CNY holidays


View attachment 250988
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Would you please summarize what this is, who did it, and what it says?
Is this a report by the company that you made the teso purchase?
I'd have used a translator if this wasn't an image.
Teso factory report as requested.

I know it's meaningless
It's primarily from January 10th of this year, whereas:
Qingdao Sigma Chemicals said:
We started selling tesofensine In mid november 08/11 we had our first order. (@Adegas seized)

If access to any information regarding your tested sample by Janoshik helps you figure this out, I'm fine with him disclosing everything to you that might otherwise fall under client confidentiality.
It's primarily from January 10th of this year, whereas:

If access to any information regarding your tested sample by Janoshik helps you figure this out, I'm fine with him disclosing everything to you that might otherwise fall under client confidentiality.
Teso is purchased by batches of 100g.
This is the report they just sent us after we asked them for this saturday, we didn't précise the date since I believe it doesn't really matter.
Teso is purchased by batches of 100g.
This is the report they just sent us after we asked them for this saturday, we didn't précise the date since I believe it doesn't really matter.
If they're still offering it to you at a similar price, I agree. When you mentioned getting the sample I had sent identified properly, were you aware what that is going to cost you or did you say that without having received a quote yet? Hypothetically speaking, refunding everyone who bought Tesofensine from you might cost you less than that test.
If they're still offering it to you at a similar price, I agree. When you mentioned getting the sample I had sent identified properly, were you aware what that is going to cost you or did you say that without having received a quote yet? Hypothetically speaking, refunding everyone who bought Tesofensine from you might cost you less than that test.
A quote from who?
A quote from who?
I was interested in ID'ing it as well until Janoshik explained to me that the high resolution LCMS machine likely required to test that starts at 100k and might run you 250k for a fully functional setup, and then you'd need someone proficient at operating it properly, at which point I figured the cost will be so much higher than the 380usd LCMS test to check if it is or isn't Tesofensine, I'm out. There may be other options but that seemed the best one.