Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Story time........years ago scape Metal was hiGH and we decided to scrape a Buick four door

HIGHRISK now that was good .... in her defense I’m sure she knows what she’s doing ...but gooood none the less..
I was prepared for that....
Here's what they do if they get mad. They call the Principal and he'll schedule a conference with him, Counselor, me, and the parent. No fun.

Show up late. Walk in like a boss, say fuck your balco and leave.

She will be so devasted to be called balco she will clean her act up
T-bagger what are you doing for your liver & Oregon treatment ??
what are you taking ?? milk of magnesia ect. ?
which combination and how much!!!!? .. and after taking it do you see a difference when tested?? I’m not sure if I’m taking enough or where I’m supposed to be at with that .. anybody else’s input iceman whoever ?
I've had a bunch of weird whiskey nights, doubt it would be something I haven't seen before.
What we do at my school I don't agree with. We have an assembly once a quarter where the students will get a "life skill" award. Every student by the end of the year will get some type of certificate.

Feeds a sense of entitlement instead of humility. I don't like it either. Thankfully my sons school is all about you get what you earn.
I have a student who is late almost every day and I continue to tell her the importance of attendance and being on time. She told me last week that her mom says my attendance policy is laughable.

Sounds like my ex. The school and I have been battling her tardiness ever since he started pre-school. The joys of co-parenting.
I don't keep your emails. So telling me via email "let me know when the primo comes" or "hit me up when you blah blah" isn't happening. I know some of you may think you're the only millenial in the "all feelings matter" world...but there's a fuck ton of others here too. No time to be making special emails.

Edit: "i don't have time to keep up with your thread"

Cool. I don't have time to remember your request either. Even mofo steven.

Exactly the topic of the day. Entitlement. They're fucking everywhere! Like the stock trading chatroom I'm in. All these idiots don't want to study, learn, and be accountable. They just want to get the "hot picks of the day" so they don't have to put in any effort. GTFO!
Right now I am at lunch,
Earlier the kids had a presenter for an hour, then the library for check out.
If it wasn’t for the kids your job would be perfect for me lol!! I mean I like my own kids, just nobody else’s! :oops: :p
Show up late. Walk in like a boss, say fuck your balco and leave.

She will be so devasted to be called balco she will clean her act up
Seriously give it a rest.
Somewhere deep inside your head you didn’t notice that that was sort of was intentional just for you knowing you’d feel that way ??!! That shits a week old since God for bid I might call out Kim a couple times big fucking deal
I beat other people's kids.
“Beat” is a strong word! I just push em down when nobody’s lookin and say “ your kid falls a lot, clumsy little fuck” that way I can cause both mental and physical abuse :cool:

Noteworthy; there were no harming of any kids during the making of this post! :p