Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Titanium uses patented anal scanning technology to individually identify each client. He doesn’t keep names or addresses just a bunch of hairy butthole pictures on his computer.
Does not have to be hairy. But just fyi @Kim braids her asshole hair. Her scan kept getting denied but after she taped the braid over to one side it went through just fine.
Nono, I'm asking how you will identify, let's say 4 weeks out from the acceptance of your clients, who are your clients. Memorizing emails instead of writing them down?
That's why it's best to just go ahead and get the TGI tat now. Just email the pic with your order to titter@chickswith/withoutdix.homo
Nono, I'm asking how you will identify, let's say 4 weeks out from the acceptance of your clients, who are your clients. Memorizing emails instead of writing them down?

Pretty simple. You email him, he says you're accepted, gives you a new email address to contact him from once he goes private and there you go.
Sounds like what a cop would like to know... why you sniffing around so much @Achilles56

Because I want to know how much or what kind of information will be stored about before i message the guy.

Pretty simple. You email him, he says you're accepted, gives you a new email address to contact him from once he goes private and there you go.

Seems like dumbasses would just give his email out.
Because I want to know how much or what kind of information will be stored about before i message the guy.

Seems like dumbasses would just give his email out.

They know better. Assquach and uncle Stan had/have a similar thing going on. Haven't seen anyone handing out the email address willy nilly.
Because I want to know how much or what kind of information will be stored about before i message the guy.

He’s going to save everything and then sell it all as a package deal. He’s already in negotiations with Ancestry.com to link the anal scanning technology to the genetic testing and profiling that they do for the NSA. Buttholes are like fingerprints.
Because I want to know how much or what kind of information will be stored about before i message the guy.

Seems like dumbasses would just give his email out.

Giving out a private source’s email leads you to being dropped and someone else being accepted in your place. Only thing that has to be done is set up a new email and then only send it out to the people that are to remain
He’s going to save everything and then sell it all as a package deal. He’s already in negotiations with Ancestry.com to link the anal scanning technology to the genetic testing and profiling that they do for the NSA. Buttholes are like fingerprints.
You know we have had our ups and downs. But this shit takes the cake. I tell you one fucking thing in confidence. This is why i have trust issues.
Have you emailed Tits and asked him yet?
Now there is a GRAND (cost of membership) idea.
Yes. My offseason looked like this (shameless plug for my daily log): Weeks 1-4 Test Cyp - 750 Deca - 500 (NPP kick) Dbol - 25-50mg (cut after week 3 for wrecking my apetite Weeks 5-8 Test Cyp - 750 Deca - 500 Weeks 9-10 Test Cyp - 750 Deca - 500 [URL='https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/trenbolone-acetate/' said:
tren[/URL] - 350

Weeks 11-12
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500

Weeks 13-14
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Inj SDrol - 12.5-20mg

Weeks 15-16
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Tren - 350

For those curious, this got me from 198 to maxing out at 220 (3iu gH included) with peak cals at 6500 (500/850/120).
I love this idea! When it comes to tren A I find I can run it side effect free, even up to 700 mg a week up until about week 3 when it all hits. I never thought of running it 2 on/off altered with orals.

Thanks man! This is why I frequent forums.
8pm EST yes?

Thanks for the heads up. Had dick pics ready but now the switch to the old sheriffs badge means I’ve got work to do.
YES LIKE A MF ....a variety of magnesium ; picking out one didn’t do shit so pick out three or four and take them every day until it’s corrected and it will happen fast

Because oral magnesium isn’t absorbed easily. By picking 3 and 4 you just increased the dosage to allow some absorption.

Topical magnesium is absorbed almost 100%