Being new to this board I read for a bit first to kind of get a feel for this place. I appreciate the vetting and even the testing which was not happening by a long shot when I first joined at TSC circa 2009-2010. I even get the need to be blunt or harsh about it as some people don’t seem to get it and others probably didn’t care to in the past driving that need up for those here who have seen it too many times. With that said I also see some who it seems like they just come in on the coat tails of others and try to be extra douchey about it though I’m sure that just comes with the idea of little moderation and anything goes posting.
I also like the idea of a thread that shows what can go wrong. I’ve lost some money in the past, not a lot but enough to get upset. I’ve also seen some pretty nasty infections, and by nasty I mean they lost a leg from the knee down. Things can go very wrong.
I will also add that while some questions have went unanswered or even ignored, this guy has remained here despite the bashing for some reason, and maybe that’s because he does hope to be a good source here. Hopefully his testing comes back all clear and continues going forward. Would be a win for any involved, right?