2 weeks and some change on AA's black top GH , at 2iu a day now, and only stacking it with test E right now ( 400mg a week ) ... No side effects or anything. This is my first time runnin hgh and it's been great ! I feel a lot better, my skin and hair are looking better, nice lean look. I'm probably going to run 10 weeks of anavar with it. But so far I've been slowly upping my intake. Oh yea, btw I lucked out and got Batch #39
Not too long ago I fucked a slim 19 year old with huge natural tits. They were phenomenal. A few days later she changed her fb profile pic to her and some guy who was in his fifties. IDK if she cheated on him with me or what but I wish I had a pic of those tits to share with y'all. I forgot how tight young pussy is. She was dumb af and the conversation was shit but those tits man...
Lets see her facebook pic with the old ass dude lol
2 weeks and some change on AA's black top GH , at 2iu a day now, and only stacking it with test E right now ( 400mg a week ) ... No side effects or anything. This is my first time runnin hgh and it's been great ! I feel a lot better, my skin and hair are looking better, nice lean look. I'm probably going to run 10 weeks of anavar with it. But so far I've been slowly upping my intake. Oh yea, btw I lucked out and got Batch #39

Same, I’m at 2.5ius upon waking up now. But I’m reconstituting it with 10ius of bac water instead of 15 so I’m honestly probably running more like 3.5 - 3.75 .. my first run as well with growth, been on about 4 weeks so too soon to say but I feel like my muscles are fuller and I do feel leaner.
Made a purchase yesterday. Will keep you up to date with T/D and quality. Interested in how my first domestic order goes.
ha- all negative posts will be deleted- is that price standard? What do people pay to advertise on other boards? That came from Millard Baker? Does he run this board or something or just trying to scam? I am naive so please beat me softly.
ha- all negative posts will be deleted- is that price standard? What do people pay to advertise on other boards? That came from Millard Baker? Does he run this board or something or just trying to scam? I am naive so please beat me softly.

It was a joke about millard - Reason for the "LOL". Its someone obviously trying to scam me by impersonating a board admin
Someone is definitely trying to scam you by impersonating MESO. Please post all information that you have regarding these fake accounts. I would greatly appreciate it.

Regardless of them being assholes and trying to scam me I don't want to post their info out in the open. I will send it to you in a reply to your PM.
First order placed yesterday. Excited about hopefully another reliable domestic source. Currently running test,npp,mast p. Does anybody know if AA ships out on saturdays or normal Monday through Friday. Can’t wait thanks
First order placed yesterday. Excited about hopefully another reliable domestic source. Currently running test,npp,mast p. Does anybody know if AA ships out on saturdays or normal Monday through Friday. Can’t wait thanks
He's shipped on a Saturday for me before. Not sure if it's common practice, but yes, hes done it.
Thanks just wasn’t sure and hadn’t heard back but I know he was helping grandparents I think so hopefully Monday
First order placed yesterday. Excited about hopefully another reliable domestic source. Currently running test,npp,mast p. Does anybody know if AA ships out on saturdays or normal Monday through Friday. Can’t wait thanks
Yeah, I hope he takes his valuable time off on weekends and ships you your order. And make sure and ask every day about tracking geez