T/A ~ 2-3 days. Responses were fast and professional. In addition to that he seems to care more about building a relationship with his customers then the profit margin, which is cool. Seems to indicate hes in it for the long haul and not just short term gain. Looking forward to the future where I'm sure things will only get better if the same business ethic is maintained.

*end shilling*

but seriously seems like a decent dude

I'll be posting bloods on cruise in ~4 weeks.
T/A ~ 2-3 days. Responses were fast and professional. In addition to that he seems to care more about building a relationship with his customers then the profit margin, which is cool. Seems to indicate hes in it for the long haul and not just short term gain. Looking forward to the future where I'm sure things will only get better if the same business ethic is maintained.

*end shilling*

but seriously seems like a decent dude

I'll be posting bloods on cruise in ~4 weeks.

Hellz ya bro. Ty for sharing [emoji4][emoji1373]
When on TRT your testicles will lose efficacy and size over time. It is 100% guaranteed. If someone has been on TRT or using steroids for a very long time, HCG and HMG can still bump your LH/FSH/sperm count/testosterone levels for awhile, and generally HCG/HMG will do a good enough job to allow you to conceive. However, after many years of TRT the likelihood of halting the use of testosterone and recovering to good natural levels are slim. It is just a trade-off we take. However, if someone is on TRT their natural production should already be poor to begin with. Using HCG (10-15k units twice a year) will most definitely help slow down the process of testicular atrophy though, which is why I do it.

I had a serious opioid addiction for years as well. I do not believe, from my understanding, that opioids cause testicular atrophy. Opioids simply reduce your testosterone levels when you are using them for long periods of time, but when opioid use is ceased, your levels should return over time.

Personally, I would not do 5,000 units in one shot. The most HCG I feel comfortable using is 2,500 units EOD. I think at 5,000 units in a day you could potentially cause damage to your leydig cells for no real additional benefits.

Many doctors seem to like putting guys on HCG FULL-TIME at 250-500iu per week. I do not really understand this. There are no solid peer-reviewed studies (that I know of) that support the use of HCG full-time at 250-500iu per week while on TRT. If one exists, please send it my way. It is just not enough HCG, IMO. Your HPTA is a feedback loop. If your pituitary and hypothalamus are sending a signal telling your testes to shut off and produce zero testosterone because you have exogenous testosterone being introduced weekly, then you will need a very strong opposing signal in order for your body to kick natural production back on. 250-500 units of HCG per week does NOT provide a strong enough signal to overpower the signal from 200mg of testosterone. That is a simple explanation.

You can dose your HCG in a thousand different ways. If I am going to use 15,000 units I will usually do something like this: 1,500iu EOD for two weeks, and then 750 units EOD for two weeks. Before doing this, I will also lower my TRT dose to 100mg/wk for 6 weeks or so to slightly lessen the shut-down signal strength from my pituitary to my testes. Lowering my testosterone like that is not a proven scientific action, it is just something I do based on anecdotal experience. Bryan Moskow, "The Guerrilla Chemist" has a similar HCG protocol that you could look into. It has the same idea; higher dosing for a week or two, and then successively reducing the dose every week until you stop.

The last week or so I’ve been doing 500 iu eod so 1500-2000 iu per week, seems to be working better after I switched to IM injections, like it feels like there’s slightly more fluid or something in the ball sack but idk if the testicles themselves have grown in the 12 days, felt better mood wise but that could be something else like lowering the amount of test I’m using.

I figured the theory behind constant small injections were that hpga sends signals to shut down by not releasing gonadatropins which means little lh/fsh being released equaling little to no testosterone but the hcg is supposed to act like a more potent lh signal so as long as the testies aren’t too damaged it should initiate a response. This is just what I gathered thru my limited research not from scientific studies.

I don’t think opioids will make your testicles shrivel up but they supposedly lower testosterone by causing a decrease in gonadatropin releasing hormones so they can’t help much lol. Tbh I never really cared about having huge physical balls so I haven’t paid that much attention to how small they gotten, they aren’t shriveled tho lol, just care about maintaining the possibility of having kids 1 day and as much functionality I can get, like other hormones that test shots don’t provide.
Meaning it's always just temporary and won't restart natural test production like nolva & Clomid

What are you saying??? That makes no sense.

Neither are permenantly active in your body. Nolva and clomid have half lives as well. So does HCG.

All 3 of these drugs are attempts at restarting natural test production. None are guaranteed to restart.
Placed a small order. From time of payment to deliver was no joke about 2 days and he even updated me with a tracking a number and arrival day before I even asked. I Just grabbed some of the clen
What are you saying??? That makes no sense.

Neither are permenantly active in your body. Nolva and clomid have half lives as well. So does HCG.

All 3 of these drugs are attempts at restarting natural test production. None are guaranteed to restart.
You missed my point bro - the HCG will only restart test production as long as you are on it. Once you stop, so does the test production, because it’s artificially “restarting” it. Nolva and Clomid will actually get the body restarting test production even after you get off of it (unless your body can no longer recover). Does that make sense now?

I’m not saying I know this for a fact - I’m trying to figure out if this is correct, as this is my understanding of HCG and Nolva & Clomid.
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That's not how it works...

There is a "lack" of a signal to produce T when you are shut down. The HCG provides the signal to produce T.
The HTPA is not one-way; it has bidirectional communication. The simple explanation I gave is obviously not the completely accurate detailed scientific process of how your HPTA works, but I stand behind the concept I was trying to portray in a simple way. HCG does signal the testes to produce testosterone..but if you have an exogenous testosterone source, the pituitary is getting told that it does not need to send a signal to the testes to produce testosterone. Which is why testicular atrophy occurs. A small dose of HCG will not create a strong enough signal for the testes to produce testosterone when there is a significant amount of exogenous testosterone in the body.
The HTPA is not one-way; it has bidirectional communication. The simple explanation I gave is obviously not the completely accurate detailed scientific process of how your HPTA works, but I stand behind the concept I was trying to portray in a simple way. HCG does signal the testes to produce testosterone..but if you have an exogenous testosterone source, the pituitary is getting told that it does not need to send a signal to the testes to produce testosterone. Which is why testicular atrophy occurs. A small dose of HCG will not create a strong enough signal for the testes to produce testosterone when there is a significant amount of exogenous testosterone in the body.
So how long or soon after a cycle ends should you start HCG?
The last week or so I’ve been doing 500 iu eod so 1500-2000 iu per week, seems to be working better after I switched to IM injections, like it feels like there’s slightly more fluid or something in the ball sack but idk if the testicles themselves have grown in the 12 days, felt better mood wise but that could be something else like lowering the amount of test I’m using.

I figured the theory behind constant small injections were that hpga sends signals to shut down by not releasing gonadatropins which means little lh/fsh being released equaling little to no testosterone but the hcg is supposed to act like a more potent lh signal so as long as the testies aren’t too damaged it should initiate a response. This is just what I gathered thru my limited research not from scientific studies.

I don’t think opioids will make your testicles shrivel up but they supposedly lower testosterone by causing a decrease in gonadatropin releasing hormones so they can’t help much lol. Tbh I never really cared about having huge physical balls so I haven’t paid that much attention to how small they gotten, they aren’t shriveled tho lol, just care about maintaining the possibility of having kids 1 day and as much functionality I can get, like other hormones that test shots don’t provide.
1,500-2,000 units of HCG per week should provide a strong enough signal for the testes to kick back on. 250-500iu per week continuously, like some doctors prescribe, is too low and is a waste IMO.

As far as the opioids go, they certainly do lower testosterone levels. 100% proven in several studies. But decreasing testosterone levels through a decrease in Gnrh should not cause atrophy in most circumstances. I am in the same boat as you; I do not care excessively about the aesthetics of my testes, I simply want to do what I can to preserve testicular function until I am done having kids.
So how long or soon after a cycle ends should you start HCG?

If coming off of a cycle (high doses of test and AAS, not TRT doses) I will generally start HCG a week after my last injection, if using long ester testosterone, like cypionate. I will use a high(ish) dose for two weeks, such as 1,500iu per week. After the second week is done, I will start the nolva/clomid. Doing it that way means you have primed your testicles with the HCG and then you start the clomid and nolva approximately 21 days after your last shot of testosterone/AAS (assuming long esters, not TPP/prop/ace). I am on TRT now, so I do not do "PCTs" anymore so the way I use HCG is a little different than what I just outlined.

Dr. Scally's power PCT is extremely successful, however it is very different than what I do. I personally do not like to use HCG during PCT (nolva + clomid) based on the studies and medical literature I have read. However, you should definitely do your own due diligence by researching peer-reviewed studies, as well as reading Dr. Scally's power PCT. His method is different, but it is obviously effective. There are so many different ways to use HCG and to do PCT.
You missed my point bro - the HCG will only restart test production as long as you are on it. Once you stop, so does the test production, because it’s artificially “restarting” it. Nolva and Clomid will actually get the body restarting test production even after you get off of it (unless your body can no longer recover). Does that make sense now?

I’m not saying I know this for a fact - I’m trying to figure out if this is correct, as this is my understanding of HCG and Nolva & Clomid.
I believe you are correct. I view HCG as a "primer" for your testicles to prepare them for the nolva and clomid. Nolva and clomid will not work well until your testicles have been turned back on or "primed".

When I was first starting TRT through Titan Medical, they wanted to do an "HCG PCT" to try to restart my natural production before trying depo-testosterone. I told them no, as I knew what the outcome would be. My testosterone levels would raise while I was on the HCG, and subsequently crash as soon as I stopped the HCG. HCG can actually even be counterproductive if used incorrectly. By using HCG to mimic LH and increase testosterone artificially, it inhibits your endogenous production of LH, which would in theory inhibit your recovery. That is why I use HCG BEFORE I start PCT. Now, I cannot say with complete certainty that HCG works in that way, but that has been my experience as well as many others.