
DODEX B12 1000 mcg/mL (Vitamin B12) - Deva
BEMIKS 2 mL (Vitamin B mix) - Zentiva Int.
EVIGEN-VITAMIN E 300 mg/2 mL (Vitamin E) -Bayer
REDOXON C 500 mg (Vitamin C) - Bayer
KONAKION 10 mg (Vitamin K) - Roche
D Vit 3 - Oral Drop 50 iu/15 mL (Vitamin D) - Deva

Please count me in for Vitamin C injectable ( this is IM not IV right? I bought some Vit C from PS that was supposedly injectable, but when I translated the vial it says its IV), B-Complex, and Vitamin E. What is the price per amp for those?
Igf-1 blood results after 4 weeks on black tops from @Anonymous_anabolics. I stupidly began way too high @ 4iu daily and bloated, so I went back down to 2iu and the past 2 weeks I’ve been at 3iu split morning and afternoon preworkout.



After 4 weeks of daily black tops.

Igf-1 blood results after 4 weeks on black tops from @Anonymous_anabolics. I stupidly began way too high @ 4iu daily and bloated, so I went back down to 2iu and the past 2 weeks I’ve been at 3iu split morning and afternoon preworkout.


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After 4 weeks of daily black tops.

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Not bad man. Those black tops are definitely a great value. Glad to have a good affordable domestic source for them now that PD is gone (along with a bunch of my money lol).
Igf-1 blood results after 4 weeks on black tops from @Anonymous_anabolics. I stupidly began way too high @ 4iu daily and bloated, so I went back down to 2iu and the past 2 weeks I’ve been at 3iu split morning and afternoon preworkout.


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After 4 weeks of daily black tops.

View attachment 97168
I didn't see the baseline picture. Not a huge different, but still about 15% higher. Curious..why do you think your IGF was so high before the HGH?
Igf-1 blood results after 4 weeks on black tops from @Anonymous_anabolics. I stupidly began way too high @ 4iu daily and bloated, so I went back down to 2iu and the past 2 weeks I’ve been at 3iu split morning and afternoon preworkout.


View attachment 97169

After 4 weeks of daily black tops.

View attachment 97168
Also, I should know this, but I don't. On my last blood work a couple of months ago through privatemdlabs, my IGF-1 was 234. I don't use HGH. However, the normal range shown on my test is 115-355, as where yours is 75-216. Is this variance from recent changes in what is considered normal, a variance because we used different labs, or a variance based on age of patient?
Igf-1 blood results after 4 weeks on black tops from @Anonymous_anabolics. I stupidly began way too high @ 4iu daily and bloated, so I went back down to 2iu and the past 2 weeks I’ve been at 3iu split morning and afternoon preworkout.


View attachment 97169

After 4 weeks of daily black tops.

View attachment 97168
yeah, Im also wondering why your baseline is so high- were you on a different GH before starting the blacktops?- I personally have not noticed a difference in sides between blacktops and greytops at 2-3 IUs per day of each. Only side I get so far from either one is that I hold more water.
I didn't see the baseline picture. Not a huge different, but still about 15% higher. Curious..why do you think your IGF was so high before the HGH?

That’s a great question, I’m not sure. I was about 6 weeks removed from blasting tren and npp when I got baseline bloods, maybe had something to do with those still in my system. I’m 41 so I was surprised to see it so high.
thanks for testing!! how are the sides, I'm on 2 iu a day, and they are more noticeable than you'd think

I put on 7lbs of water in the first week when starting at 4iu. Never had CTS but I couldn’t crack my knuckles until the bloat left. I’m at 3.5iu this week and slowly working up. Only side at the moment is fantastic sleep.
I put on 7lbs of water in the first week when starting at 4iu. Never had CTS but I couldn’t crack my knuckles until the bloat left. I’m at 3.5iu this week and slowly working up. Only side at the moment is fantastic sleep.
that's been my favorite part, i'm taking the stuff forever
yeah, Im also wondering why your baseline is so high- were you on a different GH before starting the blacktops?- I personally have not noticed a difference in sides between blacktops and greytops at 2-3 IUs per day of each. Only side I get so far from either one is that I hold more water.

No this is my first run with GH. I’m not sure why my baseline was so high.
Also, I should know this, but I don't. On my last blood work a couple of months ago through privatemdlabs, my IGF-1 was 234. I don't use HGH. However, the normal range shown on my test is 115-355, as where yours is 75-216. Is this variance from recent changes in what is considered normal, a variance because we used different labs, or a variance based on age of patient?

Hmmm interesting. These were the only times so far I tested igf-1 and I used privatemdlabs as well. That is a big difference in range values.
I put on 7lbs of water in the first week when starting at 4iu. Never had CTS but I couldn’t crack my knuckles until the bloat left. I’m at 3.5iu this week and slowly working up. Only side at the moment is fantastic sleep.
never got the bloat, but have the tingly hands and feet, just annoying. But love the sleep and fat burning, going up to 4 iu per day when I start my next cycle at the end of the month, should be interesting
Hmmm interesting. These were the only times so far I tested igf-1 and I used privatemdlabs as well. That is a big difference in range values.
You used privatemdlabs as well, and our tests were within months of each other..I would have to guess the range is because of an age difference? You have a little over a decade on me, so I would guess that could be it. However, the testosterone "normal range' I believe is representative of men ages 18-55, so I would think that the IGF normal range would be representative of and include the same age range...
No this is my first run with GH. I’m not sure why my baseline was so high.
I've heard test and other steroids raise igf values. But igf values are a great mystery as far as I'm concerned. The world of hgh is extremely complicated
never got the bloat, but have the tingly hands and feet, just annoying. But love the sleep and fat burning, going up to 4 iu per day when I start my next cycle at the end of the month, should be interesting

My brother the sleep is majestic. Like when we were kids or something. That’s my plan too, i’ll prob start 4iu next week and stay there for awhile.