I've heard test and other steroids raise igf values. But igf values are a great mystery as far as I'm concerned. The world of hgh is extremely complicated

I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that nandrolone increases igf-1. It would make sense since I came off that only 6 weeks prior to baseline.

DODEX B12 1000 mcg/mL (Vitamin B12) - Deva
BEMIKS 2 mL (Vitamin B mix) - Zentiva Int.
EVIGEN-VITAMIN E 300 mg/2 mL (Vitamin E) -Bayer
REDOXON C 500 mg (Vitamin C) - Bayer
KONAKION 10 mg (Vitamin K) - Roche
D Vit 3 - Oral Drop 50 iu/15 mL (Vitamin D) - Deva

Please count me in for Vitamin C injectable ( this is IM not IV right? I bought some Vit C from PS that was supposedly injectable, but when I translated the vial it says its IV), B-Complex, and Vitamin E. What is the price per amp for those?

Even though it says IV you can still inject it IM. Just doesn't hit your system as fast.
Do you want me to pick some up?
Yes, I would definitely take at least 10 of B12 vials at that price. Along with some oils and HCG when you have it in stock.

Any plans to stock B6?
some folks use it for prolactin suppression. I would definitely buy at least 2 dozen if it is similarly priced as B12, planning now for my next deca/test/var/primo cycle.
I posted my igf results in another thread but ill post them here too since i got them from A.A. My baseline was 283. I jumped right in at 4 iu split a.m and pre workout, no side effects. Tested at 2 weeks and scored a 477. I should add that 2 days before the test i missed taking my shots cuz i was out of the house all day, so its possible i could have got an even higher score.
I posted my igf results in another thread but ill post them here too since i got them from A.A. My baseline was 283. I jumped right in at 4 iu split a.m and pre workout, no side effects. Tested at 2 weeks and scored a 477. I should add that 2 days before the test i missed taking my shots cuz i was out of the house all day, so its possible i could have got an even higher score.

Did you receive blood work credit?
I posted my igf results in another thread but ill post them here too since i got them from A.A. My baseline was 283. I jumped right in at 4 iu split a.m and pre workout, no side effects. Tested at 2 weeks and scored a 477. I should add that 2 days before the test i missed taking my shots cuz i was out of the house all day, so its possible i could have got an even higher score.
Are you taking any HCG? I ask because HCG can affect your IGF-1 levels
Are you taking any HCG? I ask because HCG can affect your IGF-1 levels
I didint know that. I stopped taking hcg about a week before i got bloods. I usually do 5 to 6 weeks at 500 eod then take 3 to 4 weeks off. How much does it affect levels?..

And i have to correct that my baseline was 238 NOT 283.

Was it you who was asking about the Pregnyl not being produced anymore?

I asked my supplier about it and here is his response

"As for Pregnyl. It was true. They resumed production around 2 months ago so real Pregnyl is available again. Only a different company is now the owner of it."

Was it you who was asking about the Pregnyl not being produced anymore?

I asked my supplier about it and here is his response

"As for Pregnyl. It was true. They resumed production around 2 months ago so real Pregnyl is available again. Only a different company is now the owner of it."
Yes it was me who said it wasn't being produced. I am glad to know it is back in production again. Thanks