Pack received. Great communication, TA and packaging. Mast/tren wont be run for another 6-8 weeks and black tops not sure cause I’m working with some other kits right now. But I’ll get IGF when I do, batch 41.
Thanks aa

Perphaps you should take a break from the PEDs to address some of these results, your body is probably fighting something with the increased wbc, not sure of the other CBC markers out of range, your liver enzymes are high but not that bad, perhaps fatty liver, and worst of all your cholesterol, hdl low, triglycerides so high (4.2x) that your ldl can’t be calculated, maybe this is the cause of your fatty liver. Anywho are you making a lot of $ with your PED use, even still I think your body deserves a break. I heard from Dr Rand MccLain (trt dr in Santa Monica) that choline & inistosol (b vitamins don’t remember the #) at around 3g/day are great for cleansing the liver especially of fatty liver.
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Those liver values were a lot higher a month before so technically my body is recovering while blasting harsh compounds. As for the cholesterol, its what you want on cycle, thats how u no u got legit gear dude. Ive watched a lot of dr. Rands videos, great info. Ill definatly try that stuff out soon .
Those liver values were a lot higher a month before so technically my body is recovering while blasting harsh compounds. As for the cholesterol, its what you want on cycle, thats how u no u got legit gear dude. Ive watched a lot of dr. Rands videos, great info. Ill definatly try that stuff out soon .

Well that’s definitely a good thing that they dropped. I know aas can mess up lipids, some worse than others but I would think most don’t get too bad unless using them long term. I could be wrong tho as currently besides T I only ever take proviron and I only use it when I want a boost in libido. Anyway I was just suggesting that you take a break soon and allow everything to return to normal and then some to avoid getting atherosclerosis in your 30’s like Chris Farley (his was from being obese), my point wasn’t to make you feel bad
As for the cholesterol, its what you want on cycle, thats how u no u got legit gear dude.
Im sorry sir, but this is really fucking stupid logic. You have to be trolling

Take a break or don’t, but your numbers are all fucked up like terminator said. Yes, especially those triglycerides
Well that’s definitely a good thing that they dropped. I know aas can mess up lipids, some worse than others but I would think most don’t get too bad unless using them long term. I could be wrong tho as currently besides T I only ever take proviron and I only use it when I want a boost in libido. Anyway I was just suggesting that you take a break soon and allow everything to return to normal and then some to avoid getting atherosclerosis in your 30’s like Chris Farley (his was from being obese), my point wasn’t to make you feel bad

Im sure all the coke going up Farelys nose didnt help either
never got the bloat, but have the tingly hands and feet, just annoying. But love the sleep and fat burning, going up to 4 iu per day when I start my next cycle at the end of the month, should be interesting
BTW, listened to you guys and started on the dandelion root, and the tingly feeling is going away
@EQ Kimball

Get ready boys.

As requested. Brewing up a small batch of EQ 300

Start by mixing the EQ and BB while heating slightly. Add BA followed by 1/3 of the total amount of oil. Let that get up to temp.

Add in remaining 2/3 of oil20180909_061202.jpg

Allow that to heat up to proper temperature.

Filter: .22um 500mL Foxx Autofil PP - Nylon Filter

Hook up vacuum hose

Turn on power to vacuum pump
As requested. Brewing up a small batch of EQ 300

Start by mixing the EQ and BB while heating slightly. Add BA followed by 1/3 of the total amount of oil. Let that get up to temp.
View attachment 97371

Add in remaining 2/3 of oilView attachment 97372

Allow that to heat up to proper temperature.
View attachment 97367

Filter: .22um 500mL Foxx Autofil PP - Nylon Filter
View attachment 97373
View attachment 97366

Hook up vacuum hose
View attachment 97368

Turn on power to vacuum pump
View attachment 97370
View attachment 97369

Ty for sharing AA[emoji1373][emoji4]

Damn. I haven’t been around here too long but I think this is the first lab that’s came through with the request of showing the lab setup.