Have it ready in a few days.
Brewed up a ton of shit this weekend and ran out of clean glassware. I usually let it sit for a few days before I vial it just to make sure it doesn't crash. Matter of fact I did so much brewing I burned out the magnetic stirrer on my hot plate.
Did you already post pictures of your brew setup and I missed it? Seems the oils are going out to everyone not just the clients you had prior to coming here. Do you still plan on posting the pictures? Sorry if you did and I missed it.
Based on customer demand/requests I'll be adding the following products to my list over the upcoming weeks

1. Nebido (1000mg × 4mL amp) - Bayer Schering
2. Femara (Letrozol) 2.5mg × 30 tabs - Novartis
3. Ovitrelle r-HCG
4. Accutane (20mg × 30 tabs) - Roche
5. Lipitor (10mg × 30 tabs) - Pfizer
6. Diovan (160mg × 28 tabs) - Novartis
7. Co-Diovan (160mg/25mg × 28 tabs) - Novartis

Can you get any Telmisartan? It is superior to Diovan(Valsartan).

And what price will the Lipitor be?
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Are they domestic and does that price include shipping?

I'm thinking like $200. Will have to crunch some numbers.

I only grabbed like 5 of them cuz I wasn't sure of the demand. Should I grab a few more?
Forget my post bro. They haven’t been vetted yet and possibly a scammer. They are international and charge $15 shipping. Looks like you got him beat.
Did you already post pictures of your brew setup and I missed it? Seems the oils are going out to everyone not just the clients you had prior to coming here. Do you still plan on posting the pictures? Sorry if you did and I missed it.
Haven’t seen brew pics setup yet either, but he also hasn’t publicly posted his oil prices yet. He said he will post the lab setup pics when he goes public with his oils.
Haven’t seen brew pics setup yet either, but he also hasn’t publicly posted his oil prices yet. He said he will post the lab setup pics when he goes public with his oils.

I posted pics of the 2 or 3 cases of bottle top filters. Do you really need to see them on top of the bottle?

I'll be brewing up a few other things today/tomorrow so I'll be sure to take a few pics
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I posted pics of the 2 or 3 cases of bottle top filters. Do you really need to see them on top of the bottle?

I'll be brewing up a few other things today/tomorrow so I'll be sure to take a few pics
I’m good, but is there more forthcoming? Just going off of your own replies/posts that more pics of your setup will be forthcoming at the appropriate times.
Based on customer demand/requests I'll be adding the following products to my list over the upcoming weeks

1. Nebido (1000mg × 4mL amp) - Bayer Schering
2. Femara (Letrozol) 2.5mg × 30 tabs - Novartis
3. Ovitrelle r-HCG
4. Accutane (20mg × 30 tabs) - Roche
5. Lipitor (10mg × 30 tabs) - Pfizer
6. Diovan (160mg × 28 tabs) - Novartis
7. Co-Diovan (160mg/25mg × 28 tabs) - Novartis
Hi @Anonymous_anabolics , when will your Ovitrelle r-HCG be in stock?
yeah, but are those prices int or domestic?- I wouldnt expect someone domestic to have prices lower than int
Ive never tried phentermine- doesnt seem worth it to me- does the shit work well and when you stop, does the weight come back on? Seems as if it would
PS- also, doesnt it skyrocket your BP?
International. However, Pharmasource often gets packs to me in a week...he isn't usually much slower than domestic. I wouldn't expect a domestic source to be cheaper than international either, but if he can come close, then I would most certainly buy from the domestic.

I have never used phentermine, so I have no idea.