That’s what I was wondering, is it worth taking. I think I could push my doc hard enough to prescribe it, but he made it sound like my tolerance would build on it and after a few months, ambien would be no longer effective. Then I’d have a long period where I couldn’t sleep. I’ll look into this zoplicone, thank you for sharing your personal experience with ambien.

Zoplicone is the first option to go to. I can't get asleep but I seem to sleep once I'm out. Zoplicone carries more drowsiness if you only get 5/6 hours of sleep.
Ambien wears off in 4-5 hours so you wake up more rested.
Only the usa has ambien XR. So I can't say how that works vs not xr.

If you abuse ambien yes tolerance becomes an issue. But not in a few months.
I reset with a month of zoplicone 6-7 months ago and I'm back good with ambien no issues.
It's my preferred medication.

Lots to go into feel free if you want to pm me.
I've tried almost all sleeping pills and seroquel.
And after it all I'm on a tiny dose of seroquel and ambien. However I will argue to avoid seroquel to last resort.
Zoplicone is the first option to go to. I can't get asleep but I seem to sleep once I'm out. Zoplicone carries more drowsiness if you only get 5/6 hours of sleep.
Ambien wears off in 4-5 hours so you wake up more rested.
Only the usa has ambien XR. So I can't say how that works vs not xr.

If you abuse ambien yes tolerance becomes an issue. But not in a few months.
I reset with a month of zoplicone 6-7 months ago and I'm back good with ambien no issues.
It's my preferred medication.

Lots to go into feel free if you want to pm me.
I've tried almost all sleeping pills and seroquel.
And after it all I'm on a tiny dose of seroquel and ambien. However I will argue to avoid seroquel to last resort.
Never abused it and built up a tolerance within a few weeks, doubled my dose and that lasted me about 6 months...I’m sure there are people that gonyears without building up a tolerance but that wasn’t the case with me.

Don't get hooked on benzos , they are a nightmare to come off of and you can literally drop dead from benzo withdrawal

A much better option is seroquel (quetiapine) 50mg at night and you'll sleep great. AND coming off is no problem whatsoever

My personal experience with seroquel:

Couple years ago after my old roommate got pancreatitis for the 6th time, he went into a long rehab and came out on all kinds of drugs including seroquel. I went through a period of high anxiety where I couldn’t sleep on anything, so he gave me a few 100mg pills. Best sleep ever. As an anti psychotic it affects your neurotransmitters and is a mood stabilizer. After 3 weeks he was running low, so I had to go without. Absolutely zero sleep for 3 nights. Like not even nodding off for a second. I went to my doc first chance and he fucking prescribed it to me lol. Said the same thing, non addictive, no weight gain. So I took it for 2 months, put on 8 pounds of fat with no change in nutrition or training, and slowly tapered down my dose for 5 weeks until I was off and back on trazodone. 1 week after coming off I was able to sleep again. That extra fat came off after about 2 months.

Some studies show it slows metabolism by affecting thyroid function. I know some that take it with no problems. Proceed very carefully with seroquel.
Zoplicone is the first option to go to. I can't get asleep but I seem to sleep once I'm out. Zoplicone carries more drowsiness if you only get 5/6 hours of sleep.
Ambien wears off in 4-5 hours so you wake up more rested.
Only the usa has ambien XR. So I can't say how that works vs not xr.

If you abuse ambien yes tolerance becomes an issue. But not in a few months.
I reset with a month of zoplicone 6-7 months ago and I'm back good with ambien no issues.
It's my preferred medication.

Lots to go into feel free if you want to pm me.
I've tried almost all sleeping pills and seroquel.
And after it all I'm on a tiny dose of seroquel and ambien. However I will argue to avoid seroquel to last resort.

Awesome first hand info, thank you.
You are fucking retarded if you think seroquel is better. Seroquel is a fucking nightmare.
When you are dependent on that, you cannot sleep for days without it. The Side effects of that are insane.
As someone that is on both.
It's an antipsychotic, soooo many bad things about it.

My personal experience with seroquel:

Couple years ago after my old roommate got pancreatitis for the 6th time, he went into a long rehab and came out on all kinds of drugs including seroquel. I went through a period of high anxiety where I couldn’t sleep on anything, so he gave me a few 100mg pills. Best sleep ever. As an anti psychotic it affects your neurotransmitters and is a mood stabilizer. After 3 weeks he was running low, so I had to go without. Absolutely zero sleep for 3 nights. Like not even nodding off for a second. I went to my doc first chance and he fucking prescribed it to me lol. Said the same thing, non addictive, no weight gain. So I took it for 2 months, put on 8 pounds of fat with no change in nutrition or training, and slowly tapered down my dose for 5 weeks until I was off and back on trazodone. 1 week after coming off I was able to sleep again. That extra fat came off after about 2 months.

Some studies show it slows metabolism by affecting thyroid function. I know some that take it with no problems. Proceed very carefully with seroquel.
Yes seroquel will be fucked up when you immediately stop. That's why you taper off and have 1 night of bad sleep.

As for negative effect those are only associated with doses of 500mg+ with those who take it for antipsychotic effects.

50mg ? Yeah I'm fucking retarded
Antibiotics always good to have domestic at a decent price. I always try to keep a small stock pile but if you need something you don’t have in a pinch, it’s the doctor or European shipping times (most of the time)

Or your local pet store[emoji4]
I have some Ciprofloxacin in stock just in case

Accutane - ordered
2. Phentermine - can get it will order
3. Ephedrine - can get it will order
4. Ovitrelle - ordered
5. Dyazide - ordered
6. Nebido - ordered
7. B12 - ordered
8. Lipitor - ordered
9. telmisartan - ordered

Injectables requested:

NPP @200mg/ml
Anadrol Inj - will be adding soon
Winstrol Inj (oil-based) - already on the list
EQ @300mg/ml - already on the list
Trestolone - raws ordered
Test Iso/TPP blend - raws ordered
tren Ace 200mg/ml - will be adding soon
I have some Ciprofloxacin in stock just in case

Accutane - ordered
2. Phentermine - can get it will order
3. Ephedrine - can get it will order
4. Ovitrelle - ordered
5. Dyazide - ordered
6. Nebido - ordered
7. B12 - ordered
8. Lipitor - ordered
9. telmisartan - ordered

Injectables requested:

NPP @200mg/ml
Anadrol Inj - will be adding soon
Winstrol Inj (oil-based) - already on the list
EQ @300mg/ml - already on the list
Trestolone - raws ordered
Test Iso/TPP blend - raws ordered
tren Ace 200mg/ml - will be adding soon

Damn fellas, that’s what I call SERVICE!
Hey brutha @Anonymous_anabolics , your primo e 200mg/ml carrier is EO? I am lucky enough that EO does not give me any grief

I ipinned 3 ml in my delt last nite. No problems at all with pip. Not sure if it’s EO. Perhaps @anonymous_anabolic knows about the batch I got from him. [emoji847]
I pin all my oil e5d. I like it like that.
Rn I’m running.
150 test e
600 primo
500 mast e

Wanna add tren ace and oil Winny. I mite have to bump up my test to 200mg e5d

I ipinned 3 ml in my delt last nite. No problems at all with pip. Not sure if it’s EO. Perhaps @anonymous_anabolic knows about the batch I got from him. [emoji847]
I pin all my oil e5d. I like it like that.
Rn I’m running.
150 test e
600 primo
500 mast e

Wanna add tren ace and oil Winny. I mite have to bump up my test to 200mg e5d

Some tetracycline would be just perfect!
I ipinned 3 ml in my delt last nite. No problems at all with pip. Not sure if it’s EO. Perhaps @anonymous_anabolic knows about the batch I got from him. [emoji847]
I pin all my oil e5d. I like it like that.
Rn I’m running.
150 test e
600 primo
500 mast e

Wanna add tren ace and oil Winny. I mite have to bump up my test to 200mg e5d

Bro like I've been telling you, you are going to love low test high tren! Especially with the mast and primo. Get ready