
Can get them and will order soon

I would like to highly suggest that you avoid selling drugs that cause people to blackout and can cause other adverse health effects, ie. Ambien and Seroquel. It’s just too damn easy to get these drug with you providing it as a domestic source and I believe that in the end you selling this will hurt individuals, your reputation as a whole and your business to some degree.

Without beating a dead horse, I’ll just say that I believe this strongly and want to spam your thread about it, but I know that you aren’t just some random source so I know you will take my advice seriously... I hope.

How about some crack

I quoted this because he gets it. You are crossing a line here. And it’s funny that others notice as well.
@Sdryx Well said. This isn’t stuff to play with. Addiction is real and can hit anyone. The answer to treating sides is NOT more medicine or dugs.

And I’m a firm believer that it’s not the steroids that kill, it’s all the crap these guys pile on top of the steroids. Wasn’t Piana heavily addicted to opioids? But big media looks at his size and draws the wrong conclusion.
@Roger rabbit is an awesome resource that we have here at our disposal and is ALWAYS willing to help others. Instead of making a grocery list of DRUGS to take, use the search function and search for posts by him along with terms like “sleep” and “anxiety”. He has posted much information that is MUCH more helpful and HEALTHY for the side effects that we deal with using peds and has much advice already posted throughout the forum.
Dude... Id think twice about selling any of that stuff .That's when guys get shut down . Uncle Leo may over look thousands of vials of test....he's after the narcotics
I know @Roger rabbit was big on talking about topical magnesium or something? I'm sure he can shed light on that. And the benefits of supplementing it due to the effects caffeine and such has on depleting it.
Dude... Id think twice about selling any of that stuff .That's when guys get shut down . Uncle Leo may over look thousands of vials of test....he's after the narcotics
This times a thousand, one thing to be a steroid dealer and user, this other stuff is a whole different ball game, where something happens, and they go after the source and customers
It’s an antifungal but when taken orally it had antiandrogen effects by reducing serum T levels, but it doesn’t get into systemic circulation when applied topically. The theory i guess is it may reduce androgens specifically dht at the scalp tissue. Definitely not something you want to rely on as your sole anti hair loss tool. Rogaine and/or propecia/finasteride and duasteride are effective, the latter 2 more effective but I don’t touch those as the reduction of dht can have serious side effects, ed, loss of libido, decrease in ejaculatory fluid, decrease in sperm count, muscle loss and these side effects can be permanent even if you stop them. I only use rogaine, ketoconazole I use anyway for dandruff and vitamins.
Can you cite any sources for this? I got into an argument with some fuckstick about how Rogaine nearly destroyed me sexually
You guys need to STOP fucking around with these meds. I have a background in this stuff and you guys have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are doing and the risks you are taking. These are NOT peds that are “relatively” safe to play around with.

1. Benzo dependency starts within 2 weeks at ANY DOSAGE. It’s physiologicaly unavoidable. It starts small then builds up. Good luck getting off. You have been warned!

2. Do you have any idea what “Tardive Dyskinesia” is? I’m guessing no since you are suggesting an Antipsychotic med as a sleep aid! Look up the term. It’s something you get from taking the medicine that you DON’T FUCKING WANT!!!!!!!!!!! It’s serious and lasts for life! Why on earth you are suggesting a potentially LIFE ALTERING drug to someone who needs “sleep” and isn’t dealing with a severe mental health issue is fucking retarded!

Stop messing around with sleep drugs unless you know what the fuck you are doing. Benzos and antipsychotics ARE NOT SLEEP AIDS!
Ok, your right, wasn't aware of tarditive whatever it's called.
I'm a recovering benzo addict, didn't want to say it here but yeah. In treatment the psych prescribed be seroquel to take while I was going to withdrawals, been on it ever since.

I want to get off it, he said there's no real long term effects to worry about so I have given up on getting of until now. I only suggested it because o still believe it is a better resource then benzos just because I know what they can do.

But truthfully fuck them both
I would like to highly suggest that you avoid selling drugs that cause people to blackout and can cause other adverse health effects, ie. Ambien and Seroquel. It’s just too damn easy to get these drug with you providing it as a domestic source and I believe that in the end you selling this will hurt individuals, your reputation as a whole and your business to some degree.

Without beating a dead horse, I’ll just say that I believe this strongly and want to spam your thread about it, but I know that you aren’t just some random source so I know you will take my advice seriously... I hope.

I quoted this because he gets it. You are crossing a line here. And it’s funny that others notice as well.

That’s not entirely fair bro. I haven’t had REM sleep in weeks now with how intense my life life. I feel
As if everyone is entitled to a good nite sleep, so they can rest n grow.
@Roger rabbit is an awesome resource that we have here at our disposal and is ALWAYS willing to help others. Instead of making a grocery list of DRUGS to take, use the search function and search for posts by him along with terms like “sleep” and “anxiety”. He has posted much information that is MUCH more helpful and HEALTHY for the side effects that we deal with using peds and has much advice already posted throughout the forum.

These remedies don’t work for everyone.

Definitely not trying to argue of fuss with you brutha. I just struggle so bad with sleeping. I’d suck a dick for a good nite sleep.
Guys, please don't think I'm being a douche; but I am a little worried about some of the things requested.
Particular things that have physiological/psychological addiction possibilities, like Ambien, are problematic for us as a community.
Not only is that medication addictive; but if not taken properly it can and will cause you to do things while asleep and you will have total amnesia of it.
My ex-wife took Ambien for a little while. One night while I was at work, she left our 2 infant children at home; and drove to Waffle House at 4 AM. The closest one to where I live is an hour away. I found the takeout box and receipt on the bar when I got home at 8; and she asked me when I went to Waffle House. She honestly didn't believe it was her until I showed her the receipt with the last 4 of her CC number on it. That could have been disastrous.
And Seroquel?? I'm sure lots of us here know what Q-ball is. If you don't know, it is a cocaine-seroquel combo; and it's actually still pretty popular. Literature says seroquel is not addictive; but emerging studies are tending to show evidence otherwise. I just feel concerned about things like this being treated flippantly. There are quite a few in recovery here; and we need to be mindful of how someone could be tempted to use/abuse anything mind/mood altering.
I saw in the past that one of the raw suppliers has carisoprodol (Soma). That stuff is one of the most addictive and respiratory depressive things around. The prescribing literature and package inserts downplay the dependency associated with it; but I know for certain that it is addictive and very commonly abused recreationally.

All the AAS, ancillaries, hGH, and even THC we use are either illegal to have, or we get them illegally. I have no problem with any of that because there is no great physiological or psychological addiction.
But some of the stuff people are wanting seems like a scary precursor to bigger problems.

Also, please, for the love of God, don't just arbitrarily decide on an antibiotic and take it. Get some advice from someone before you decide what to treat your self-diagnosed infection with. We already have enough resistant superbugs out there; and we are running out of ways to kill them.
Anyone is more than welcome to ask me about antibiotic selection; and I will do the best I can to help. Or @Jackreature is probably a really good resource. Giving medical advice sight-unseen goes against everything we were taught; but I already know seeing a doc is the last thing anyone wants to do.

I apologize if this, in any way, seems like a dig at Anonymous Anabolics. He is just trying to give what is asked.
Just please be careful what you ask for.

OK, I'm done being a safety conscious dickhead. Just had to say it.

You guys need to STOP fucking around with these meds. I have a background in this stuff and you guys have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are doing and the risks you are taking. These are NOT peds that are “relatively” safe to play around with.

1. Benzo dependency starts within 2 weeks at ANY DOSAGE. It’s physiologicaly unavoidable. It starts small then builds up. Good luck getting off. You have been warned!

2. Do you have any idea what “Tardive Dyskinesia” is? I’m guessing no since you are suggesting an Antipsychotic med as a sleep aid! Look up the term. It’s something you get from taking the medicine that you DON’T FUCKING WANT!!!!!!!!!!! It’s serious and lasts for life! Why on earth you are suggesting a potentially LIFE ALTERING drug to someone who needs “sleep” and isn’t dealing with a severe mental health issue is fucking retarded!

Stop messing around with sleep drugs unless you know what the fuck you are doing. Benzos and antipsychotics ARE NOT SLEEP AIDS!

I would like to highly suggest that you avoid selling drugs that cause people to blackout and can cause other adverse health effects, ie. Ambien and Seroquel. It’s just too damn easy to get these drug with you providing it as a domestic source and I believe that in the end you selling this will hurt individuals, your reputation as a whole and your business to some degree.

Without beating a dead horse, I’ll just say that I believe this strongly and want to spam your thread about it, but I know that you aren’t just some random source so I know you will take my advice seriously... I hope.

I quoted this because he gets it. You are crossing a line here. And it’s funny that others notice as well.

I agree...
While I do take seroquel and ambien. Both are monitored by a dr.
Seroquel especially you shouldn't be fucking with at all. It's great in theory but a whole new ball game. And if what so ever someone runs out, I don't think they understand the side effects that come with being short 1-3 days.
For someone experienced having extra ambien is okay. There are some sources that sell this. Especially to support Trensomnia.
But these 2 are getting into sticky territory.

Personally I want the ambiem xr because I can't get it in Canada. But for peoples safety and the sources safety I think this direction should be seriously considered.
I had a buddy that regularly uses meth and took serequel to come down from 3 day highs. They call them “Suzy Qs”. You don’t fuck with drugs that have nicknames or street names.
Pharma goods requested:

1. Accutane
2. Phentermine
3. Ephedrine
4. Ovitrelle
5. Dyazide
6. Nebido
7. B12
8. Lipitor
9. Telmisartan

Injectables requested:

NPP @200mg/ml
Anadrol Inj
Winstrol Inj (oil-based)
EQ @300mg/ml
Test Iso/TPP blend
Tren Ace 200mg/ml

Hell yes to the Dyazide. Man, tough to find.

Two additions to UGL stuff....
1. Boldenone Acetate
Is this possible @Anonymous_anabolics? I have only ever had one source that carried it. Would love to get my hands on it again.
2. Halo at 10mg per tab or ml of solution.
This times a thousand, one thing to be a steroid dealer and user, this other stuff is a whole different ball game, where something happens, and they go after the source and customers
Totally agree man. A huge percentage of "steroid dealers" who get busted and serve time ALSO were in possession and peddling S2 and S1 drugs. The DEA wants those; they don't care about S3 steroids (S5 in my home state..). A lot of guys who do time didn't do it because of the gear...the majority of their time is often from S1s.
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