This goes back to @Sdryx point of many who use steroids also use other prescription meds to counter sides such as caber ...which directly affects the left ventricle of the heart. But because you tubers preach use caber many use this drug wreckless like many other meds to counter sides which cause a slew of problems. It’s just the steroid was the gateway to having to use the other drugs that help exaggerate and speed health issues up.

Also, I feel many who decide to start using steroids never have their heart checked out in the first place to see if they already have a condition before even starting their very first cycle.

We often talk about baseline bloods but for some reason we never think to check our organs such as the heart to ensure over time we do not see the ventricles thickening or anything along those lines.

Yea I agree re the medications to treat side effects of other medications of other medications or bad lifestyles and diets. I’ve fallen victim myself, I used to have a bunch of meds I used to take but no longer need. And definitely agree that blood work won’t really tell you much about the size of your heart etc or whether you have defects. I personally had a 24 hour ecg test and a echocardiogram a couple times before using any steroid. Didn’t even think of steroids when I got them I was just paranoid lol.

One thing I would like to mention if people wish to use rx sleep aids limit use to no more than 2 maybe occasionally a 3rd night per week, basically use as little as possible.
Ah the closest thing I found re rogaine and libido was a healthline article that said something like “to date there were no studies but it’s certainly possible as a blood pressure medication”

I did find stories from guys on forums that claimed that rogaine caused them to have ed & low libido. What did it do to you if you don’t mind me asking? Wondering if I should be looking out for anything myself.
Bro, I was in my mid twenties. I could shoot a huge load of cum and hit my wife’s face when I pulled out or even shoot over her head. Started taking Rogaine and within a week my dick shriveled, nuts always pulled up into my body and lost all libido. IF I could sustain an erection, I could last forever in bed because I had zero sex drive. It took me a few months to recover after I stopped using it and my shooter was never the same after that.
Bro, I was in my mid twenties. I could shoot a huge load of cum and hit my wife’s face when I pulled out or even shoot over her head. Started taking Rogaine and within a week my dick shriveled, nuts always pulled up into my body and lost all libido. IF I could sustain an erection, I could last forever in bed because I had zero sex drive. It took me a few months to recover after I stopped using it and my shooter was never the same after that.

Damn that sounds terrible, I’ve had some periods of reduced libido that comes and goes but was having that problem before I started using rogaine, but I’ve noticed recently that I only get half boners when I wake up, I wonder if that and the slight reduction in sensitivity everywhere except the tip is related to rogaine. Right now I’m not having libido issues but I took 50mg of proviron, cialis yesterday.
Damn that sounds terrible, I’ve had some periods of reduced libido that comes and goes but was having that problem before I started using rogaine, but I’ve noticed recently that I only get half boners when I wake up, I wonder if that and the slight reduction in sensitivity everywhere except the tip is related to rogaine. Right now I’m not having libido issues but I took 50mg of proviron, cialis yesterday.
You’re (presumably) running other things that could also contribute to that. At the time, I wasn’t running anything, which is why it was easy to narrow it down to what was causing me issues. I’ll also throw in that my semen output was reduced GREATLY after this and never seemed to fully recover.
You’re (presumably) running other things that could also contribute to that. At the time, I wasn’t running anything, which is why it was easy to narrow it down to what was causing me issues. I’ll also throw in that my semen output was reduced GREATLY after this and never seemed to fully recover.

Just my dr prescribed trt dose and hCG (ovitrelle) which helps a lot, in my case I’m beginning to think it’s more mental than anything else but I’m always trying to eliminate any cause. Luckily it comes and goes and even when my libido is low I can still fuck but that urge is not there.

It’s strange that rogaine can fuck with libido since it’s a vasdodialator and doesn’t effect hormones, well actually there was 1 study that said rogaine does effect androgen receptors but only at the scalp. Not trying to say that rogaine doesn’t effect libido just that it’s weird and is probably not so common otherwise you’d think more people would say something but then again they and their dr may not even think of rogaine.
Just my dr prescribed trt dose and hCG (ovitrelle) which helps a lot, in my case I’m beginning to think it’s more mental than anything else but I’m always trying to eliminate any cause. Luckily it comes and goes and even when my libido is low I can still fuck but that urge is not there.

It’s strange that rogaine can fuck with libido since it’s a vasdodialator and doesn’t effect hormones, well actually there was 1 study that said rogaine does effect androgen receptors but only at the scalp. Not trying to say that rogaine doesn’t effect libido just that it’s weird and is probably not so common otherwise you’d think more people would say something but then again they and their dr may not even think of rogaine.
I’m sure there is more to it than we know and has been released to the public. I’ve talked to a couple guys who experienced very similar things that I did. I’m just glad it wasn’t permanent for me.
As I said before

I will not source any benzos or narcotics.

I do not believe any of the recent requests fall into either category. I will have to double check and see. However if I am wrong then they will not be ordered and whoever it was that asked is shit out of luck...sorry.

I'm not your doctor and I'm damn sure not your father. We're all grown adults. It's your responsibility to research any herb/otc/prescription med you put into your body. You should know the possible side effects and if there are any potential problems with abuse or dependency or if you yourself have any previous or current issues with addiction.

I'm not here to push anything on anyone. I'm merely providing a service. Who are we kidding I'm a fucking drug dealer. I've been in this business since I was 12 helping my older brother break up ounces of weed into nickel and dime bags. Anything we put into our bodies has the potential to cause some serious harm. Be smart about it. I recommend trying some alternatives to reaching for another pill or substance to add to the litany of shit we're already putting into our bodies but to each their own and I'm not here to judge. Just because I can find something doesn't mean it should be your first choice to use it. The last thing I want is to see anyone get hurt so above all else be smart and be safe.
White spots? Like this picture below, or red spots? Have they tried lamisl or lotrimin? Antifungal tablets are best left to more serious infections and you could create resistant fungi. Either way I’d recommend something other than ketoconazole, the oral version was pulled from the US due to liver toxicity.

View attachment 97718
Yes just like that, tried the selsin blue, she may have not have been as thorough in the details. I’ll tell her, thank you for the help
Few days in on primo 200.
Took 3 ml to my bowling ball size delt. No issues with pip at all. None! Zero! My only problem is I’m gonna run out in like 7 weeks [emoji22][emoji31][emoji20][emoji20][emoji33]
