Any suggestions on dosing? This is a box of meditropes from AA. Blacks
What batch , 39 ? for your first run start at 2iu for 2-3 weeks then bump to 3iu for another 2-3 weeks , and if you feel good level off at 4iu . You dont really need to do a whole lot more than that for a first run , more isnt nessisarily better with gh like most would have you believe. Main reason being if you dont handle the sides well its brutal in comparison to AAS side effect .
What batch , 39 ? for your first run start at 2iu for 2-3 weeks then bump to 3iu for another 2-3 weeks , and if you feel good level off at 4iu . You dont really need to do a whole lot more than that for a first run , more isnt nessisarily better with gh like most would have you believe. Main reason being if you dont handle the sides well its brutal in comparison to AAS side effect .

I’m running batch #41 I believe.
Thank you for the feed back. That sounds like my plan of action. Very excited to see what happens.
What batch , 39 ? for your first run start at 2iu for 2-3 weeks then bump to 3iu for another 2-3 weeks , and if you feel good level off at 4iu . You dont really need to do a whole lot more than that for a first run , more isnt nessisarily better with gh like most would have you believe. Main reason being if you dont handle the sides well its brutal in comparison to AAS side effect .
I can attest to that. The sides I had in my hands was brutal, and that was only on 3iu
I’m running batch #41 I believe.
Thank you for the feed back. That sounds like my plan of action. Very excited to see what happens.

GH should be looked at as a journey not a short term plan in my opinion bull.

You probably won't notice a lot the first month with the possible exceptions of better sleep and perhaps a little numbness in your hands at times. It begins to shine after several months of use.
I’m running batch #39 at the moment. I’m on my 7 week. First 5 weeks I ran 2ius 7days a week zero sides. The last two weeks I bumped it up to 3ius but 5days a week. Still no sides so far. Gonna bump it up to 4ius when start my “bulk” next month. Happy with my gh run thus far. It’s my first real go at it, had some Jin’s a few years ago but they turned out to be fake so I don’t count that lol.
GH should be looked at as a journey not a short term plan in my opinion bull.

You probably won't notice a lot the first month with the possible exceptions of better sleep and perhaps a little numbness in your hands at times. It begins to shine after several months of use.

Very excited. I’m gonna make this one count[emoji4]
Gonna work my ass off
How many iu?

I started at 2iu for the first 3 weeks. Then to 3iu for 3-4 weeks, then 3.5iu for another 3weeks, then to 4iu and that's where I stayed for the remainder of the cycle.

I only increased the dose after the sides subsided. Give my body time to adjust to the extra gh. Plus it really stretched out the kit.

I think too many guys jump right into the deep end before learning how to swim. Start at too high a dose and once the sides kick in they are almost debilitating and actually detrimental to their goals.
I started at 2iu for the first 3 weeks. Then to 3iu for 3-4 weeks, then 3.5iu for another 3weeks, then to 4iu and that's where I stayed for the remainder of the cycle.

I only increased the dose after the sides subsided. Give my body time to adjust to the extra gh. Plus it really stretched out the kit.

I think too many guys jump right into the deep end before learning how to swim. Start at too high a dose and once the sides kick in they are almost debilitating and actually detrimental to their goals.

I’m gonna start with 2iu.
Hey, what’s better administration, im or subq?
Subq definitely.

Using slin pins builds up much less scar tissue

Noted. Ty for the feedback.
I’ll start it in the morning
Oh ya, I’m loving this primo brutha. Smooov AF! I’m starting to see the primo in action. Primo transforms my physique into something that looks ANABOLIC AF! [emoji4]

Noted. Ty for the feedback.
I’ll start it in the morning

No problem. Make sure you keep us updated on the progress with your 1st run.

Some other notes
Watch your salt intake. That can add to the bloating

If bloat becomes too bad can try taking dandelion root supplements

Reconstitute with 1.5mL of bac water so every 10 line on slin pin equals 1iu
No problem. Make sure you keep us updated on the progress with your 1st run.

Some other notes
Watch your salt intake. That can add to the bloating

If bloat becomes too bad can try taking dandelion root supplements

Reconstitute with 1.5mL of bac water so every 10 line on slin pin equals 1iu

I’m doing it now. I’m gently rolling the vial so it reconstituted properly.
It kinda looks like a thin oil now[emoji4]