I pinned 2iu subq tonite. I’ll be sure to report anecdotal reviews the best I can. I’m hearing good things about these medi’s[emoji4]
I started at 2iu for the first 3 weeks. Then to 3iu for 3-4 weeks, then 3.5iu for another 3weeks, then to 4iu and that's where I stayed for the remainder of the cycle.

I only increased the dose after the sides subsided. Give my body time to adjust to the extra gh. Plus it really stretched out the kit.

I think too many guys jump right into the deep end before learning how to swim. Start at too high a dose and once the sides kick in they are almost debilitating and actually detrimental to their goals.
Doing it this way, how long did the kit last? How long should someone try it for there first time? How high of a dose? I’m looking for more than just the general health benefit of it. And I’ve heard of GH gut, but read that only happens when you add slin along with it. Any truth to it? Sorry for all the questions. Just want all the info I can get on it.
Doing it this way, how long did the kit last? How long should someone try it for there first time? How high of a dose? I’m looking for more than just the general health benefit of it. And I’ve heard of GH gut, but read that only happens when you add slin along with it. Any truth to it? Sorry for all the questions. Just want all the info I can get on it.

My first run too so I’m just as curious as you.
I pinned 2iu subq tonite. I’ll be sure to report anecdotal reviews the best I can. I’m hearing good things about these medi’s[emoji4]

They are great quality but my supplier can't keep up with my demand.

I've purchased kits from 5 different manufacturers recently. Once I have samples of all the different kits I'm sending it all out for testing. Hopefully at least one of them come back just as good as these Meditropes.

I hate to go someplace else but I'm getting sick and tired of the bullshit from my current supplier. He doesn't want my money I'll gladly take it somewhere else that can keep the fridge stocked with quality gh.
Doing it this way, how long did the kit last? How long should someone try it for there first time? How high of a dose? I’m looking for more than just the general health benefit of it. And I’ve heard of GH gut, but read that only happens when you add slin along with it. Any truth to it? Sorry for all the questions. Just want all the info I can get on it.
At 3iu ed a kit of black tops will last you 50 days. This is a good starting point.
Doing it this way, how long did the kit last? How long should someone try it for there first time? How high of a dose? I’m looking for more than just the general health benefit of it. And I’ve heard of GH gut, but read that only happens when you add slin along with it. Any truth to it? Sorry for all the questions. Just want all the info I can get on it.

Those Meditrope are actually 150iu kits so there's quite a lot more in them than your standard 100iu kit.

Simple math
3 weeks at 2iu = 3 × 7 × 2 = 42iu
3 weeks at 3iu = 3 × 7 × 3 = 63iu
2 weeks at 3.5iu = 49iu

So just shy of 8 weeks 1 kit would last.

A solid gh cycle your looking at 3-4 months if not a little longer.

I've been running gh for almost the past year straight but I don't go over 4iu daily. No signs of gh gut. I've ran it with slin for a little while and still no signs of gh gut. I think that's seen more with the massive doses of like 10iu or more daily. Doses you see the pros use.
Those Meditrope are actually 150iu kits so there's quite a lot more in them than your standard 100iu kit.

Simple math
3 weeks at 2iu = 3 × 7 × 2 = 42iu
3 weeks at 3iu = 3 × 7 × 3 = 63iu
2 weeks at 3.5iu = 49iu

So just shy of 8 weeks 1 kit would last.

A solid gh cycle your looking at 3-4 months if not a little longer.

I've been running gh for almost the past year straight but I don't go over 4iu daily. No signs of gh gut. I've ran it with slin for a little while and still no signs of gh gut. I think that's seen more with the massive doses of like 10iu or more daily. Doses you see the pros use.
Cool, thanks man. Good info
They are great quality but my supplier can't keep up with my demand.

I've purchased kits from 5 different manufacturers recently. Once I have samples of all the different kits I'm sending it all out for testing. Hopefully at least one of them come back just as good as these Meditropes.

I hate to go someplace else but I'm getting sick and tired of the bullshit from my current supplier. He doesn't want my money I'll gladly take it somewhere else that can keep the fridge stocked with quality gh.

The struggle is real my friend
For a complete noob to HGH would 2IU per day suffice in your experience? Or would you recommend 1IU?

Depends on your goals.

They say the dosage is directly correlated to a specific goal

For example
1-2iu for anti-aging
2-4iu for fat loss
5iu+ for muscle building

2iu is a good starting point. If your concerned about the negative sides you can always start at 1iu for a few weeks to see how it goes and increase it from there.
Has anyone experienced hair growth or better hair condition with gh use? Or any healing properties?

Usually I only hear about visceral fat loss, fuller muscles and improved sleep.
Has anyone experienced hair growth or better hair condition with gh use? Or any healing properties?

Usually I only hear about visceral fat loss, fuller muscles and improved sleep.
Never ran GH (this thread is making me want to try it lol) but I had a buddy that swore up and down that his vision got better. I have no clue if that's possible but he was convinced. Lol
Never ran GH (this thread is making me want to try it lol) but I had a buddy that swore up and down that his vision got better. I have no clue if that's possible but he was convinced. Lol
Me too. Soon as I get my bonus from work at the end of the year I’m buying at least a 6 month supply to try. I wanna make it worth it and 6 months sounds like a nice round number to try.
Never ran GH (this thread is making me want to try it lol) but I had a buddy that swore up and down that his vision got better. I have no clue if that's possible but he was convinced. Lol
hasn't affected my hair or vision
No problem. Make sure you keep us updated on the progress with your 1st run.

Some other notes
Watch your salt intake. That can add to the bloating

If bloat becomes too bad can try taking dandelion root supplements

Reconstitute with 1.5mL of bac water so every 10 line on slin pin equals 1iu

How long until I get bloated
Quick question bros. Can you desensitize to testosterone? At this point im happy cycling test along with HCG, 12 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Currently half way thru my cycle. I know you can desensitize to tren, but ive heard otherwise with test.
Quick question bros. Can you desensitize to testosterone? At this point im happy cycling test along with HCG, 12 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Currently half way thru my cycle. I know you can desensitize to tren, but ive heard otherwise with test.

Half lives man... half lives...

If you are blasting for 12 weeks then going off for 4 weeks... then you are likely NEVER off!