Auto-list worked fine for me last night...

Thinking of testing the waters here with either his test e or c...for those using either, how is the pip? Thinking of going with cyp, only worry is the crashing.
Auto-list worked fine for me last night...

Thinking of testing the waters here with either his test e or c...for those using either, how is the pip? Thinking of going with cyp, only worry is the crashing.
no crashing, no PIP- I have used a complete vial of the test c- why would you worry about crashing? It is 250 mg/ml- Its all good
Yes just like that, tried the selsin blue, she may have not have been as thorough in the details. I’ll tell her, thank you for the help

Tinea versicolor. Gotta leave the selsun blue on for at least 10 min and use twice daily but if it’s more severe then 2.5% would be needed. If a dr were to give tablets they’d give fluconazole or itraconazole but always better to avoid those. The skin has to be kept dry the yeast thrives in moisture so another route would be rubbing alcohol, worked for jock itch and it drys the skin. But I’d go with tabs as last resort
Tinea versicolor. Gotta leave the selsun blue on for at least 10 min and use twice daily but if it’s more severe then 2.5% would be needed. If a dr were to give tablets they’d give fluconazole or itraconazole but always better to avoid those. The skin has to be kept dry the yeast thrives in moisture so another route would be rubbing alcohol, worked for jock itch and it drys the skin. But I’d go with tabs as last resort
Will definitely tell her, thanks for the info. Had no idea ketoconozole was so toxic. That’s why I love this place.
I’m looking for oral ketoconozole for a friend who has skin problem on their back. There are funny spots coming up on their back

Have your friend go to a dermatologist. Ketoconozole shampoo is great for psoriasis of the scalp. The topical ketoconazole isn't nearly as effective for the same issue not on the scalp.

There are a lot of really good choices for skin issues now that weren't available 20 years ago once they have been properly diagnosed. Self diagnosis and medicating is a lot more difficult.
Have your friend go to a dermatologist. Ketoconozole shampoo is great for psoriasis of the scalp. The topical ketoconazole isn't nearly as effective for the same issue not on the scalp.

There are a lot of really good choices for skin issues now that weren't available 20 years ago once they have been properly diagnosed. Self diagnosis and medicating is a lot more difficult.
It’s on her back, she got selsun blue and is going to give that a try. She tried it once before and claimed it didn’t work but I think it was half hearted effort. Thanks for the help @The Terminator and @Masters Power
Just ordered my second batch of test e because my girlfriend was raging and threw my shit, shattering my vials lmao. Anyway excellent, professional service by AA. Arrived in 3 days from when I ordered it. I feel fucking amazing on this shit, thanks again bro.
my girlfriend was raging and threw my shit, shattering my vials lmao
Lol be careful with your girl knowing about gear. I've seen chicks use gear as a reason to gain custody of kids. Not saying that's your case or how long you've been together is none of my business but.... Girls are fucking nuts.
Just ordered my second batch of test e because my girlfriend was raging and threw my shit, shattering my vials lmao. Anyway excellent, professional service by AA. Arrived in 3 days from when I ordered it. I feel fucking amazing on this shit, thanks again bro.
Put the pieces in her fucking shoes and see if that happens again.
Just ordered my second batch of test e because my girlfriend was raging and threw my shit, shattering my vials lmao. Anyway excellent, professional service by AA. Arrived in 3 days from when I ordered it. I feel fucking amazing on this shit, thanks again bro.

Not bashing the guy, just wanting to keep things transparent for everyone.

A week since payment and no shipment (have been in contact with and am being kept informed), just wanted to keep everyone up to date on shipping and ETAs.
Not bashing the guy, just wanting to keep things transparent for everyone.

A week since payment and no shipment (have been in contact with and am being kept informed), just wanted to keep everyone up to date on shipping and ETAs.

My apologies. It should be going out today. With my mom, niece, and nephew stopping by unexpectedly and staying the weekend it really threw a wrench into my schedule. Planned to spend the weekend in the lab restocking the orals but I couldn't get away to get anything done.
My apologies. It should be going out today. With my mom, niece, and nephew stopping by unexpectedly and staying the weekend it really threw a wrench into my schedule. Planned to spend the weekend in the lab restocking the orals but I couldn't get away to get anything done.
Effing family lol
My apologies. It should be going out today. With my mom, niece, and nephew stopping by unexpectedly and staying the weekend it really threw a wrench into my schedule. Planned to spend the weekend in the lab restocking the orals but I couldn't get away to get anything done.
Yeah no worries, like i said not bashing and i was informed. Just wanted to keep it transparent.
I’m gonna start gh today. First times.

Any suggestions on dosing? This is a box of meditropes from AA. Blacks.

Current gear:

200 mg test wk
600 primo wk
500 mast wk
50 mg winny ed

Will be adding Tren ace if I can get some. Or bold cyp. Or DHB

Any suggestions on the gh dose that would compliment this cycle? Ty bros