You guys need to STOP fucking around with these meds. I have a background in this stuff and you guys have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are doing and the risks you are taking. These are NOT peds that are “relatively” safe to play around with.

1. Benzo dependency starts within 2 weeks at ANY DOSAGE. It’s physiologicaly unavoidable. It starts small then builds up. Good luck getting off. You have been warned!

2. Do you have any idea what “Tardive Dyskinesia” is? I’m guessing no since you are suggesting an Antipsychotic med as a sleep aid! Look up the term. It’s something you get from taking the medicine that you DON’T FUCKING WANT!!!!!!!!!!! It’s serious and lasts for life! Why on earth you are suggesting a potentially LIFE ALTERING drug to someone who needs “sleep” and isn’t dealing with a severe mental health issue is fucking retarded!

Stop messing around with sleep drugs unless you know what the fuck you are doing. Benzos and antipsychotics ARE NOT SLEEP AIDS!

I understand and respect your POV. Let’s get one thing strate tho. Not one time did anyone mention they will source BENZOS. There are no benzos on the list and AA made it clear not to ask for them. For those of us that have trouble getting sleep, ambien is a life saver. Next month I gotta wake up at 4am start my winter job. I’ll be setting chokers and running a saw all day and I need all the sleep I can get.
I would like to highly suggest that you avoid selling drugs that cause people to blackout and can cause other adverse health effects, ie. Ambien and Seroquel. It’s just too damn easy to get these drug with you providing it as a domestic source and I believe that in the end you selling this will hurt individuals, your reputation as a whole and your business to some degree.

Without beating a dead horse, I’ll just say that I believe this strongly and want to spam your thread about it, but I know that you aren’t just some random source so I know you will take my advice seriously... I hope.

I quoted this because he gets it. You are crossing a line here. And it’s funny that others notice as well.
I've had several years experience with prescribed Seroquel. One that sticks out is getting up in the middle of the night , to take a piss, losing consciousness over the toilet, waking up with fucked up teeth and bloodied. I was able to call 911, I lived alone, crawled to the front door to let the paramedics in the door...This was diagnosed\caused by Syncope, brought on by Seroquel..This was part of my experience with Seroquel........
I understand and respect your POV. Let’s get one thing strate tho. Not one time did anyone mention they will source BENZOS. There are no benzos on the list and AA made it clear not to ask for them. For those of us that have trouble getting sleep, ambien is a life saver. Next month I gotta wake up at 4am start my winter job. I’ll be setting chokers and running a saw all day and I need all the sleep I can get.
Ambien is a nonbenzodiazepines. It’s interaction with synapses and mechanisms of action are actually quite similar.

Results from such actions do sometimes cause people to have erratic, benzo-type “behavior,” blackout, whatever you prefer to call it.

It’s one of those drugs that (for me personally) lies south of benzos like xanax but north of something like seroquel or trazadone... but closer to xanax.

I honestly have no idea how quick ambien would make LE jump on this source, but why risk it? It’s pretty easy to get all this shit internationally and get it through customs.


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Ambien is a nonbenzodiazepines. It’s interaction with synapses and mechanisms of action are actually quite similar.

Results from such actions do sometimes cause people to have erratic, benzo-type “behavior,” blackout, whatever you prefer to call it.

It’s one of those drugs that (for me personally) lies south of benzos like xanax but north of something like seroquel or trazadone... but closer to xanax.

I honestly have no idea how quick ambien would make LE jump on this source, but why risk it? It’s pretty easy to get all this shit internationally and get it through customs.

I don’t think it’s something he’d put on the list , more like a special request
Can you cite any sources for this? I got into an argument with some fuckstick about how Rogaine nearly destroyed me sexually

Sources about the ketoconazole, propecia or rogaine? I don’t think there are many studies on rogaine causing low libido but there are many re propecia tho
@Sdryx Well said. This isn’t stuff to play with. Addiction is real and can hit anyone. The answer to treating sides is NOT more medicine or dugs.

And I’m a firm believer that it’s not the steroids that kill, it’s all the crap these guys pile on top of the steroids. Wasn’t Piana heavily addicted to opioids? But big media looks at his size and draws the wrong conclusion.

I disagree with the steroids not being dangerous statement. I had a friend that was barely out of his 20s who had a very enlarged heart with every other organ in poor health from all the years of steroid abuse. I think people are fooling themselves if they believe that steroids are safe or le doesn’t care about about steroid dealers. I’m not saying he should or shouldn’t get ambien, it’s pretty easy to get from any dr as long as you what to say, just wanted to mention that it is not a narcotic, morphine is an example of a narcotic.

I’m not being anti steroids here, but I wouldn’t call it safe tho. How many have had heart attacks, strokes etc?
I’m looking for oral ketoconozole for a friend who has skin problem on their back. There are funny spots coming up on their back
I understand and respect your POV. Let’s get one thing strate tho. Not one time did anyone mention they will source BENZOS. There are no benzos on the list and AA made it clear not to ask for them. For those of us that have trouble getting sleep, ambien is a life saver. Next month I gotta wake up at 4am start my winter job. I’ll be setting chokers and running a saw all day and I need all the sleep I can get.
I've done that job!! Hard work hope the terrain isn't to bad!!
Yeah, was looking for something specific for Rogaine

Ah the closest thing I found re rogaine and libido was a healthline article that said something like “to date there were no studies but it’s certainly possible as a blood pressure medication”

I did find stories from guys on forums that claimed that rogaine caused them to have ed & low libido. What did it do to you if you don’t mind me asking? Wondering if I should be looking out for anything myself.
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I’m looking for oral ketoconozole for a friend who has skin problem on their back. There are funny spots coming up on their back

White spots? Like this picture below, or red spots? Have they tried lamisl or lotrimin? Antifungal tablets are best left to more serious infections and you could create resistant fungi. Either way I’d recommend something other than ketoconazole, the oral version was pulled from the US due to liver toxicity.

Tenea versicolor. Use Selsun blue. Wet the skin a little, apply selsun blue, allow to sit and dry for 10-15 mins, shower and wash it off. Keep the area as dry as possible, do this until it clears up.
@Roger rabbit is an awesome resource that we have here at our disposal and is ALWAYS willing to help others. Instead of making a grocery list of DRUGS to take, use the search function and search for posts by him along with terms like “sleep” and “anxiety”. He has posted much information that is MUCH more helpful and HEALTHY for the side effects that we deal with using peds and has much advice already posted throughout the forum.

I do agree that when people get into this lifestyle or really, in life in general we tend to take one drug to counter the side effects of another... which is counter productive.

It’s best to step back and evaluate from a harm reduction stand point and ask yourself if this drug to counter that drug is really necessary.

When trying to use vitamins, minerals or even herbs such as adaptogen herbs... the results are not immediate like you typically find in a prescription medicine, but again it’s about trying to bring balance. So when going more of the balancing the body through vitamins, mineral or herbs you have to give it time to take affect, not hours.... but that is the problem in our lifestyle for many.... we want the here and now immediate gratification so we turn to more drugs to fix the under laying problem.

I’ll use tren for example, people get so many side effects and have to take 2,3,4 different drugs just to counter the sides.....if you are one of those individuals, then you have to step back and say was those small gains worth all those drugs? Unless you are competing at a high level... then the answer is probably no.
I disagree with the steroids not being dangerous statement. I had a friend that was barely out of his 20s who had a very enlarged heart with every other organ in poor health from all the years of steroid abuse. I think people are fooling themselves if they believe that steroids are safe or le doesn’t care about about steroid dealers. I’m not saying he should or shouldn’t get ambien, it’s pretty easy to get from any dr as long as you what to say, just wanted to mention that it is not a narcotic, morphine is an example of a narcotic.

I’m not being anti steroids here, but I wouldn’t call it safe tho. How many have had heart attacks, strokes etc?

This goes back to @Sdryx point of many who use steroids also use other prescription meds to counter sides such as caber ...which directly affects the left ventricle of the heart. But because you tubers preach use caber many use this drug wreckless like many other meds to counter sides which cause a slew of problems. It’s just the steroid was the gateway to having to use the other drugs that help exaggerate and speed health issues up.

Also, I feel many who decide to start using steroids never have their heart checked out in the first place to see if they already have a condition before even starting their very first cycle.

We often talk about baseline bloods but for some reason we never think to check our organs such as the heart to ensure over time we do not see the ventricles thickening or anything along those lines.
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White spots? Like this picture below, or red spots? Have they tried lamisl or lotrimin? Antifungal tablets are best left to more serious infections and you could create resistant fungi. Either way I’d recommend something other than ketoconazole, the oral version was pulled from the US due to liver toxicity.

View attachment 97718

Just use bleach. If it’s a fungi it will go away. No need for prescription drugs.

I went to the Bahamas once and came back with a fungus on my arm. Doc wanted to give me some prescription cream to put on.... said no thanks.... went home put some bleach on my arm several times a day and was gone in a few days.
Just use bleach. If it’s a fungi it will go away. No need for prescription drugs.

I went to the Bahamas once and came back with a fungus on my arm. Doc wanted to give me some prescription cream to put on.... said no thanks.... went home put some bleach on my arm several times a day and was gone in a few days.

Or rubbing alcohol, I had a mild case of jock itch and rubbing alcohol got rid of it after a couple days plus it kept everything dry. The yeast get resistant to those creams pretty fast.
Just use bleach. If it’s a fungi it will go away. No need for prescription drugs.

I went to the Bahamas once and came back with a fungus on my arm. Doc wanted to give me some prescription cream to put on.... said no thanks.... went home put some bleach on my arm several times a day and was gone in a few days.
You remember the father from my big fat green wedding who put windex on all cuts? LOL this made me think of that